Tough as a Mother Launches

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


July 24, 2023 – According to Obstetrics and Gynecology: February 2022, pregnancy-associated drug-related deaths increased by 190% between 2010 and 2019. Additionally, data from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) show, as of September 30, 2021, there were 7,468 children in foster care in Oklahoma, and over half of these out of home placements were related to circumstances associated with a parent’s drug or alcohol use.

“Substance use disorder is a treatable, chronic, medical disease that can impact the whole family when one person is struggling. Reducing stigma and providing a connection to care is vitally important to decreasing substance use, preserving the parent-infant bond, strengthening our families and communities, and disrupting cycles of trauma and generational trauma that impact our state,” said Harrison. “Whether it’s during pregnancy, post-partum or years later, mothers and families dealing with addiction issues need support to be successful.”

ODMHSAS’s contracted substance use treatment providers have been rolling out Family Care plans across the state to help support families affected by substance use issues. Family Care Plans are a tool co-developed with the parent designed to strengthen the family, help pregnant persons have a healthy pregnancy, and keep children safely at home. ODMHSAS’ goal is to reduce stigma around mothers and parenting persons who experience substance use concerns and engage families in care as early as possible.


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