A new orange and black bat species is always ready for Halloween

Bats, better known for their mousy looks, can have a colorful side. A new species, discovered when two bats were caught at an abandoned miners’ tunnel in western Africa, sports showy swathes of orange fur.

The new finds “are just gorgeous,” says mammalogist Nancy Simmons of the National Museum of Natural History in New York City. Orange fur on the bats’ backs contrasts with black sections of wing membranes.

But that’s not what sets this bat apart: Three other Myotis species from the continent are similarly flashy. Rather less visible traits, from details of hidden striping in its fur to its echolocation calls, peg Myotis nimbaensis as something unusual, Simmons and colleagues report online January 13 in American Museum Novitates.

The new species was discovered the old-fashioned way — out in a remote forest at night with keen eyes studying real animals. That’s not so common nowadays in the age of sensitive genetic tools, Simmons says. Many of the 20 or so new bat species typically named every year are detected through genetic analyses of museum specimen lookalikes. M. nimbaensis differs genetically from near kin — about as much as humans differ from gorillas. Differences also show up in teeth as well as other anatomy.

But when researchers collected the first bat, near the mouth of an abandoned tunnel for mineral exploration up in Guinea’s section of the Nimba Mountains, the flashy beast wasn’t obviously anything new. While most of the more than 1,400 known kinds of bats are various shades of brown, bats here and there around the world can be yellow, fluffball white or coppery red. And there was the matter of the three other orange Myotis species. (How, or whether, the colors matter in animals active at night, Simmons says, is “one of the mysteries.”)

One way to tell the new species apart is from the proportions of secret stripes on the individual hairs in orange fur patches. In the newly named bats, the bottom third of each orange hair is black. Then comes a creamy white middle third before the hair turns pumpkin at the tip.

Researchers named M. nimbaensis after its mountainous habitat. The Nimba Mountains shoot up abruptly from lowland forests, creating little “sky islands” of isolated habitat on peaks, says coauthor Eric Moïse Bakwo Fils, a bat specialist at the University of Maroua in Cameroon. M. nimbaensis probably eats insects, judging by its interlocking triangular teeth.

Bakwo Fils worries about the fragility of sky islands and the newfound bats’ future. Small animals flitting in the dark rarely get the conservation attention that large charismatic African wildlife does. Yet we depend on various little half-seen bats streaking in the dark to catch insects, pollinate plants, spread seeds and help with other chores that keep our ecosystems going.

When data shed light on societal challenges

In 2015, two Princeton economists published data showing that white people in their 40s and 50s in the United States were dying at much higher rates than expected — and that the death rates for that age group had been rising sharply for almost two decades. The big killers like cancer and heart disease weren’t to blame. Instead, alcohol misuse, drug overdoses and suicide caused these early deaths, which the economists, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, called “deaths of despair.”

I remember reading that paper and thinking it was a revelation — a dataset able to reveal something profound happening to our society that was largely hidden until this analysis. I was also moved by the phrase “deaths of despair,” which casts a vision of a person being ground down by years of disappointment and struggle. People without college degrees are most affected, the study and other research shows. The reasons for their struggles are many, including the evaporation of stable manufacturing jobs and health insurance, fractured families and a lack of social supports.

This trend toward more suffering and shorter lives shows no hint of waning. In 2015, U.S. life expectancy declined for the first time in decades. Other rich countries have not experienced similar declines.

In this issue, behavioral sciences writer Bruce Bower revisits the deaths of despair hypothesis, exploring Case and Deaton’s latest research connecting despair with reports of physical pain, as well as other scientists’ efforts to define despair to learn how to avoid despair-related deaths. It’s a fascinating exploration of how social scientists go about testing a new construct, seeking to learn if and how despair is different than depression and other mental health diagnoses. Bower also made illuminating connections between the demoralization, grief and anger that people feel during this pandemic, as they lose friends and family, jobs and social ties.

People who feel threatened, ignored and alone are more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and misinformation. The spread of misinformation has been disastrous for our country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, with social media channels awash with misinformation about fake cures and questioning whether masks are useful (they are!). That misinformation has caused needless suffering and death. Anti-vaccine rhetoric, including false claims that the COVID-19 vaccine contains a microchip designed to track people’s movements, is pushing some people to avoid vaccines, which are our best shot to end the pandemic, along with masks and social distancing. As of November, 21 percent of adults in the United States said they do not intend to get the shot, and that more information would not change their minds.

