Zappos founder Tony Hsieh spent last hours planning to enter rehab

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Don’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – 

Dec. 6, 2020 – Then, just before entering a shed on his girlfriend’s posh waterfront property in the wee hours, the on-edge Hsieh asked pals to check on him every 5 minutes, sources told the outlet.

Details of the ensuing fatal shed fire remain murky, although authorities have said the Harvard-educated business genius died from smoke inhalation and that the blaze was accidental.

But Hsieh’s obsessions and fascination with experimenting with his body — for example, trying to see how much food and oxygen he could live without — may provide some clues as to what happened.

He was entranced by fire — with a real-estate agent recalling seeing an estimated 1,000 candles in Hsieh’s Park City, Utah, home earlier this year, the Journal said.

Hsieh, who wrote a 2010 bestseller about his alternative path to success called “Delivering Happiness,’’ “explained to me that the candles were a symbol of what life was like in a simpler time,” the agent, Paul Benson, told the Journal.

The quirky entrepreneur, who sold his business to Amazon for $1 billion in 2009, also liked to use a heater in his girlfriend’s shed to decrease his oxygen level, sources told the media outlet.


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Sober living, addiction treatment conflicts return to lawmakers’ crosshairs

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

The good, the bad and the ugly – 

Dec. 4, 2020 – On Thursday, Dec. 3, three Congress members introduced a bill aimed at improving the quality of care offered to recovering addicts living in sober living homes.

Dubbed “The Excellence in Recovery Housing Act,” the proposed law would require the National Academy of Sciences to study high-quality recovery housing and make recommendations for increasing its availability. It also would determine how to improve data collection about recovery, ensure that medication-assisted treatment would be available for people seeking to stay sober and explore the legal tangles that still exist on the state and local front involving recovery housing.

The bill also would push the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to work with “reputable providers” to come up with comprehensive guidelines for struggling state governments, and would provide some $57 million in grants states could use to help make quality housing a reality.


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John Lennon as ‘stay-at-home dad’: Inside his final years

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Gone way too soon … 40 years ago today –  

Dec. 2, 2020 – “He was probably, in those years, the most notable stay-at-home dad in America,” said Larry Kane, author of “Lennon Revealed,” a 2005 biography, and “Ticket to Ride,” a chronicle of the Beatles’ early American tours.

It was a pointed turn for a celebrity who was once one of the international avatars of the “sex, drugs and rock-’n’-roll” cliché. Lennon said he bottomed out while he was separated from Ono in the early 1970s, during an 18-month “long weekend” of substance abuse, according to Kane.

But it was also an unusual role for a middle-age man in that period: Just 2 percent of American households had stay-at-home fathers from 1976 to 1979, according to a Pew Research article citing a 2013 study published in the Journal of Family Issues.

Lennon, according to news articles published at the time, apparently had some help from a nanny. But nearly all contemporaneous stories depict Lennon as a steadfast and joyful father, totally consumed with domestic life. (“Lennon Is Playing Daddy,” a headline from the time read in part.)

“John talked baby talk, tickled [Sean], threw him in the air… 


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Tallulah Willis Credits Mom, Demi Moore, for Her Sobriety

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Sober mother, sober daughter –  

December 3, 2020 – Willis also said she finds herself “becoming [her] mother in the most complimentary way” and feels that Moore is someone she can “really draw from.”

“She’s even, I think, at this point in her life now still exploring and coming into herself creatively which is so inspiring for me because I think you can get really hung up on ‘I didn’t figure it out soon enough’,” she shared, noting that she herself struggled to “figure out” her “life path.”

Moore even had an influence on her daughter’s style.

“… So much of it was probably my mom. It really was. She is constantly shifting and evolving her style, but is also a hoarder,” Tallulah explained. “She’s kept every iteration of vibe that she’s ever had.”

Being the child of two Hollywood juggernauts — not to mention the youngest of their three shared children — Willis found herself under some pressure in her early years.

“There was a little bit of [pressure with] me being the youngest, and kind of seeing a lot of people in already-developed stages of creativity. There was pressure, not spoken, but pressure that I put on myself to kind of figure it out,” she explained.

However, Tallulah feels she’s hit her own stride these days.

“At 26, I think you start to know yourself,” she said. “I think you start to see these patterns really kick in.”


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Has Diana’s Bulimia Taught Us Nothing?

