Basic hygiene Practice is the Only Way to Control Coronavirus

Medical experts believe that following a basic hygiene practice is the only way to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Initiated from Wuhan, China this virus has spread to dozens of countries infecting more than 1,000,00 people and 3400 deaths. CDC has shared the guidelines to control the spread of coronavirus that include washing hands properly, covering mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing, avoiding public interaction and contact with an infected patient or surface. However, these guidelines need a little more specification.

It is necessary to know that coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads through droplets that travel in the air. The droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze can travel to a maximum of six feet on the nearest surface and may live up to many days. The World Health Organization shares that it is possible to get coronavirus infection even by touching these infected surfaces where these respiratory droplets settle.

Paul Biddinger is the director of the Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation, and Practice Program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He says that coronavirus infection is transmitted when a person sneezes or coughs near a person. This is the simplest explanation of how coronavirus spreads.

He emphasizes practicing good hand hygiene. if a person has an urge to sneeze or cough, instead of covering the face with hands, it is better to sneeze or rough on your elbow.

Also read- President Trump signed $8.3B Bill to Get Rid of Coronavirus in USA

Although the basic hygiene practices seem easy and obvious it is necessary to know that they are effective and important. Washing hands with any germicidal soap for at least 20 seconds reduces the chances of catching any virus from surfaces. Biddinger states that most people are careless about their hand hygiene.

It may sound silly that a person is watching a YouTube Video on how to wash hands properly during the coronavirus pandemic. However, knowing how to wash your hands can save you from the virus, he adds.

The hand sanitizers are only helpful if they contain 60% or more content of alcohol, confirms the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, note that hand sanitizer doesn’t work if a person’s hands are dirty and he needs to wash them anyway.

Also read- Serbia and Vatican reported their First Coronavirus Cases, First Death in the Netherlands

The importance of washing hands for preventing a disease’s spread is proven by research, for example, a  study from 2006 reveals a 16% decrease in respiratory illness by frequently washing hands. Another study from 2008 showed that it contributes to a 21% reduced risk of disease.

The guideline also includes, not to touch the face, eyes, and nose after touching any surface or after contact with a person. It is necessary to know that avoiding face touching helps in controlling the spread as a respiratory virus is much likely to spread through the eyes, nose, and mouth maybe.


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One Million People Test Positive for Coronavirus in Spain

Coronavirus in Spain has infected one million people making the country the first in Western Europe to reach that figure. The government of the country is planning to impose some new restrictions to stop the spread of the virus as the country reported 575 deaths in the previous week, which brings the total to 34,366 deaths.

The undesirable milestone came six weeks after Spain crossed 500,000 coronavirus cases and became the first country in western Europe to do so. Madrid region accounts for nearly 33% of all the cases of coronavirus in Spain and its government is locked in an argument with the country’s central government on the method to control the crisis.

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Coronavirus in Spain started in the months when the pandemic was at its beginning and the government of the country introduced some of the strictest measures to control it and one of those measures was that the children cannot go outside. However, as the cases decreased, Spain like other countries in Europe softened the restrictions. As the month of August approached its end the new daily cases started to rise by nearly 10,000 in a day. Hospitalizations also increased by around 20% only during the last two weeks and deaths are also rising.

The government of Spain recently imposed an emergency in Madrid taking control from local authorities, to reduce the spread of the coronavirus as Madrid is facing one of the most significant outbreaks in Europe. The emergency was affected immediately and lasted for two weeks and forced the local authorities of Madrid to reimpose the travel restrictions which the national government introduced initially but was ruled out by a Madrid court.

Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the regional president of Madrid, said on Wednesday that surgical measures will be introduced to bring the health and economy together. She also said that the most important thing for the government is that the economy of the country does not suffer any longer.

The hospital systems across Europe are at the risk of being adversely affected by the pressure of the increasing number of hospitalizations that are putting the continent in the central stage of the pandemic. The number of cases of coronavirus was restricted when the lockdowns were imposed in the months of March and April but now, they have started to increase rapidly. Health authorities in European nations are extremely concerned due to the renewed crisis which is affecting their health infrastructure.

The health minister of Belgium called the current situation of coronavirus in the country as a ‘tsunami’ of infections and has decided to postpone all unnecessary hospital procedures, other countries having a similar situation in Europe are likely to impose similar restrictions.