Shared facts and common truth can shed light on the challenges we face, including the pandemic and attacks on our system of government. The “deaths of despair” research is a shining example of how science can illuminate the effects of complex social and economic trends on our lives. Science can help us understand what’s happening to us, and how we can build a better future. It’s time to listen.

Readers ask about malaria parasites, searching for alien intelligence and more

cover of the November 21, 2020 issue

Lying low

During Africa’s dry season, when mosquitoes are scarce, malaria parasites in human blood turn their genes on and off to keep numbers low so infection doesn’t set off alarm bells for the immune system, Erin Garcia de Jesus reported in “How malaria parasites hide from the human immune system” (SN: 11/21/20, p. 8).

“How on Earth does the malaria parasite know it is the dry season from within the moist human body?” reader Elizabeth McDowell asked. “The human body must maintain moisture levels year-round.… What signals the parasite to alter gene activity?”

The mechanism remains unclear, Garcia de Jesus says, “but the researchers are searching for answers.” One hypothesis is that mosquito bites play a role. “Perhaps some protein in mosquito saliva tells the parasites, ‘Hello, I’m here to take you to your next victim,’ and the parasites adjust gene activity to ramp up their numbers,” she says.

E.T. phone home?

New methods are ramping up the search for alien intelligence, Maria Temming reported in “New search methods are ramping up the hunt for alien intelligence” (SN: 11/21/20, p. 18).

Many readers were intrigued. The story “challenged my memory on the search for messages from aliens with [Temming’s] statement: ‘So far, SETI scientists haven’t picked up a single alien signal,’ ” reader David Cosson wrote. “My recollection was that NASA launched the two Voyager spacecraft in 1977 each carrying a golden record that included 90 minutes of world music, including Bach, Mozart and Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode.’ I thought I recalled a press report … that NASA had received a reply from aliens who had played the record. The message was: ‘Send more Chuck Berry.’ Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I recall the reporter as somebody named Steve Martin,” Cosson joked.

Reader Bob Johnson remains puzzled by some researchers’ efforts to detect radio frequency signals. “It is highly unlikely other civilizations are, like us, going through the first 100 years of communication evolution,” Johnson wrote. “We should be hunting for signals in the ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-ray frequencies. Even though older technologies work, they are displaced by new methods. Looking for [radio frequency] signals from E.T. is analogous to listening for … modem tones as an indication of intelligent life.”

Watery skies

Water high up in Mars’ atmosphere splits apart within a few hours, leaving hydrogen atoms to float away, Lisa Grossman reported in “Chemical reactions high in Mars’ atmosphere rip apart water molecules” (SN: 12/5/20, p. 14).

Reader Lorenza Zamarron wondered what happens to oxygen. “Where does the oxygen go? If the oxygen is heavier, does it fall back down to Mars? Is it destroyed?”

At least some oxygen breaks free of Mars’ gravity in a process called photochemical escape, says Shane Stone, a planetary chemist at the University of Arizona in Tucson. “Additionally, some oxygen would inevitably be transported down toward and around the planet,” Stone says. “Many scientists believed that atmospheric chemistry would, over very long time periods, balance the escape of hydrogen and oxygen to match the 2:1 ratio that these elements are found in water. However, some of us are rethinking this concept in light of this discovery of water transport directly to the upper atmosphere,” Stone says. That oxygen is slow to escape could partly explain why the Red Planet is red. “Oxygen in the atmosphere reacts with minerals on the surface to produce iron oxide (rust), which is responsible for the reddish-orange color that is so indelibly Martian,” Stone says. “In other words, Mars is oxidized.”


In “Meet 5 Black researchers fighting for diversity and equity in science” (SN: 12/19/20 & 1/2/21, p. 26), the name of a BlackAFinSTEM group member was incomplete. Her name is Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman.