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Weighing the Alternatives – 

December 3, 2020 – That’s when she started the binge-purge cycle; uncontrollably eating large quantities of food before forcing herself to vomit. “I’d go to the corner shop and buy a ridiculous amount of food – triple sandwiches, big bags of crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks – binge-eat them in a specific order, then purge until there was nothing left. It completely took over my life.”  When Jeni saw her doctor, she was told that her potassium levels were so low – due to electrolyte imbalances caused by vomiting – that she was at risk of having a heart attack. She was referred for therapy but relapsed dangerously five years later, making herself sick around six times a day.

“I was scared so eventually I went to my GP for help,” Jeni says. “But my doctor told me I wasn’t underweight enough for treatment. I was crushed. I’d always felt like a fraud for having an eating disorder and not being ‘skinny’, and that just confirmed it.” 

Now 32, Jeni is in a much better place mentally, but still purges from time to time. Like so many women over the age of 30 who have been battling bulimia since a young age, she’s simply learnt to deal with it on her own.  Jeni’s experience may sound familiar if you’ve been watching the latest season of The Crown, which depicts Princess Diana’s battle with bulimia in graphic detail. The show portrays a young woman thrust onto the world stage, under constant scrutiny, struggling to cope in a doomed marriage. Consequentially, we watch a vulnerable and deeply troubled Diana resorting to binging and purging as a coping mechanism, gradually cloaking herself in bulimia like a security blanket. It gives her control in a situation in which she has none.  “Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma and misguided judgement attached to bulimia,” says Jessica Griffiths, clinical lead at eating disorder charity Beat. “There’s an assumption that people with any sort of eating disorder are just underweight, or that people with bulimia are simply greedy and can’t control how much they eat. But it’s not about the physical state – it’s not about discipline or willpower – it’s about the mindset, and the really powerful, distressing feelings driving these mental health issues.”


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The Social Media Addiction Bubble

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Thumbs Down – 

Nov. 30, 2020 – The September debut of “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix sounded this alarm for millions of viewers.

The documentary centers on Tristan Harris, the former Google engineer who has been leading the assault on social media as cofounder of the Center for Humane Technology, 

Harris started talking about smartphones as “slot machines” years ago: “Every time I check my phone, I”m playing the slot machine to see, ‘What did I get?’ This is one way to highjack people’s minds, to form a habit.” 

At a Nov. 17 hearing to grill Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham borrowed Harris’ “slot machine” language and promised further inquiries.

The catch: For psychologists, “Facebook addiction” is a subset of “internet addiction.”

“Internet addiction” follows previous alarms over video game addiction, TV addiction, comic book addiction and so on. 

“Social media is a drug” is the latest version of “TV is a drug,” which was an update of “rock music is a drug,” and so on.

Every new media technology or format, particularly those that gain popularity among younger users, has sparked a wave of fear and concern among adults that kids’ attention is being hijacked and their minds are being warped. 

Media historians call these reactions “moral panics,” and many view them as ways of deflecting attention from deeper social ills.


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Four Buddhist Mantras for Turning Fear into Love

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Now more than ever… –  

Dec. 2020 – In the general Buddhist style of befriending complexity through simplicity and with his particular gift for simple words strung into a rosary of immense wisdom radiating immense kindness, Thich Nhat Hanh writes: ”We have a great, habitual fear inside ourselves. We’re afraid of many things — of our own death, of losing our loved ones, of change, of being alone. The practice of mindfulness helps us to touch nonfear. It’s only here and now that we can experience total relief, total happiness… In the practice of Buddhism, we see that all mental formations — including compassion, love, fear, sorrow, and despair — are organic in nature. We don’t need to be afraid of any of them, because transformation is always possible.”

Such transformation is possible only through deliberate practice — none more challenging, or more rewarding, than the practice of transforming fear into love. In consonance with his teaching that “to love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love,” he anchors this transmutation practice in four mantras “effective for watering the seeds of happiness in yourself and your beloved and for transforming fear, suffering, and loneliness.”


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How to Use Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 to Prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky Gut Syndrome is currently one of the most discussed health conditions in the medical community. Even though an increasing number of people are developing the issue, not all health practitioners recognize the condition which makes it more challenging to treat. For most people, getting treatment for a leaky gut is difficult. As a result, they consistently deal with intestinal pain, increased levels of inflammation, and problems in digestion. Now, Gundry MD’s Bio Complete 3 can provide a solution to every person who is struggling with the condition. With its unique blend, Bio Complete 3 combines pre-biotics, pro-biotics, and post-biotics. By using this supplement, a person can prevent leaky gut syndrome any complications associated with digestive health.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome? 

