Applying Buddhism in Addiction Recovery

The Buddhist philosophy, as exemplified by (its) eight points, could be literally adopted by AA as a substitute for or in addition to the Twelve Steps. Generosity, universal love and welfare of others rather than considerations of self are basic to Buddhism.

Akron Pamphlet, “Spiritual Milestones in Alcoholics Anonymous”, edited by Dr. Bob, 1940

By Dale Vernor
Originally posted on I Am Sober

Craving. It’s the one word that can sum up the debilitating condition known as addiction. Regardless of the myriad of reasons people may put up to explain their unhealthy obsession, the root cause always lies in an inordinate need – an excessive desire for something they think can make them happy or fill up an empty void in their lives.

In the case of substance abuse, the focal point of a person’s addiction is usually drugs, alcohol, and the like.

Addiction is destructive. It does not fulfill lives, it ruins them instead.

Buddhism in Addiction Recovery

While typical treatment of drug and alcohol addiction is often largely secular in nature, there are also those which are largely anchored on faith. These faith-based drug rehabilitation programs can either cater to a specific religious group, or they can be non-denominational in nature (a good example would be 12-Step Programs). Notwithstanding slight variations, these programs all espouse a similar concept: that people can cure their addiction with the assistance of a higher power.

This brings us now to Buddhism. Call it a religion, a philosophy, a way of life, or whatever, but it cannot be denied that its teachings translate very well insofar as knowing the origin of, and treating addiction.

Also known as the Middle Way, Buddhism teaches the virtue of moderation – that a truly happy life is one that is lived midway between excessive indulgence and extreme asceticism.

For people who want to curb their addiction for good, you’re not required to be a Buddhist to practice and benefit from its teachings. Just knowing and following the main principles – especially the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path – can definitely help you in your road towards an addiction-free life.

The Four Noble Truths of Suffering (and its Cure)

The central tenet of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths, can be basically summed up thus:

  1. Suffering exists;
  2. The cause of suffering is selfish and ignorant desire;
  3. There is a way to end that suffering; and
  4. Following the Noble Eightfold Path can bring an end to the suffering.

According to the Buddha, a person who does not overcome his worldly desires is doomed to repeat his unhappy existence through an endless cycle of death and rebirth – a condition known as samsara.

However, once that person reaches enlightenment – that is, he truly knows the cause of his suffering and sweeps away all material attachments – he ends his cycle and attains nirvana, which is the state of enlightenment and true happiness.

For people suffering from an addiction, the simple truth that can be gleaned from the Buddha’s teaching is this: Unless they put an end to their desire for alcohol or drugs, they will continue their own cycle of suffering towards destruction.

The Noble Eightfold Path: A Cure to Suffering

Sharing his secret to enlightenment with his followers, the Buddha emphasized eight steps a person should follow and practice if he wishes to attain nirvana. Known as the Noble Eightfold Path, this collective set of teachings can help those who want to free themselves from the endless cycle of suffering, death, and rebirth.

The 8 steps can be basically summarized as:

  • Right understanding
  • Right thought
  • Right speech
  • Right conduct or
  • Right livelihood
  • Right effort
  • Right mindfulness
  • Right focus

Steps One and Two build up wisdom.

Steps Three, Four, and Five improve mental conduct, virtue, and morality.

Steps Six, Seven, and Eight help develop mental discipline.

Put together, these steps help create a mentally strong, upright, and disciplined individual.

Relevance of the Eight Steps to Addiction Treatment

For a person suffering from an addiction, the steps can serve as helpful tools in his treatment and rehabilitation.

Through Steps 1 and 2, the person can begin to fully understand the cause of his addiction and commit to healing himself.

Through Steps 3, 4, and 5, the person can make the needed adjustments to his lifestyle and activities.

Through Steps 6, 7, and 8, person is able to know the dangers of relapsing and conscientiously chooses not to stray from the right path anymore.