Stay tuned

In 1970, researchers thought Earth’s magnetic pole reversals might be to blame for long-ago extinctions of single-celled organisms called Radiolaria (10 living species shown below). But no strong evidence of a direct link has turned up, Jonathan Lambert reported (SN: 11/21/20, p. 4) in an update to the article “Effects of Earth’s magnetic field” (SN: 11/21/70, p. 392). Reader Doug Pruner joked: “Radiolarian extinctions? Of course. The reversals caused interference with their radios.”

Modified pain management strategy reduces opioid exposure to trauma patients, study shows

Original post: Newswise - Drug and Drug Abuse Modified pain management strategy reduces opioid exposure to trauma patients, study shows

A pain management regimen comprised mostly of over-the-counter medication reduced opioid exposure in trauma patients while achieving equal levels of pain control, according to a new study by physician-researchers at UTHealth.

Opiate Overdoses Spike in Black Philadelphians, But Drop in White Residents Since COVID-19

Original post: Newswise - Drug and Drug Abuse Opiate Overdoses Spike in Black Philadelphians, But Drop in White Residents Since COVID-19

New research into opioid overdoses that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted new disparities along racial lines that are likely fueled by existing inequality

Astronomers spotted a rare galaxy shutting down star formation

A distant galaxy has been caught in the act of shutting down.

The galaxy, called CQ 4479, is still forming plenty of new stars. But it also has an actively feeding supermassive black hole at its center that will bring star formation to a halt within a few hundred million years, astronomers reported January 11 at the virtual meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Studying this galaxy and others like it will help astronomers figure out exactly how such shutdowns happen.

“How galaxies precisely die is an open question,” says astrophysicist Allison Kirkpatrick of the University of Kansas in Lawrence. “This could give us a lot of insight into that process.”

Astronomers think galaxies typically start out making new stars with a passion. The stars form from pockets of cold gas that contract under their own gravity and ignite thermonuclear fusion in their centers. But at some point, something disrupts the cold star-forming fuel and sends it toward the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s core. That black hole gobbles the gas, heating it white-hot. An actively feeding black hole can be seen from billions of light-years away and is known as a quasar. Radiation from the hot gas pumps extra energy into the rest of the galaxy, blowing away or heating up the remaining gas until the star-forming factory closes for good (SN: 3/5/14).

That picture fits with the types of galaxies astronomers typically see in the universe: “blue and new” star formers, and “red and dead” dormant galaxies. But while examining data from large surveys of the sky, Kirkpatrick and colleagues noticed another type. The team found about two dozen galaxies that emit energetic X-rays characteristic of an actively gobbling black hole, but also shine in low-energy infrared light, revealing that there is still cold gas somewhere in the galaxies. Kirkpatrick and colleagues dubbed these galaxies “cold quasars” in a paper in the Sept. 1 Astrophysical Journal.

“When you see a black hole actively accreting material, you expect that star formation has already shut down,” says coauthor and astrophysicist Kevin Cooke, also of the University of Kansas, who presented the research at the meeting. “But cold quasars are in a weird time when the black hole in the center has just begun to feed.”

To investigate individual cold quasars in more detail, Kirkpatrick and Cooke used SOFIA, an airplane outfitted with a telescope that can see in a range of infrared wavelengths that the original cold quasar observations didn’t cover. SOFIA looked at CQ 4479, a cold quasar about 5.25 billion light-years away, in September 2019.

The observations showed that CQ 4479 has about 20 billion times the mass of the sun in stars, and it’s adding about 95 suns per year. (That’s a furious rate compared with the Milky Way; our home galaxy builds two or three solar masses of new stars per year.) CQ 4479’s central black hole is 24 million times as massive as the sun, and it’s growing at about 0.3 solar masses per year. In terms of percentage of their total mass, the stars and the black hole are growing at the same rate, Kirkpatrick says.

cold quasar CQ 4479
The cold quasar CQ 4479, the blue fuzzy dot at the center of this image, showed up in images taken by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The red dot nearby might be another galaxy interacting with CQ 4479, or it could be unrelated.K.C. Cooke et al/arxiv.org 2020, Sloan Digital Sky Survey

That sort of “lockstep evolution” runs counter to theories of how galaxies wax and wane. “You should have all your stars finish growing first, and then your black hole grows,” Kirkpatrick says. “This [galaxy] shows there’s a period that they actually do grow together.”

