What Are the Different Types of Addiction?

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


March 9, 2023 – Living with addiction doesn’t always involve drugs or alcohol. Identifying many types of addiction can help you find the help you need to finally end a vicious cycle.

 We’ve created this guide to help you understand the complex signs of addiction. If you recognize these patterns in yourself or someone you love, you can help change a life.

 Continue reading to learn the real causes of addiction and addictive behavior.

What Is Addiction?

Think about the last thing that made you feel good. Perhaps it was spending time with friends, biting into a warm cookie, running, or snuggling a pet.

Your brain releases dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters during each interaction. These flood your bloodstream with feel-good chemicals, creating positive associations.

Not all brains are alike, however. Some brains produce an excessive amount of dopamine following a positive experience. This can elevate a happy moment into an experience of profound pleasure.


The post What Are the Different Types of Addiction? appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.