France announced nearly 27,000 new cases of the virus as the country is averaging around 25,000 daily cases in the last few days. Around 34,048 people have already died of the virus in France and the total number of cases of the virus has accumulated to around 957,421. As of right now, the government of France has imposed a curfew in some major cities including Paris, and now, they are planning to expand it.

Italy registered around 15,199 cases in the last 24 hours, which is a daily record since the outbreak began in the country. Moreover, 127 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours which is by far a lot lesser than in March and April when nearly 900 people died in a day of the virus.

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Sackler Family Makes $8B Opioid Deal for 100,000’s Deaths. No Jail Time.

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Crime Pays –

Oct. 21, 2020 – The controversial settlement, valued at more than $8.3 billion, would restructure Purdue Pharma, which entered bankruptcy last year. Going forward, the company would operate as a public trust under government control, continuing to manufacture opioid medications. The Justice Department also said much of this settlement will help states and communities, providing them with “extraordinary new resources” for treatment of people suffering addiction.

In recent days, critics worked to head off this deal even before it was made public, saying it would entangle the government in a risky drug-making operation without holding the company or its owners accountable.

In a letter sent last week to Attorney General William Barr, 25 state attorneys general urged the Justice Department to “avoid having special ties to an opioid company” that “caused a national crisis.”

Nearly three dozen Democratic members of Congress also sent a letter to Barr last week insisting any resolution of Purdue Pharma’s role in the opioid crisis result in prison time for company owners and executives.

“Purdue and the Sackler family perpetrated one of the most egregious criminal acts in American history,” lawmakers argued in the letter, calling for more aggressive prosecutions.


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Sober Focus – The True Face of Alcohol

 A review by Diane I

The author, Elvi, paints a very grim picture of our relationship with alcohol. The book is divided into two sections. Part 1 is called Alcohol and Society and it touches on the history of alcohol in society including the role of the state, alcohol industry, religion and other influences. Part 2 is entitled Understanding Alcoholism and it states why people drink, how they become addicted, how it is a family disease and how to recover.

Part 1 – Alcohol and Society

In Chapter 1, To Live or to Drink she states that alcohol is a poison and gives lots of examples and statistics on how destructive alcohol is to individual humans and society on the whole. It causes untold physical and mental illness, emotional and spiritual demise and premature death.

In Chapter 2 she states that there are two theories or approaches to dealing with alcohol: total abstinence and drinking in moderation. One definition of sobriety is “the natural human condition in which a person consciously controls and is responsible for their actions”. She describes the science of Sobriology which studies how sobriety can be achieved in society. Sobriology is the subject of research by several groups in Russia. She believes that moderation in alcohol consumption is not the answer because even this will lead to alcoholism. She states that “the truth is that only conscious and total abstinence can prevent people from falling down the slippery slope.”

Chapter 3 goes into the many myths and absurdities of alcohol and she gives many good examples. One being “Wine is a healthy drink” and explains why this is not true backed up with scientific data.

In Chapter 4: The Alcohol Industry she gives excellent data on how the industry “aims at fabulous profits at the expense of people’s health and well being.” Governments take in huge alcohol taxes but this amount is much, much less than the costs associated with lowered productivity, unemployment, absenteeism, premature death, incarceration, health care, and criminal justice expenditures. The financial data she gives is quite astounding. “The point is, loss always far exceeds income, and that is one of the core principles of Sobriology”.

In Chapters 5 and 6 she makes the case that we are bombarded with positive alcohol images in the media. “It is so omnipresent that we see it as a natural part of life”. “The combined advertising, publicity and promotional effort of the entire alcohol industry brainwash the masses.” “People are conditioned to drink and, unless they are systematically educated to the contrary, they are unlikely to reconsider their stance.”

Chapter 7 – Alcohol and the Scriptures. Some religions take a stance against alcohol such as Islam and Buddhism. She claims that The Bible clearly states in scripture that we should abstain from alcohol and she gives many examples.

