Opinion: Doctor’s Role In Fentanyl Crisis

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Jan. 8, 2025 – The medical community is willingly under-medicating the entire nation for pain, and we have a national calamity with Fentanyl overdoses. Doctors share the blame because their culpability in the opiate crisis is at the heart of all of this. The “pendulum swing” from over-medicating patients to under-medicating them is part of the problem. 

 Prescribed by a doctor, a person in legit pain or an addict can measure the amount of opiate they are taking. It is much safer if you can measure the drug. Yes, we had addicts on that side of the pendulum swing that took advantage, but they died in much fewer numbers. Overdoses were nothing when juxtaposed against the Fentanyl era.

The people who need proper pain management were and are being undermedicated and sent to the streets or some pill clinic. Call it a clinic, call it a pill farm, whatever you want to call it, the practice is killing folks because people won’t jump through those hoops. We could no longer ask our doctor for these medications. The entire nation of physicians became too afraid of the government and flat-out stopped medicating patients properly. Our government threatens to take their license to practice medicine if they give us the pills. This is a huge part of why America finds itself in this quandary.


The post Opinion: Doctor’s Role In Fentanyl Crisis appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.