Older Black Men Disproportionately Affected by Overdose Crisis

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin

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Aug. 31. 2024 – Although white and Black people use drugs at similar rates, fatal overdoses have escalated in Black people at a much higher rate than in other groups over the past decade, and multiple recent studies have documented especially high rates of overdose deaths among older Black men. Fentanyl, often in combination with stimulants, is driving increased overdose deaths in most demographic groups. In all groups, men are at greater risk of overdose than women, but additional factors, including age-related health disparities, social isolation, and lifetime exposure to structural racism, may be colliding to produce the rise in overdoses among older Black men especially, and it points to the urgent need for intervention. 


The post Older Black Men Disproportionately Affected by Overdose Crisis appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.