Cooke and colleagues estimated that in half a billion years, the galaxy will host 100 billion solar masses of stars, but its black hole will be passive and quiet. All the cold star-forming gas will have heated up or blown away.

The observations of CQ 4479 support the broad ideas of how galaxies die, says astronomer Alexandra Pope of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who was not involved in the new work. Given that galaxies eventually switch off their star formation, it makes sense that there should be a period of transition. The findings are a “confirmation of this important phase in the evolution of galaxies,” she says. Taking a closer look at more cold quasars will help astronomers figure out just how quickly galaxies die.

The first magnetar flare detected from another galaxy was tracked to its home

For the first time, astronomers have definitively spotted a flaring magnetar in another galaxy.

These ultra-magnetic stellar corpses were thought to be responsible for some of the highest-energy explosions in the nearby universe. But until this burst, no one could prove it, astronomers reported January 13 at the virtual meeting of the American Astronomical Society and in papers in Nature and Nature Astronomy.

Astronomers have seen flaring magnetars in the Milky Way, but those are so bright that it’s impossible to get a good look at them. Possible glimpses of flaring magnetars in other galaxies may have been spotted before, too. But “the others were all a little circumstantial, and not as rock solid,” says astrophysicist Victoria Kaspi of the McGill Space Institute in Montreal, who was not involved in the new discovery. “Here you have something that is so incontrovertible, it’s like, okay, this is it. There’s no question anymore.”

The first sign of the magnetar arrived as a blast of X-rays and gamma rays on April 15. Five telescopes in space, including the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the Mars Odyssey orbiter, observed the blast, giving scientists enough information to track down its source: the galaxy NGC 253, or the Sculptor galaxy, 11.4 million light-years away.

At first, astronomers thought that the blast was a type of cataclysmic explosion called a short gamma-ray burst, or GRB, which are typically caused by colliding neutron stars or other destructive cosmic events.

But the signal looked weird for a short GRB: It rose to peak brightness quickly, within two milliseconds, tailed off for another 50 milliseconds and appeared to be over by about 140 milliseconds. As the signal faded, some of the telescopes detected fluctuations in the light that changed faster than a millisecond.

Typical short GRBs that result from a neutron star collision don’t change like that, said astrophysicist Oliver Roberts of the Universities Space Research Association in Huntsville, Ala. But flaring magnetars in our own galaxy do, when the bright spot where the flare was emitted comes in and out of view as the magnetar spins.

Then, surprisingly, the Fermi telescope caught gamma rays with energies higher than a gigaelectronvolt arriving four minutes after the initial blast. There is no way for the known sources of short GRBs to do that.

“We’ve discovered a masquerading magnetar in a nearby galaxy, and we’ve unmasked it,” said astrophysicist Kevin Hurley of the University of California, Berkeley at a Jan. 13 news briefing.

A flaring magnetar sent a blast of light (magenta) and particles (cyan) zipping through space, as shown in this animation. Astronomers think the interaction between those particles and the environment around the magnetar could help explain the blast’s strange appearance.

The researchers think that the flare was triggered by a massive starquake, one thousand trillion trillion, or 1027, times as large as the 9.5 magnitude earthquake recorded in Chile in 1960. “I’m from California, and out here we would definitely call that the Big One,” Hurley says. The quake led the magnetar to release a blob of plasma that sped away at nearly the speed of light, emitting gamma rays and X-rays as it went.

The discovery suggests that at least some signals that look like short GRBs are in fact from magnetar flares, as astronomers have long suspected (SN: 11/3/10). It also means that three earlier events that astronomers had flagged as possible magnetar flares probably were actually from the magnetized stellar corpses, giving astronomers a population of magnetar flares to compare to each other.

The finding could have exciting implications for fast radio bursts, another mysterious cosmic signal that has had astronomers scratching their heads for over a decade. Several lines of evidence connect fast radio bursts to magnetars, including another signal coming from within the Milky Way that coincidentally also arrived in April 2020 (SN: 6/4/20).

“That [discovery] leant extra credence to fast radio bursts being [from] magnetars,” Kaspi says, though there are still problems with that theory.

