Rob Lowe marks 31 years of sobriety

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


MAY 10, 2021- “Today I have 31 years drug and alcohol free,” he wrote on Monday in honor of the anniversary. “I want to give thanks to everyone walking this path with me, and welcome anyone thinking about joining us; the free and the happy. And a big hug to my family for putting up with me!! Xoxo”

He shared a photo by Dewey Nicks, taken for a feature story in Variety earlier this year. In that piece, Lowe explained that the moment he realized he needed help was when he missed an important call from his mother.

“…My mother called me and I could hear her voice on the answering machine. I didn’t want to pick up because I was really, really hungover and I didn’t want her to know,” he told Variety. “She was telling me that my grandfather, who I loved, was in critical condition in the hospital and she needed my help. And I didn’t pick up. My thought process in that moment was ‘I need to drink a half a bottle of tequila right now so I can go to sleep so I can wake up so I can pick up this phone.’”

He added that he realized that line of thinking was “nuts” and he needed help.


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