Stay Sober but Party Hard With Secret Dance Addiction

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


AUGUST 13, 2021- Secret Dance Addiction – the brainchild of husband and wife duo Mike and Amber Handby – has taken Denver by storm with a Waking Up The Summer Dance Party Series. The series, continuing throughout September, offers a new type of nightlife – free of alcohol and with a focus on wellness and mindfulness.

Mike and Amber started their journey of partying their way to wellness after meeting each other seven years ago in a recording studio. The two then came together as a couple and later formed the DJ pair DoubleCrush, adorably named after the crushes they both had for each other. The couple now co-own Secret Dance Addiction and are the force behind a new festival experience they call Sundown Colorado. Mike is also DJ Ignight and the owner of Ignight Entertainment.  As the pair performed sets at parties and nightlife events, they discovered that they also had a passion for health, wellness and most of all – connection.

“As DJs and musicians, we built platforms for ourselves to have thousands of conversations about how parties are and what makes a party super fun and what makes them more fun and different than others. And at the end of the day, we found that connection is really the main reason people go to parties,” Mike explained,

As the two delved deeper into finding those connections while hosting parties, they discovered a common factor that often helped along with people’s ability to connect – alcohol and drugs. So, the duo started to experiment by taking away the influence of alcohol and drugs at Secret Dance Addiction events to see if the connections stayed – and if they changed. The Wake Up the Summer Dance Party Series from Secret Dance Addiction uses the idea of turning down first and then turning up by starting with meditation. The DJs turn down the noise, get silent together with the crowd and ask everyone at the event to make an intention to connect. After the meditation, everyone raises their non-alc0holic beverages in the air for toast – which then leads to a turnt up party (without really being “turnt”).


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