Kaspi has compared the apparent frequency of magnetar flares in other galaxies to the frequency of fast radio bursts and found that the rates are similar. “That argues that actually, most or all fast radio bursts could be magnetars…. I don’t think yet it’s the total solution,” but it’s a good step, she says.

Could delaying a second vaccine dose lead to more dangerous coronavirus strains?

Spiking COVID-19 cases, slow vaccine rollout and the emergence of more transmissible coronavirus variants in some countries have sparked debate among scientists over the best way to protect people with recently authorized vaccines. 

One idea involves delaying when people receive the second of two required vaccine doses, so that more people can receive the doses that are currently available. 

That’s happening in the United Kingdom, where researchers have raised concerns about a new coronavirus variant that appears to be more contagious than other versions. Officials there are opting to extend the time between each vaccine dose from three or four weeks to up to three months (SN: 12/22/20). 

In the United States, on the other hand, officials strongly recommend that states stick to the regimen that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized in December — two shots spaced three weeks apart for Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine and four weeks apart for Moderna’s. 

On January 12, the Trump administration announced it was no longer holding back second shots of COVID-19 vaccines, several days after President-elect Joe Biden suggested he would release all the shots. While that may speed protection for more Americans, it also raises the possibility that people might not get their second doses on time, if manufacturing problems arise.  

The possibility that second doses could be delayed has some experts concerned because it might lead to millions of people walking around with only partial immunity to the coronavirus, a condition that could be ripe for harmful mutations of the virus to arise.

Delaying the second shot is a gamble, says Ramón Lorenzo-Redondo, a virologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, particularly without a lot of evidence suggesting how well one dose works. Officials “shouldn’t gamble [their] best tools” to fight the pandemic, he says. “We don’t want to fuel [potential viral evolution] by doing suboptimal immunization of the population.”

How that fueling of virus evolution could happen comes down to the immune system. If people have full immunity as a result of vaccination, their immune response is likely to be robust, spawning large numbers of neutralizing antibodies, for example, that stop viruses from getting into cells and heading off harmful mutations before they arise. But if people have partial immunity, that immune response is likely to be weaker. 

It’s like when doctors encourage patients to finish a full course of antibiotics, Lorenzo-Redondo says. In that case, eliminating susceptible bacteria with a full course could help lower the chance that stragglers build up resistance.

For the COVID-19 vaccine, if people’s second doses are delayed long enough — akin to not finishing a full complement of antibiotics — it’s possible that low numbers of neutralizing antibodies triggered by only one dose may only partially fight an infection. That might provide more time for variants of the virus with immune-dodging mutations to arise and thrive and be transmitted to other people.

If immune-dodging variants do arise as a result of shot delays and spread to lots of people, that could deal a blow to vaccines’ effectiveness. For example, if mutations arose that prevented vaccine-induced antibodies from binding to the virus, or caused antibodies to bind less tightly, that virus variant may be more likely to infect cells than variants without the mutation and thus cause disease, Lorenzo-Redondo says. With cases surging in many places, including the United Kingdom and the United States, the coronavirus could have even more chances to accumulate vaccine-evading mutations than it would if case numbers were lower.

For now, it’s unclear how protected vaccinated people are after a single shot and for how long. Trial participants who received Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine had low levels of neutralizing antibodies 21 days after the first dose, researchers reported in the Dec. 17 New England Journal of Medicine. But clinical trial results from both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines suggest that protection begins around two weeks after the first dose — Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine had an efficacy of around 50 percent after the first dose and Moderna’s had around 80 percent efficacy (SN: 12/18/20). It’s unknown how durable that protection might be, says Sarah Cobey, an epidemiologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, but it would be weird to see it fade quickly. 

Cobey is one of the scientists who isn’t worried about the risk of a long delay between shots.  Instead, expanding how many people get the first dose could actually help control how much the coronavirus changes, she says. That’s because even the partial protection that people may get from a single dose “will almost certainly lower the prevalence of infection,” she says. Fewer infections overall would mean fewer coronavirus variants in general circulating among people. By virtue of numbers, the coronavirus then may not accumulate as many mutations that could help it evade immune systems.

