Mark Cuban Helps Homeless NBA Player Check Into Rehab

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Doing the right thing –

Sep. 30, 2020 – When images of Delonte West emerged online showing the former NBA star begging for money, the basketball community instantly rallied behind him.

Fans, TV personalities and big-name players all urged the NBA to step in an help the struggling 37-year-old who had clearly fallen on hard times.

West, who enjoyed an eight-year career in the NBA, has clearly fallen on hard times recently after various footage emerged of him begging on the streets and even being beaten up. It’s understood West made upwards of $16 million during his time with the Boston Celtics, Seattle SuperSonics, Cleveland Cavaliers and most recently the Mavericks. But West’s fall from grace meant he was forced to turn to the streets.  Now, though, it appears he has checked in to a rehab clinic under the guidance of Dallas’ owner Cuban.


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Cuomo Calls for Arrests of Public Drug Users

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Lock them up! –

Sep. 30, 2020 – “We need to stabilize the city now and there is a lot of anxiety,” Cuomo said. “I have seen this city go through cycles. Most of the younger guys—you’ve only seen an upcycle. You don’t remember what the city was like because you weren’t born. In the 60s, when it was really bad, and the ‘70s.” The governor’s remarks were markedly different from his rhetoric earlier in the briefing, when he questioned why an armed police officer would be the responding authority during 911 calls regarding substance abuse or mental health issues. Cuomo made the remarks as he introduced a five-point plan to stabilize NYC, which had few details besides listing off NYC’s cascading crises, which included gun violence, cleanliness, and the economy.

Overdose prevention advocates were dismayed Cuomo’s directive to crack down on people using drugs in public.

The vice president of public policy advocacy at the Legal Action Center, Tracie Gardner, called it a “step backwards.”

“We’re supposed to be the leader in responding to people who use drugs,” said Gardner, who worked for the Cuomo administration for three years. “This is not leadership.”


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What Is the Mother Wound and How Do You Heal?

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

It’s Complex –  

2020 – The mother wound is not a specific diagnosis — although it can hurt so much that you’re sure it warrants one. While both daughters and sons can feel the impact of the under-mothering that leads to the mother wound, it’s typically considered a mother-to-daughter wound.

Thanks to psychologist Mary Ainsworth and her attachment theoryTrusted Source, we know that the trust that a mother instills in childhood positively affects not only the child’s present, but also their future relationships. Meaning, a child who acquires the mother wound is most likely to perpetuate this type of relationship with their own children. In patriarchal societies, it may be easier for mothers to pass on their own mother wound to their daughters. Women who have internalized stereotypical beliefs that relegate women to second-class citizens are more likely to consciously or unconsciously transmit these beliefs to their daughters.

Daughters in these societies may find themselves caught in a double-edged dilemma: Accept what Mom believes in so that we’re in the same boat and she keeps on loving me, or fight for my own beliefs and aim for empowerment. It’s no easy feat to take up the fight.


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Spain seizes 30 tonnes of hashish hidden in sailing boats

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Remember Hash? –  

Sep.30, 2020 – LAS PALMAS, Spain (Reuters) – Spanish authorities have seized about 30 tonnes of hashish hidden in four sailing boats, in their biggest drug bust at sea, local authorities said on Wednesday.

Nine Bulgarian and Russian citizens were arrested in the raid.

“The logistical capacity of the Bulgarian criminal organizations’ top leaders engaged in drug trafficking in recreational vessels has been hit, preventing new routes from emerging or that they take advantage of the pandemic,” police and tax authorities said in a statement.

Earlier this year 4.6 tonnes of hashish were seized in two sailing boats from the same criminal group near the Balearic Islands.


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Virtual fitness classes strengthen those battling addiction

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – Time to stretch… –  

Oct. 1, 2020 – The organization has provided free athletic activities and a sober support community to more than 36,000 people across the United States. Now, clients can log on to free virtual classes offered throughout the day — everything from yoga and strength training to meditation and recovery meetings. “We hadn’t done virtual programming before, but we pretty quickly learned that it allowed the Phoenix to offer programs to rural communities that we historically couldn’t reach,” Strode said.

The group now has people in recovery joining classes from all across the US, and four other countries. They’ve also been able to bring their programming into prisons nationwide by recording content that is then distributed to inmates.

“I don’t think we’re going to find some magic solution that’s going to fix addiction in all of our communities,” Strode said. “I think we have to do it as a community and be there for each other — letting people step into the pride and strength in their recovery can get us out of this.”


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‘Running is a big part of my sobriety tool kit,’ woman shares sobriety story with Hispanic community

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – No Escaping –

Oct. 2, 2020 – “Running is a big part of my sobriety tool kit. I use it when I’m having a hard day or I feel triggered,” said Rosales.

For about ten years, Rosales said she suffered with addiction to alcohol, she’s almost two years sober. The runner said it wasn’t easy to run her first couple of races but said the medals she won at the end of her races were tangible proof of what she’s overcome.

“To me it illustrates simply taking action. No pun intended put a step at a time and so looking back at her running journey a year and a half ago, she probably wouldn’t believe she’d be this marathon runner running upwards of 50 miles a week,” said running friend Marcos Avila.