Chapter 8 – The Destruction of Souls. She believes that “intoxicants inhibit our connection with the Higher Intelligence, which dwells within us as our inner guidance and moral compass, along with the psycho-spiritual and cognitive qualities that differentiate us from other species”. Some may think this is what is called our “inner resource” in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Part 2 – Understanding Alcoholism

Chapter 9 – Why Do People Drink. She states that there are three main reasons:

  1. Availability – This may seem too obvious, but she says that alcohol consumption increases when it is more available such as when it is in convenience stores and grocery stores. “The widespread availability of alcohol, in terms of locations and times of sale, has led Russia to alcodisaster.”

  2. Beliefs – We think we choose our lifestyles, but we are so conditioned to drink by personal experience and social conditioning, that we don’t really make a decision to drink, we just do it! There is so much pressure to drink by society and peers that very few make an actual decision to abstain from alcohol completely, as a lifestyle choice.

  3. Addiction – “No one actually sets out to become an addict” and I certainly didn’t! But, because of social pressure and the euphoria that is felt from alcohol, despite the fact that it is very short lived and all of the many negative consequences, people do become addicted to alcohol.

In Chapter 10 – Beer is the Gateway she describes the chemical composition of beer and why it is so addictive. Beer is often the gateway to addiction because it is viewed as less harmful or not harmful at all. It is also less expensive. Aggressive marketing by the beer industry is one of the reasons why younger people are at risk and drinking beer puts them on the road to addiction. Beer has many detrimental consequences for adults as well. It is not harmless that is for sure!

Chapter 11 – Dependence. Although she doesn’t give a definition I believe she is using the term dependence synonymous with addiction. Young people continue to drink in spite of the very negative consequences such as nausea, vomiting, headaches and black outs. She states that a hangover is nature’s way of telling us that it is a poison and our body cannot handle it. But people continue to drink because of peer pressure. Even when people know that their drinking is causing a problem, there is much denial and the decision to quit is postponed because “they believe that their emotional equilibrium and contentment depends on the substance”. Elvi goes on to explain the three stages of alcoholism and how to recognize an addicted person.

In Chapter 12 “Overcoming Dependence” she states that “overcoming addiction is possible only when drinkers sincerely wish to be free”. A major obstacle to sobriety and recovery is admitting the problem which is due to denial and social stigma. Other obstacles include the fear of living without alcohol and that life will not be fun and will be unbearable without it. She makes the statement which I totally agree with “No matter how they were treated for addiction and how long they have lived soberly, if they do not change their core beliefs about drinking, they will never be fully free.” She gives many recommendations for overcoming dependence and I will not go into all of them now. However, she did say that finding like minded people with whom you can exchange information and share experiences is important; getting sober is easier with others. However, she does not mention Alcoholics Anonymous or any other kind of recovery group.

I find Chapter 13 on Codependency particularly interesting because alcoholism is a family illness. “Codependents enable drinkers by assuming responsibilities on their behalf, minimizing or denying the problem and making amends for them”. She describes in very good detail how the family can either hinder the recovery of the alcoholic or help him or her. She describes codependency very well. She also goes into a term that I am not familiar with, Co-Alcoholism and how “family members are blinded by loyalty to the alcoholic and by the fear of stigma”. She goes through 8 characteristics that the families exhibit. She describes how family is the key and how by trying to manage the alcoholics drinking, they are attempting to control the uncontrollable.

In Chapter 14 Correcting Family Dynamics Elvi has many suggestions and outlines some great steps on how the family needs to change in order for the alcoholic to recover. She does mention seeing a professional but she does not suggest Al-Anon as a recovery tool for the family or in particular the codependent. She asks “Can families correct the destructive dynamics and break free of the negative patterns?” … “Of course they can”.

In Chapter 15 Spiritual Crisis – Voluntary Enslavement, which I loved, she describes how “we suffer emotionally and spiritually, because at some level, we realize we are squandering the precious gift of life.” We have been made to suppress our connection with our Higher Intelligence. We don’t listen to our inner voice and therefore easily and blindly follow the herd. We are not free and only in sobriety can one hear their inner voice clearly. “Sobriety gives people the freedom to choose, act and be the best versions of themselves”.

Chapter 16 – Truth in Sobriety describes how individuals and society can achieve sobriety. “Getting sober doesn’t only mean that you don’t use substances, but that you live freely, as a fully expressed human being”. I believe she is talking about what I call emotional sobriety and being present. In conclusion she wishes that “you escape from the psychological slavery, feel happy and find the meaning of life”.

