Hilary Phelps Talks Women’s Wellness

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


May 13, 2024 – After celebrating 15 years of sobriety a couple of years ago, Hilary Phelps (hilaryphelps.com) realized the power of sharing her story to offer hope and encouragement to other women. She’s now a speaker, addiction recovery advocate, holistic wellness coach and yoga, meditation and breath-work facilitator. What are the biggest steps women can take to promote wellness?

Find a community. We’re so pseudo ‘connected’ [via] social media, but as a culture, we’re the loneliest we’ve ever been. Nothing beats human interaction, making us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.Be mindful of how you speak to yourself. Spend time figuring out what makes you truly happy. Not what society, the news, an institution—a college or the church—tells you should make you happy. This is your life; you deserve to spend it in a way that brings you joy, not living one that other people have told you you should.Focus on lifestyle behaviors. Get good sleep, eat well, exercise, move, drink lots of water and be mindful of the content you allow into your mind—what you watch and read and who you surround yourself with daily.


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