Again, you are not required to be a Buddhist to apply the Eightfold Path to your treatment. So long as it (and the other teachings of Buddhism) can help you, then by all means practice them constantly.

According to Buddhist lore, the Buddha often emphasized that the end of suffering begins when one admits his imperfections and takes the necessary steps to rectify them.

Hence, admitting you have a problem is a bold first step towards recovery. While the journey may be long and harsh, so long as you keep going and never give up, then you’re already halfway towards your goal. Once you totally free your body and mind from addiction forever, then you will definitely have attained your nirvana.

Dale Vernor is a writer and researcher in the fields of mental health and substance abuse. After a battle with addiction Dale was able to find sobriety and become the first in his family to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Dale enjoys writing about mental health and addiction so that more people can understand these highly stigmatized issues. When not working you can find Dale at your local basketball court.

We have posted a number of articles about Buddhism and recovery on AA Agnostica. Here are previous ones:

Buddhist Precept: Intoxicants Cloud the Mind (April 7, 2019)

Recovery – What’s Buddhism Got to Do With it? (March 27, 2019)

Buddhist Recovery Summit (August 6, 2017)

A Buddhist Path to Recovery (March 24, 2016)

The Buddha and Bill W. (March 11, 2015)

AA as “stealth Buddhism” (December 14, 2014)

Buddhism and the 12 Steps (July 16, 2014)

A Buddhist’s Views on AA (August 4, 2013)


The post Applying Buddhism in Addiction Recovery first appeared on AA Agnostica.

President Putin hosted a Mask free Victory Parade to Boost Approval Ratings

Forgetting about Russia’s ongoing battle against covid19 President Putin celebrated the country’s victory against Nazi 75 years ago. He presided over a huge mask free victory parade that included thousands of soldiers without facemasks ignoring coronavirus pandemic.

Thousands of Russian people turned out to celebrate the annual celebration of the Russian army defeating the Nazis but only a few of them remembered that Russia is the third most affected country by the coronavirus pandemic with more than 600,000 cases as they ignored social distancing and wearing masks.

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The parade was initially scheduled on 9TH of May, a festive annual holiday which they call as Victory day. The outbreak of the virus delayed it for 6 weeks. The virus is still growing in Russia with nearly 614000 cases and 8600 deaths, though its spread is slowed.

Veterans aged between the 80s and 90s attended the celebration at which 14000 soldiers marched to martial music in tight formations. Nearly all of these veterans forgot about masks and ongoing pandemic.

So how did the veterans defy the virus? Well according to Mr. Putin 28 of those veterans spent more than 14 days in quarantine at a place outside Moscow.

Mr. Putin was hoping that this celebration will lift the mood of his country. The coronavirus pandemic has reduced his approval rating to an all-time low. By celebrating victory day Mr. Putin was surely looking to undo some of the damage the pandemic has done to his rating.

Some of the world leaders were planning to attend the celebration in May before it was moved. Among those were President of France Emmanuel Macron, President of Serbia, Alexander Vucic, and the leaders of Moldova and Belarus.

India and China, looking for Russia’s support due to their recent clashes in the border region of Ladakh, sent some of their leaders and soldiers. China sent the biggest foreign contingent.

Some critics were wary that Mr. President is gambling with the health of the public to gather more votes for his future. The voting will begin on Thursday that could give Putin the presidency of Russia till 2036 if he wins of course.

Sergei Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow, requested the public to watch the parade on their TV screens instead of coming out as they usually do. But tens of thousands ignored his request and went out anyway. The gathering was still smaller than the usual.

One of the residents who ignored the request of the mayor said she went out to watch the parade as it was much more interesting to see it live.

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Russia reported around 7500 cases on Thursday which is still less than a daily count of 10000 in May, but the public officials are concerned as the battle with coronavirus pandemic is still not over.

