Rex Chapman: The ‘Other Side’ of Drug and Gambling Addiction

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Feb. 20, 2024 – After what he described as a routine surgery, Chapman developed an opioid addiction and, at one point, was taking up to 50 painkillers a day.

He says the drug addiction was a gateway to a gambling addiction which cost him nearly all of the $40 million he earned during his career.  “Sports and addiction kind of go hand-in-hand because most people that do anything just really great in this lifetime, no matter what it is … Most of those people have sacrificed a little bit of sanity to get there,” the 56-year-old Chapman told CNN in a recent interview. 

Former college and pro basketball player Rex Chapman is now a social media influencer and popular podcaster, but in between those accomplishments, he 

The former Charlotte Hornet and Phoenix Suns player’s new autobiography, “It’s Hard for Me to Live with Me,” co-written with CBS Sports’ Seth Davis, covers all of Chapman’s highs and lows.


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