Ex-Suns Player Rex Chapman’s Terrifying Memoir Sparks Conversations on Addiction 

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Feb. 28, 2024 – While Chapman was flying high at the NBA level with athleticism and his distinct style of play, he sustained a variety of injuries. He sustained 10 injuries, seven of which required surgery. As a result, Chapman was prescribed Vicodin and then began the downward spiral of his playing career and in some instances, his life.  Sitting down in a chair at the Changing Hands Bookstore, Rex Chapman gazed through a near-filled audience who were on hand to support his first book, “It’s Hard for Me to Live with Me: A Memoir.” 

Chapman’s eclectic group of fans – including those who have known him from his University of Kentucky days, others who watched him with the Phoenix Suns, the legions who now follow him on social media, and his family and friends who stood by when he hit rock bottom – had come together Tuesday night for a conversation of humility, transparency and, in some cases, regret.

Chapman spoke with reporters privately before the seminar. The former Suns guard faced conflicting emotions about the anticipation of his book.

“It’s pretty terrifying,” said Chapman, who lives in the Valley. “I should acknowledge right away … I feel pretty conflicted being here, being celebrated for failing so miserably at life and today is a hard day for my family.”


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