Q&A: the Secret Drug Addict

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


August 6, 2021 – I’ve worked in the music industry since I was a teenager and been in recovery from addiction since 2007. I decided to set up the Secret Drug Addict a few years ago as an online account to talk about drugs, addiction, recovery and any other stupid shit that comes into my head. It’s grown into something far bigger than I ever thought it would and my Twitter now get over 70 million impressions a year … and I receive around 50 messages a week from people affected by addiction asking questions or looking for support or signposting. 

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? and when did you stop using?
A. I suppose my drug(s) of choice were Cocaine, Alcohol, marijuana and Valium. But I would take literally any drug, I never said no when I was offered drugs I stopped using drugs in June 2007 

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I don’t like the word disease and no one chooses to be addicted. However anyone’s addiction might have begun I’ve yet to meet someone entrenched in addiction who isn’t ill.

Q. Do you log on to ZOOM 12-step meetings? How often? Do you share?
A. If I’m honest I think during the last 16 months I’ve only really shared at meetings that I’ve been asked to be the main speaker at. I occasionally log into Zoom meetings, although I’m not a big fan of online meetings as I prefer the nervous energy and chaos of in person ones. I think they are brilliant for people who might struggle getting to in person meetings. 


The post Q&A: the Secret Drug Addict appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.