Managing Recovery in a Virtual World

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Online for life? –  

August 28, 2020 – Call people: Most support groups will offer a phone list of members. If you like the way a person shares about their recovery, call them after the meeting and talk to them. This is welcome and a good way to build a support system. Connection is critical to recovery.

Meditation apps: There are many apps, and even some online groups, that teach and support a meditation practice. Meditation can bring a sense of calm and connection. When part of a daily practice and used in conjunction with support groups and a support system, meditation can be effective in decreasing urges to drink/use and give a sense of well-being.

Volunteer: Called “service work” in 12-step programs, helping others is one way to make meaning, get out of your own damaging thoughts, and contribute to making a better community. While some service work is sobriety-related, other efforts may involve community service or social activism. Some volunteer activities can be done online or at home. Foster a dog. Help people register to vote. Raise money for a charity that’s important to you. There are many ways to be of service to others. Focus on what you can control: There are parts of our lives over which we do have a fair bit of control. What are you doing to sleep well? Are you exercising? How is your nutrition? Are you bathing and getting dressed? The more you do to maintain a healthy routine, the better you will feel, especially if you are taking care of your basic needs in a healthy and responsible way.

Speak up: If you need help, ask for it. If you are struggling with addiction or mental health issues, let people know, and keep letting people know until you find the help and support you need. Talk about what’s bothering you. Friends or family may not be able to change what’s going on, but they can give you space to feel what needs to be felt, so that you can develop healthy coping mechanisms and develop resiliency.

Go to treatment: If you are unable to get or stay sober in the relative isolation that the pandemic has caused, residential treatment is an option. Many treatment facilities across the country have room at present. Treatment facilities are doing everything in their power to keep Covid-19 out of facilities through screenings and safety protocols. Now is a great time to get help in a residential treatment program.


The post Managing Recovery in a Virtual World appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.