Currently, much of the thinking around risks posed by volcanoes follows a simple equation: the bigger the likely eruption, the worse it will be for society and human welfare.
Tag: user_id 13800
妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的研究人员发现,与COVID-19(2019 冠状病毒病)相关的急性肾损伤类似于败血症引起的肾损伤,而且感染引发的免疫反应起着关键作用。
Lighting the Way for Nanotube Innovation
Scientists have learned how to place crystalline defects in new materials with atomic-scale precision. This enables materials that can control excitons–energy carriers similar to subatomic particles. New research reveals how to create local energy wells that “capture” the excitons. This small but important step could lead to smaller, more efficient components for optical telecommunications.
Ruben Fair, Accomplished Engineering Expert, to Lead PPPL’s ITER Projects Team
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory announced that accomplished engineer Ruben Fair, has been named head of the ITER Department, heading PPPL’s ITER Team, which is focused on the design and fabrication of six diagnostics for the international fusion experiment.
Novel Research Identifies Gene Targets of Stress Hormones in the Brain
Chronic stress is a well-known cause for mental health disorders.
Nitrogen Inputs in the Ancient Ocean
Nitrogen is vital for all forms of life(break): It is part of proteins, nucleic acids and other cell structures.
Media Registration for TCT 2021 Now Open
Media registration is now open for TCT 2021 (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics), the annual scientific symposium of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF). TCT will be held November 4-6, 2021 in Orlando, Florida at the Orange County Convention Center and simultaneously broadcast live.
Study Shows Neutralizing Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 Remain Relatively High for Up to 13 Months Following Infection
Partnering with Clergy to Prevent Domestic Violence
Online simulations are helping Korean American clergy learn how to better support victims of intimate partner violence in their communities
A forte resposta imunologica relacionada com a covid -19 contribui para lesoes renais
Os pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic descobriram que a lesao renal aguda associada com a COVID-19 e muito similar a lesao renal causada por sepse e que a resposta imunologica ativada pela doenca exerce um papel central.