And even if a virus accumulates mutations that help it dodge the immune response as a result of the dose delay, such changes might in turn damage essential viral functions like breaking into and hijacking a host cell. A virus that can escape immunity, for instance, might end up being less transmissible. For now, it’s unclear what might happen with the coronavirus, which in general mutates more slowly than other similar viruses thanks to a unique proofreading enzyme that acts as a spell-check for the letters that make up the coronavirus’s genetic blueprint (SN: 1/28/20).

What’s more, the immune responses that a person makes also don’t attack just one part of a virus. Antibodies, for instance, including those induced by vaccines, hit many different parts of viral proteins, making it harder for the virus to escape. And over time antibodies can get better at their job (SN: 11/24/20). So, most mutations are unlikely to render antibodies completely ineffective. 

“You put that all together and it’s a pretty high barrier” for virus evolution to work around, says Adam Lauring, an infectious disease physician and virologist at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor. 

In lab experiments, for example, COVID-19 patient serum that harbors myriad coronavirus antibodies still stops the coronavirus from infecting cells in a dish, even if there are viral mutations, researchers reported in a preliminary study posted January 4 at bioRxiv.org. While a few mutations — including one present in a coronavirus variant now circulating in South Africa — made antibodies in the serum less effective at stopping viruses from infecting cells, the serum’s virus-halting activity didn’t outright disappear. 

Still, that doesn’t mean potentially risky viral evolution as a result of delaying doses is not going to happen. “I think this is something we need to study and we need to look at for sure,” Lauring says. For now, “I’m not sure we know enough that we can really confidently say what one or other [vaccine-dosing] strategy is going to do.” 

Some electric eels coordinate attacks to zap their prey

One Volta’s electric eel — able to subdue small fish with an 860-volt jolt — is scary enough. Now imagine over 100 eels swirling about, unleashing coordinated electric attacks.

Such a sight was assumed to be only the stuff of nightmares, at least for prey. Researchers have long thought that these eels, a type of knifefish, are solitary, nocturnal hunters that use their electric sense to find smaller fish as they sleep (SN: 12/4/14). But in a remote region of the Amazon, groups of over 100 electric eels (Electrophorus voltai) hunt together, corralling thousands of smaller fish together to concentrate, shock and devour the prey, researchers report January 14 in Ecology and Evolution.

“This is hugely unexpected,” says Raimundo Nonato Mendes-Júnior, a biologist at the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation in Brasilia, Brazil who wasn’t involved in the study. “It goes to show how very, very little we know about how electric eels behave in the wild.”

group of Volta's electric eels hunting in water
Volta’s electric eels sometimes hunt as a group (pictured), using their numbers to corral shoals of smaller fish into shallow areas where they can easily be picked off.Douglas Bastos

Group hunting is quite rare in fishes, says Carlos David de Santana, an evolutionary biologist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. “I’d never even seen more than 12 electric eels together in the field,” he says. That’s why he was stunned in 2012 when his colleague Douglas Bastos, now a biologist at the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, Brazil, reported seeing more than 100 eels congregating and seemingly hunting together in a small lake in northern Brazil.

Two years later, de Santana’s team returned to the lake to make more detailed observations. The nearly 2-meter-long eels lethargically lay in deeper waters during much of the day, the researchers found. But at dusk and dawn, these long streaks of black come together, swirling in unison to form a writhing circle over 100 strong that herds thousands of smaller fish into shallower waters. 

Volta’s electric eels can gather in groups, working together to corral smaller fish in shallower waters, a new study finds. Then, groups of about 10 eels attack in unison, shocking the fish out of the water and into a stupor so that they can easily be eaten.

After corralling the prey, smaller groups of about 10 eels unleash coordinated electric attacks that can send shocked fish flying from the water. The researchers haven’t yet measured the combined voltage of such attacks, but 10 Volta’s eels firing together could, in theory, power something like 100 light bulbs, de Santana says. The then helpless, floating prey make easy pickings for the mass of eels. The whole ordeal lasts about two hours.

So far, such aggregations have been observed in only this one lake. But de Santana suspects that group hunting may be advantageous in other lakes and rivers with large shoals of small fish. Much of the eels’ range remains underexplored by scientists, so de Santana and colleagues are launching a citizen science project with Indigenous communities to identify more spots where many eels live together, he explains. “There is still so much we don’t know about these organisms.”