Rosales said she’s sharing her story in hopes of helping some in her community.

“I just hope that Latinos take away that it’s ok to talk about having alcohol issues addiction issues,” said Rosales.


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Jab on Hunter Biden’s Drug Addiction Horrifies Treatment Advocates

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Stigma in high places –  

Oct. 1, 2020 – “Addiction is a medical condition that affects millions of Americans each year, irrespective of any demographic. It is a disease, not a moral or character failing,” Marvin Ventrell, CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, told The Daily Beast. “It is inappropriate, harmful, hurtful, and irresponsible when a public figure or person of influence disparages people suffering from addiction.”

“Pointing out a father because his son may have struggled in the past with a substance use disorder is wholly unconstructive and serves to perpetuate misconceived perceptions of addiction,” said Dr. Paul H. Earley, president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). “Our nation must respond with compassion and evidence-based treatments if we want to treat addiction and save lives.”

Trump’s comments, which characterized substance use as a character failure, also undercut the hard-fought understanding in the medical community that addiction is a disease, said Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, chief medical director of American Addiction Centers, which provides treatment for substance use disorders.


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Q&A with author and recovery coach, Laura Martella

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Stick with the Winners! –

October 1, 2020 – Laura Martella is an accountability and certified recovery coach with over 20 years of active sobriety. She has a strong track record for creating sustainable change in the lives of her clients.Laura’s 90 day one on one accountability program teaches her clients how to transform their daily habits into acts of intention and self care. Her personalized plan offers practical and relatable guidance on how to simplify “ eating clean “ in today’s world of unlimited choices. Laura reminds us there is no “magic pill, shake or powder.” Her comprehensive program with defined goal setting and daily reinforcement with her clients makes her unique in driving sustainable transformation. It starts with a commitment for self care, proper nutrition and a mindset to improve one’s life. 

Laura is a true accountability partner with her clients. Laura’s film, “If You Are Still Breathing” is featured in The REEL Recovery Film Festival this November 6-12 available on Film Festival Flix. She is the author of Gentleman Norman How To Be A Man.

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? – and when did you stop using?
A. Alcohol did it for me. I got sober at 35.

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I definitely believe it is a physical, mental and spiritual disease. The description in the Drs. Opinion in our Big Book explains it perfectly. An allergy of the body coupled with a mental obsession.

Q.  Do you log on to ZOOM 12-step meetings? How often? Do you share?
A. I do an average of 3 meetings a week. I go through stages where I feel I need to share. Other times I really need to listen.

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Tommy Lee was ‘drinking 2 gallons’ of vodka a day

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Lightweight –  

October 3, 2020 – “She was like, ‘Baby, I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen anybody drink that much. Like, you’re kind of scaring me,’” he quoted her saying, noting she asked him whether he would wake up. Furlan, who is Lee’s fourth wife, was a viral star on Vine and now has over 2 million Instagram followers. She opened up about her relationship with the rocker on the Netflix documentary “The American Meme.””I met someone who I can trust because I didn’t trust anybody that I’ve dated before. I’d say Tommy is my first true love and I’m finally safe and happy,” Furlan said. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”The pair started dating in 2017, but Lee said he’s known of the social media star for much longer: “I’ve been following her for years on Vine and I was like, ‘She is so (expletive) funny and stupid and cute and beautiful.’  After hearing her worries, he decided to seek help. He went to a rehab facility and kicked the vodka to the curb. This isn’t the first time Lee has been sober. He said in the video that he goes through phases and had been sober for four years at one point. He’s not sure this will be a decision that will last forever, he told Yahoo. 


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Ann Arbor, Michigan Decriminalizes Psychedelics

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Groovy –

October 1, 2020 – On September 21, the City Council of Ann Arbor, Michigan voted unanimously to decriminalize naturally occurring psychedelics. It becomes the fourth US city in two years to adopt such a reform. However, lawmakers added a late amendment to the resolution that alters its scope. Commercial manufacture and sales, driving under the influence, “public disturbance” and distribution in schools will remain firmly illegal. 

The city also calls upon the Washtenaw County prosecutor to stop charging people for offenses related to use of these drugs. The resolution cites clinical research, anecdotal evidence, and historical and traditional use of psychedelics for medicinal, therapeutic and spiritual purposes.

The sponsors of the resolution, local group Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor, feel that while the reform is unlikely to have a large impact on criminal justice in the city, it still helps to push a necessary conversation about drugs. “We think this move is more symbolic of what is already happening in Ann Arbor,” Myc Williams, the group’s communications director, told Filter. “According to the chief of police there have only been six arrests in Ann Arbor since 2017, and none in 2020.”

Williams suggested that the successful vote allows groups like his to move forward with public education around psychedelics, so people can talk about how to use them safely. “[We are] working closely with Michigan Psychedelic Society and Michigan DanceSafe to provide educational materials and resources,” he said, “as well as creating a ‘community container,’ to not only address education and safe consumption, but also ensure that communities that stand to benefit most and are hardest to reach have equity in access, provide spaces for integration, and continue the conversation.”


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