The risks of the spread of coronavirus can be estimated by the fact that two of the official delegates traveling from Kyrgyzstan were tested positive for the virus. The Kyrgyz President who was with them stayed away from the parade.

Whether this mask free victory parade was a wise move or not. The outcomes of Mr. president’s celebration in times of coronavirus pandemic will be here in a few weeks.



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Trump Says that Americans Hate Wearing a Mask to Prevent Coronavirus

The U.S President Trump is again in news for claiming that Americans hate face masks. For them, wearing a mask to prevent coronavirus infection is not the reason for wearing it. They wear it to tell that they disapprove of wearing it in public and they hate it.

This new statement by the American President is quite contrary to the recommendations shared by the Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC). As to CDC, wearing a mask is one of the biggest tools to prevent catching the deadly virus which has infected millions of people worldwide.

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Trump says that it is observant from their gestures that they disapprove of wearing it. They take it off from their faces and touch their nose, mouth, and eyes after it. And still, when they end up at a hospital, they ask, how did they get coronavirus?

Trump shared this during his recent interview with The Wall Street Journal.

CDC has warned all public to wear any type of face mask even the cloth mask to prevent catching the infection. In addition to this, it has recommended the following social distancing by avoiding large gatherings and standing close to the people in public.

Medical experts warn that coronavirus has a high community-based transmission rate. Still, people are not using a face mask to prevent coronavirus.

President Trump who is often in public without a face mask finds these public opinions disturbing. Him condemning this face mask issue while he didn’t wear it during his visit to Ford’s plant in Michigan are quite opposite to each other.

Upon asking him this same question, he said that he was wearing a face mask to prevent coronavirus. It’s just that he didn’t want media to see it so he removed it. before this visit, two weeks ago Trump was also spotted not wearing a mask during a tour of Arizona Honeywell plant.

Despite the public anger and opposition, the CDC still recommends using a face mask to prevent coronavirus. It is not just for individual safety but also saves other people from catching the virus.

Trump, on the other side, says that the US is doing good in managing coronavirus cases. However, there are numerous new cases reported in multiple US states. Coronavirus is a relatively new virus that has no previous information, medicine, or vaccine available.

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The only way to prevent catching the disease is by following the general recommendations. People who are old, feeble, or have an underlying medical condition are at a higher risk. CDC shares that coronavirus is deadly for people 65 years of age or over it.

As to medical conditions; those who have lungs, heart, genetic diseases, obesity, or diabetes are at a significantly higher risk. The coronavirus cases in the US have crossed 2 million, out of which, more than one million have lost their lives.

Social distancing and wearing a mask to prevent coronavirus are things that could help in viral transmission. People have to make sure of following these recommendations for their own safety. Whether or not how wearing a mask feels like, it is still necessary to wear one.



The post Trump Says that Americans Hate Wearing a Mask to Prevent Coronavirus appeared first on Spark Health MD.

British Women delivers a baby in the Toilet, Completely Unaware of her Pregnancy

A 32 years old woman, Grace Meachim from Sussex gave birth to a baby in the toilet completely clueless of her pregnancy. This shocking case came into local news telling an unknown pregnancy while the couple was on contraceptives and all set to get vasectomy later this year.

Grace reports her unbelievable experience when she woke up early morning to use the toilet. She suddenly felt water breaking and contractions and her partner, James called an ambulance. However, before the ambulance arrived, Grace delivered a baby girl at home. The little one named Sienna weights 7lb 5.5oz. Both mother and the baby are doing well.

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Grace is a sales advisor who finds this unbelievable. When she went to use the loo, it was something that she was definitely not expecting. She reports no pain, no cramps nothing throughout this time period.

It is not the first pregnancy of grace. She has three previous pregnancies and knows how it feels. This was so sudden that she was in a deep shock to see what’s coming next ending at giving birth to a baby in the toilet. James is equally surprised on this; sharing his experience that he called for help and told that maybe it is a baby. But Grace was not pregnant so it is uncertain.

