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Addiction Recovery Bulletin
Feb. 25, 2025 – Sublocade lets people get the injection after just one dose of buprenorphine (taken under the tongue or inside the cheek) and a one-hour wait to make sure it’s safe. This means treatment can start faster and gives more options for where the shot can be given, like the stomach, thigh or buttock.
Sublocade is a buprenorphine-containing long-acting injectable medicine that reduces cravings and withdrawal by partially triggering opioid receptors and preventing stronger opioids from attaching to them. First approved in 2002, this once-monthly shot under the skin starts after a week of treatment with transmucosal buprenorphine. Once injected, it forms a gel under the skin that steadily releases buprenorphine throughout the month, maintaining stable levels without daily highs and lows. Sublocade is available only through a restricted program called the SUBLOCADE REMS Program in REM-certified health care settings and pharmacies.
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