My Personal Conclusion

I really enjoyed this book very much, although I did not agree with everything. The main message I came away with is that we are bombarded from childhood with messages from all of society, including our parents, government, advertising and our peers that drinking is a normal and enjoyable part of life and that without it we can’t have fun and will not be included in society. We are not taught all of the negative consequences of alcohol and encouraged to choose sobriety as a way of life.

To access Sober Focus on the Amazon website, click on the image above.

Elvi says that sobriety is the “natural state” and I totally agree. All you have to do is watch children. Do they need alcohol to laugh, have fun, relax, learn and be creative? But, we teach them that when they become adults they will need alcohol to do all of those things. Although I have always thought this, Elvi opened my eyes even further on how we are conditioned to drink from early on. I think that this book is well worth a read for any one already sober or for someone thinking that they may have a problem with alcohol! It is also good for a family member or a friend of someone who they think might have a problem with alcohol.

Diane I. attended her first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Sudbury on February 16, 1977 at the age of 26. She was desperate to get and stay sober, which she has done since that first meeting, 43.5 years ago. She was very active in traditional AA for many years, but with the change in her beliefs about God and her discontent with all of the dogma she heard around the tables, she found traditional AA meetings more and more unbearable. About 4.5 years ago she discovered We Agnostics, a secular AA meeting in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where she lives. Diane found secular AA to be a breath of fresh air and much more in line with her beliefs. She can finally voice her opinions without fear of being judged. She is of course grateful for traditional AA, but has found her new home in We Agnostics.


The post Sober Focus – The True Face of Alcohol first appeared on AA Agnostica.

Man thanks officer who arrested him, got him into recovery

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH –A bop from the cop –

Oct. 13, 2020 – “I think that’s why I’m so passionate about it because I was that person,” says Hamilton. Every year Hamilton posts on social media about his inspiring recovery. This time his message reached the right person. Phoenix police arranged for Hamilton to meet Carro.

“That was pretty heartfelt when I first read that,” says Carro. “You just felt the soul; the gentleman’s soul was just so genuine.”

Carro has been with Phoenix police for 13 years. He does not remember Josh and never expected such an interaction to lead to a show of gratitude.

“I just treat everybody fairly, and with respect, the same way I’d want to be treated or I’d want my family to be treated,” says Carro.

Early next year, Hamilton will celebrate five years of sobriety. He wants every officer to know they make a huge impact every day, even if they don’t know it.

“Especially now,” says Hamilton. “We need you. We need you, and it’s super important for them to know that.”


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Meet Karen Meisels: Consulting and Coaching

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

More than advice: Action –  

Oct. 12, 2020 – My company KM Consulting & Coaching provides two levels of services. Consulting, which focuses on helping companies target the right audience, while providing unique skills and methods in building brands and relationships to enhance productivity. Coaching, which focuses on one-on-one professional coaching, and plant-based nutrition coaching that allows for transformation with the people I work with. I take a compassionate holistic approach with a balanced focus on mind, body and spirit because they’re all connected.

Last year, after receiving certification in plant-based nutrition from Cornell, I expanded my coaching services to include a specialized nutrition program focused on plant-based eating to support my clients in implementing healthier habits that help them level up their health, vitality and overall well-being. I customize a plan for each client based on their lifestyle and challenges and together we level up to make improvements and achieve results. Making real, positive change in our lives is about taking small, actionable steps that we incorporate into our daily lives to create lasting habits.

I’m a teacher, connector, and ultimately a people person, and I love learning how people communicate. I listen with the same passion with which I want to be heard so I can show up with an open mind and an open heart to serve.

I am most proud of my own resilience and how I’ve continued to bounce back, regardless of the obstacles or challenges. I think one’s ability to adapt to failure and navigate their way through it is the foundation of resiliency.

As a coach, I specialize in helping people with reinventing their lives. I ask specific questions to get to their why and support them in the process. My clients are people who are on the growth path. As a certified plant based nutrition coach, I create customized plans that address the seven dimensions of wellness for continued growth and balance and adjust weekly as we move toward their goals — a full integration of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I provide continued guidance and creative tools that support and elevate them as they achieve results. After decades of seeing people struggle with food and emotional eating, I created this as a lifestyle that will allow one to feel at peace and empowered around nutrition and to nurture themselves in a healthy, loving way.


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Harm reduction: an important form of addiction recovery?

