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Addiction Recovery Bulletin
Dec. 29, 2022 – Another way it’s like two different worlds are this; I exist in the regular world with other people and families around us, but then I also exist in my world where one child’s needs dictate and affect every.single.thing. About me, my marriage, my other kids, my relationships with people outside our house … just everything. Our special needs world is expected to fit with the regular world around us, but the truth is it rarely does. Nobody understands except for other families that have kiddos like yours, and even then there are vast differences that often make it hard to completely relate. Dylan is 15 years old and can’t talk. She wears diapers 24/7 because she can’t reliably tell us when she needs to go to the bathroom.
The post How I Found Sobriety as a Special Needs Mom appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.