Gus Glasser’s Strength in Daily Sobriety Battle

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 18, 2021 – College freshman year at the University of Georgia, the physical appearance of the classical piano major deteriorated (weight gain, ungroomed, Garfield eyes), but Gus made straight As. By sophomore year, Gus couldn’t manage his drug use and stated, “I totally bailed on college. I would skip class, miss projects, sleep until 1 p.m., smoke, take ADHD meds to balance, make music, eat, smoke, watch TV, hang with friends, smoke, watch YouTube, hang in my dealer’s dorm room, and pass out. I was a mess and wasting my creativity, intellect and ambition.”

When Gus chose to remain at school over winter break, Dad Gary reached out to his own co-workers at the UGA’s University Health Center for an addiction specialist.

Gus was suffering and agreed to weekly sessions. He slowly surrendered to the idea of residential treatment in South Africa.

Gary said, “We expressed our gratitude for his bravery and found a program in South Africa that was his best chance at surviving this chronic disease.”


The post Gus Glasser’s Strength in Daily Sobriety Battle appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.