A tally by the authors of the book Olympic Television: Broadcasting the Biggest Show on Earth found women athletes received the majority of the coverage within the 17 nights of NBC’s Tokyo Summer Olympic primetime broadcast.
Tag: user_id 13800
Os anticorpos monoclonais ajudam os pacientes com COVID-19 a evitar a hospitalizacao
Em um grande estudo observacional, os pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic mostraram que dois anticorpos monoclonais administrados separadamente ajudaram a prevenir a hospitalizacao em pacientes de alto risco que foram infectados com COVID-19.
Anticuerpos monoclonales ayudan a evitar hospitalizaciones en pacientes con COVID-19
En un gran estudio observacional, los investigadores de Mayo Clinic demostraron que dos anticuerpos monoclonales administrados separadamente ayudaron a evitar hospitalizaciones en pacientes de alto riesgo e infectados con la COVID-19.
Arizona State University and Encantos Partner to Reimagine Elementary Education for Kids
With a shared vision to inspire kids to learn 21st-century skills, Arizona State University and Encantos, the global story-teaching platform, today announced at the ASU+GSV Summit a groundbreaking partnership to launch a first-of-its-kind elementary curriculum partnership that inspires students with next generation skills
New Carnivorous Plant Must Balance Trapping Prey and Being Pollinated
Botanists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of British Columbia have discovered a new carnivorous plant in western North America.
Prostate cancer partnership honored for statistical excellence in accelerating therapeutic advances
The Intermediate Clinical Endpoints of Cancer of the Prostate (ICECaP) working group, led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers, is being honored by the American Statistical Association (ASA) with the 2021 Statistical Partnerships Among Academe, Industry, and Government (SPAIG) Award.
NSF Awards Funding for Next-Generation VLA Antenna Development
The National Science Foundation has awarded NRAO $23 Million for design and development work on the Next Generation Very Large Array, a project proposed as one of the world’s next generation of cutting-edge astronomical research facilities. The award includes funding for producing a prototype antenna for this new radio telescope system.
IPCC points to methane as key driver of warming
DOE Announces $37 Million to Small Businesses for Climate, Energy and Scientific R&D
In support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to build the American economy back better, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced a plan to provide $37 million for small businesses pursuing climate and energy research and development (R&D) projects as well the development of advanced scientific instrumentation through a funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
Medicaid Expansion of Dental Care Can Increase Access
When Medicaid expands its dental coverage, by increasing the types of procedures it covers and the total amount a dentist can spend on an individual patient, more dentists will locate to the expansion areas, thereby increasing access.