Thoughts About the Overdose Conundrum

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Feb. 22, 2023 – The more lenient the psychiatrist is when his patient is late, the later the patient comes, leading to an inevitable situation where the psychiatrist cannot see the patient that day which leads to both being angry. To rephrase, the psychiatrist’s leniency has inadvertently led to both he and the patient being disappointed, frustrated, and angry.

I learned this in a case where my patient committed suicide. “Ms Zee” was in my private care for 3 years. She complained of depression and was frequently very anxious. I acquiesced to her demands to be seen, often late at night, on weekends, and on holidays. She called one day to say she was feeling better. I told her I was happy to hear it, but that she must remember that her improved mood might not last. Thirty-six hours later, while her husband slept, she got up, pushed a chair over to the window and jumped from the sixth floor to her death.


The post Thoughts About the Overdose Conundrum appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.