All that he can remember is that within seconds he was handing down to get the baby. It was all very fast and it is just like a movie scene, he says. Although it is not something that this couple was expecting they are sure that it would never happen again.

The couple shares that they were on contraception and planning to go for a vasectomy as they don’t want any more kids. Grace shares that she was all set to work extra so that they can file for a home mortgage.

This whole time, Grace felt no pain because she was on strong medicines for her shoulder. There was absolutely no change in her body size and it is still unbelievable how was she pregnant all this time.

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Instead of calling it a problem, the couple says baby Sienna is a “nice surprise”. She would always be a special baby and nothing would change their love for her. The couple is informing their families about the new family member.

Who thought that waking up at 4 am would eventually bring a baby into this world, says Grace. She also tells that even the families are surprised to know it and still processing this new information. The couple has now made this announcement on Facebook for friends and extended family members.

Many people are finding it hard to believe that Grace was pregnant in the first place. May be because she didn’t look pregnant throughout this time. The couple was considering two names Sienna and Alexandra for their newborn daughter. However, the final decision is made by baby’s siblings, Tyler, Jessica, and Blake who chose “Sienna” for their baby sister

The post British Women delivers a baby in the Toilet, Completely Unaware of her Pregnancy appeared first on Spark Health MD.

Trumps Suggests to Stop Coronavirus Testing in America for Reducing Cases

The coronavirus cases in the US are increasing every day and the situation is worse with the ease of shutdown across the country. The economy shattered under the pandemic and many people lost their jobs. But ever since the government announced to reopen the states, coronavirus cases are also increasing.

Recently, President Donald Trump attended a roundtable event in which he addressed the coronavirus situation. He said that the coronavirus cases in the US will reduce if they stopped testing for the virus. Trump also suggested stopping contact tracing of coronavirus patients.

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Previously Trump gave the same remark on coronavirus testing at an occasion. He said the media is maligning their image by reporting the highest coronavirus cases. They have the highest cases of coronavirus in the country because they are doing the highest number of tests. He said that we should reduce our testing during a conversation with Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa.

Trump also said that the media is reporting there are more COVID cases in America than any other country. Also, the cases exceeded coronavirus cases in China. He said that these statements are not true since America is doing more tests than any other country.

Trump commented on the spike in coronavirus cases in many states of the US. The cases surged after the government announced ease in the lockdown. Many states relaxed the preventive guidelines and social distancing in public places.

Johns Hopkins University provided the data for coronavirus cases in the US. Currently, there are 2.1 million cases of coronavirus in the country. Also, the number of fatalities due to this infection reached 116,000.

Initially, the prominent states including New York, California, and Washington were leading in the number of cases. Later, the state governments implemented a strict lockdown policy and shut down most of the businesses. Also, the government ordered the non-essential workers to work from home.

This led to a significant reduction in the number of coronavirus cases in these states. Also, there were fewer fatalities and hospitalization after the lockdown. This shows that the shutdown helped reduce the impact of the coronavirus on these states.

Since these states eased the shutdown and the businesses are reopening gradually, the cases will surge again. The experts predicted that the number of cases will increase as the people will come out of their homes again.

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The cases of coronavirus will also surge due to the Black Lives Matter protests all over the country. The countrywide protests are going on against the killing of George Floyd. People are protesting against the brutality of the police and systemic racism in the country.

An increase in coronavirus infections is seen within the past 15 days. The deputy director of the Rural Health Research Center at the University of Minnesota, Carrie Henning-Smith said that the rural communities will be more affected due to coronavirus. If the coronavirus cases surge again, the rural areas will hit hardest.

These communities usually have more older people with less economic growth. These people also have more underlying health conditions with less health care facilities. Hence, these people will suffer more due to spike in coronavirus cases in the US.

The post Trumps Suggests to Stop Coronavirus Testing in America for Reducing Cases appeared first on Spark Health MD.