Q&A with Dianne Griffin, Award-Winning Filmmaker

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Aug. 11, 2022 – Dianne Griffin Director, Producer is an award-winning international documentary filmmaker, teacher, public speaker and has been creating films for over thirty years. Her newest collaboration The Creative High (2021) follows nine artists who have faced addiction and are transformed by their creative process in the search for identity and freedom.  The Creative High (watch trailer) can be seen October 22nd at the REEL Recovery Film Festival.

She draws inspiration from the people around her, creating intimate connections and telling stories of dignity, suffering and compassion, which move us to act. Dianne’s documentaries have broadcast nationwide on PBS, at theaters, film festivals, universities, museums, libraries and on platforms such as Kanopy. 

Q. Where did you grow up?
A. I grew up in Kansas City, Kansas A river the divides the city, one side is Kansas and over the river is Missouri.

Q. From what school or teacher did you learn the most?
A. The teacher who steered me toward the artists life my High School art teacher.

Q. Who is your favorite poet?
A. Mary Oliver 


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