Have AA Meetings Become Superspreader Events? by Christopher Dale

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin

MASK UP! –  

EXCLUSIVE by Christopher Dale for the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

August 24, 2021 –  Alcoholics Anonymous is supposed to save lives, not risk them.

And that, in ten words, is why if I were a newcomer, I would not choose Alcoholics Anonymous as my program of recovery.

That verdict feels terrible – just terrible – coming off my fingertips. But it is no less true than the gratitude I hold for the program and the people in it.

Approaching my 10-year sober anniversary, I am living, breathing proof that the Steps and principles of AA can arrest alcoholism, restore former fall-down drunks to sanity and lead to a better, more useful existence than I ever thought imaginable – a life, per the Big Book, beyond my wildest dreams.


The post Have AA Meetings Become Superspreader Events? by Christopher Dale appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.