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

LISTEN – Death Reduction –  

Oct. 14, 2020 – While there are many organizations trying to help others overcome substance abuse and addiction, USARA is unique says McMillin.

According to McMillin, USARA comes from a place where they’ve been through the struggle because their employees know addiction firsthand.

“We are a called a recovery community organization and it is run by people in recovery themselves,” McMillin said. “[We] are people with a lived experience so [we] are individuals who have had a substance abuse disorder, struggled with addiction themselves.”

And that’s what makes them so unique says McMillin. It also opens up the door to understanding the role harm reduction plays on a recovering addict.

They’re not worried about the labels of addiction according to McMillin. USARA’s goal is to be supportive and helpful in any way possible and quite often, that starts with a conversation.

“When we meet with somebody, it’s [for] the individual. We’re not sitting down saying what drugs are you using or how much are you drinking,” McMillin described. “We’re not identifying them by a label, we’re addressing them as a person.”


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Keith Richards’ worst drug experience is a literal nightmare

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – Rolling Stoned –

Oct. 12, 2020 – Mick Jagger, speaking with Rolling Stone, put the band’s prior creative lull in the ’70s down to one thing, “Everyone was using drugs, Keith [Richards] particularly,” said the frontman in 1995. “So I think it suffered a bit from all that. General malaise. I think we got a bit carried away with our own popularity and so on. It was a bit of a holiday period. I mean, we cared, but we didn’t care as much as we had. Not really concentrating on the creative process.” 

Richards has racked up five drug charges since the start of his career which never deterred him to take the path to sobriety like so many of his contemporaries who swap the substances for smoothies. Instead, his reason for packing in the habit was boredom. Speaking to the Telegraph in 2018, Richards was asked about his well-known hedonistic tendencies, “Drugs are not interesting these days,” he said. “They are very institutionalised and bland. And, anyway, I’ve done ’em all,” he boasted.

“I’m not saying I’m definitely off all of this stuff,” he also admits. “In six months’ time, I might be on it again. But at the moment, for a couple of months, I haven’t touched it,” before going on to say he finds sobriety “novel”.


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Telemedicine for drug addiction treatment

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Talk to the screen –  

Oct. 12, 2020 – Telemedicine has long been seen as a potential remedy, but pre-pandemic adoption rates were low among addiction treatment providers, according to studies by Lori Uscher-Pines, a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, and Haiden Huskamp, a health economist at Harvard Medical School, who, along with their colleagues, are researching telemedicine care delivery for substance use disorder treatment. Since March, they have watched a treatment paradigm historically centered on strict in-person monitoring and layers of regulation quickly transform into one that relies heavily on virtual care.

“Everything has changed since COVID-19,” says Uscher-Pines. “The regulatory barriers, patient readiness barriers, all of those things are different now… Our research shows that only about 17% of licensed treatment facilities had any telemedicine capabilities prior to the pandemic. What we’re seeing now, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is an explosion of telemedicine use.”

Virtual 12-step program meetings, online psychotherapy, and private companies offering remote medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to opioid use disorder sufferers have become the norm since the pandemic began. Early research suggests that MAT prescribers transitioned easily to telemedicine with established patients but have been hesitant to take on new ones.

The process of initiating MAT, usually with methadone or buprenorphine, is subject to specific federal and state regulations. Many of these and other regulations have been loosened to facilitate increased access to treatment via telemedicine during the pandemic, but the regulatory environment remains complex.

The following federal policy changes, detailed in a recent study by the nonprofit Center for Connected Health Policy, are in place at least for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic and have opened up options for telemedicine-delivered addiction treatment for patients with access to a computer or telephone:


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Man caught with 20 Burmese pythons and marijuana in his home

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Don’t bogart that snake my friend –

Oct. 12, 2020 – A Holladay man has been arrested and is facing charges after animal-control officers found 20 Burmese pythons roaming around his residence.

According to a probable cause statement filed by a Unified police officer, the man, 64, sold a baby python — which is considered an exotic animal — to an undercover officer. After the sale, Salt Lake County Animal Services verified that the man had no permits for either exotic or dangerous animals since 2017.

Officers served a search warrant Friday. In his home, according to the probable cause statement, they found 20 pythons “mostly free-roaming inside.” Ten of the snakes measured longer than 10 feet.


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