Young adulthood is a period of multiple transitions, with individuals navigating changes in education and employment status, living situation, and relationships. Such role transitions are often positive for the individual. However, a study has shown that when young adults perceive transitions to have a negative impact on their lives, they experience more stress and are at increased risk for alcohol-related consequences. The research, published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, is based on data from 767 young adult drinkers, aged 18-23 years at time of recruitment, in the Pacific Northwest region.
Tag: user_id 13800
Argonne, New York Power Authority Plan for the Future in a Changing Climate
Argonne and the New York Power Authority are collaborating to determine how the utility’s infrastructure may be affected by extreme weather and other hazards.
Johns Hopkins Expert Can Discuss Apple’s Plan to Monitor iPhones for Child Sexual Abuse
Emergent Magnetic Monopoles Controlled at Room Temperature
Three dimensional (3D) nano-network promise a new era in modern solid state physics with numerous applications in photonics, bio-medicine, and spintronics. The realization of 3D magnetic nano-architectures could enable ultra-fast and low-energy data storage devices. Due to competing magnetic interactions in these systems magnetic charges or magnetic monopoles can emerge, which can be utilized as mobile, binary information carriers.
New, High-Resolution Models Merge Weather and Climate
Torrential rain and flooding have dominated the weather over the past few weeks. To forecast these weather events with greater accuracy and gain a better understanding of them against the backdrop of global climate change, ETH Zurich and partners are developing a new generation of high-resolution weather and climate models.
An Overactive Sweet Tooth May Spell Trouble for Our Cellular Powerplants
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (August 3, 2021) — The average American eats roughly 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day — more than three times the recommended amount for women and more than double the recommended amount for men.
Van Andel Institute welcomes cell signaling expert Dr. Stephanie Grainger to its faculty
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Aug. 5, 2021) — Stephanie Grainger, Ph.D., hopes to uncover the secrets of stem cells and their role in cancer, and she’s investigating specific type of cellular communication to do it.
What the Delta variant means for COVID-19 spread and vaccines
An infectious disease expert explains what the Delta variant means for the spread of COVID-19 and vaccines.
Study: Light Therapy Helps Burn Injuries Heal Faster by Triggering Growth Protein
The research found that photobiomodulation – a form of low-dose light therapy – sped up recovery from burns and reduced inflammation in mice by activating endogenous TGF‐beta 1, a protein that controls cell growth and division.
Back to School: Florida State University Center Provides Resources for Families to Help Young Learners
By: Nathan Archer | Published: August 5, 2021 | 10:50 am | SHARE: As children across the country prepare to go back to the classroom — some for the first time since the COVID-19 global pandemic began — the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) at Florida State University has launched a resource section specifically for families navigating those crucial early years of learning.