Meth Rampant For California’s Homeless: Treatment Elusive 

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


March 13, 2025 – The mean age of the homeless people who participated in the survey was 46. Thirty-seven percent reported regular drug use in the prior six months. A quarter of the homeless people had never used drugs. Two-thirds said they’d used drugs regularly at some point in their life. Methamphetamine use, 33%, was the most common.

About a fifth of those who reported regular drug use said they wanted treatment but couldn’t get it, according to the study.

“Our research shows there is an increased risk of becoming homeless if you use drugs; and that homelessness itself increases drug use because people use it as a coping strategy,” Dr. Margot Kushel, the director of the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative and senior author of the report, said in a UCSF news release. Despite public perception, most people who are homeless aren’t using drugs regularly, the UCSF news release noted.

But drug use was higher among the homeless population (37%) than the general public (13%).


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