She Gets Sober – But Can’t Remember Most Of Her Life’

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


July 31, 2022 – Speaking exclusively to The Daily Star she spoke openly about how she made the great decision to ditch the booze after drinking too much led her to blacking out, and she was left with no recollection of it all. 

Even though there was a point where she would have a drink every afternoon, she said it took her a while to realise she had a problem. Claire said: “When I think back to my teens, 20s and early 30s I thought I had a normal relationship with drinking. 

“I was brought up with drinking, and drinking had always been a part of society, so I thought it was normal. “When I was in my mid-30s I realised it had become something other than normal.

“There was a point when I realised I needed to stop, so I tried to quit.”

She said she tried to stop drinking on and off for 10 years, but would often slip back into the habit again.


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