Increased intestinal permeability or having a leaky gut syndrome refers to damage to the inner lining of the intestines. This lining covers more than four thousand square feet and plays a fundamental role in the absorption of the food that is passed and broken down in the intestines. Secondly, it also controls what nutrients and minerals can enter the bloodstream. In doing so, toxic substances are filtered out as well. Therefore, when a person’s intestinal lining is damaged, he or she is prone to experiencing various issues.

An increase in the intestine’s permeability or the formation of holes and cracks in the intestine can allow deadly pathogens, toxins, and even undigested food to enter the bloodstream. Not only can this alone cause a number of problems but also lead to alterations in the gut bacteria, which, in turn, causes major digestive issues-related complications.

In addition, research on gut microbiota has already highlighted its link with various other medical conditions. Initially, several diseases were associated with the gut only by ancient medicine and therapies. Now, studies have also confirmed that changes in gut bacteria can indeed cause many complications and even increase the risk of severe issues including autoimmune diseases.

However, it is still difficult to know who may have higher chances of developing issues related to the gut and the gut microflora. According to research, every person has a certain level of permeability in their intestinal lining. However, it does not cause any issues or increase the risk of another disease.

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In cases where a person has a more sensitive lining due to genetic factors, there may be a heightened risk of having issues or even leaky gut syndrome but this does not mean other people cannot have damage in their intestinal lining.

In fact, it has been stated that the increase in the cases of increased intestinal permeability is more to be blamed on modern-day lifestyles and diets rather than genetic disposition. Lack of exercise, having a diet low in nutrients and high in carbs and sugars, as well as smoking and alcohol consumption, can all contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

If left untreated, a damaged intestinal lining along with changes in the gut bacteria can increase the risk of many health conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, celiac, and Crohn’s disease. Some studies have also linked it to conditions such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.


How Can Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 Prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Bio Complete 3 is one of Gundry MD’s most popular dietary supplements up till now due to its powerful formula that has helped a big number of people struggling with increased intestinal permeability and associated complications. Bio Complete 3 has been developed using biotics nutritional strategies, which means that the supplement aims to restore gut health by improving gut microflora.

The strategies usually comprise of using prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics in order to alter the gut bacteria in a way that can help in the management of various health conditions including a leaky gut as well as prevent further damage to the health from the increased permeability.

In Bio Complete 3, a blend of all three of these ingredients is used in order to boost gut health and stop further damage to the intestinal lining. Additionally, the unique formula can also help in fortifying the immune system of a person taking the supplement as gut bacteria also plays a fundamental role in building immune response and protecting from pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

This is why Gundry MD also calls Bio Complete 3 a ‘3-Pronged Defense’ because of its combination of pre, pro, and post biotics. All three of these ingredients can help in different ways. For example, probiotics can boost gut bacteria and prebiotics can facilitate by acting as fuel for the bacteria. Additionally, postbiotics can specifically help in managing complications of the leaky gut syndrome and stop further damage to the intestinal lining.

What are the Ingredients of Bio Complete 3?

As mentioned before, the ingredients and their blend are what makes Bio Complete 3 highly effective. The formula mainly comprises of three main ingredients which are as follows:

Tributyrin (1000 mg)

Tributyrin is one of the main ingredients used in Bio Complete 3 which can significantly help with weight loss and obesity. In addition, studies have also shown that it can improve insulin resistance and its effects on the body.

Sunfiber® (200 mg)

Sunfiber is a dietary fiber that can offer various health benefits including weight loss and maintenance, boosting gut microflora, and its balance in the intestinal tract.

Bacillus Coagulans (16 mg)

Bacillus Coagulans is a form of lactic acid that is known to help with various health conditions related to digestion. Studies have shown that it can relieve abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea.

Who Can Use Bio Complete 3? 

According to Gundry MD, Bio Complete 3 can help any person struggling with issues associated with digestion and gut health. In addition, the supplement’s one hundred percent natural formula can also have various other benefits including higher levels of energy, better control over cravings and appetite as well as better weight management.

Therefore, people who are also suffering from digestive issues, weight management, increased intestinal permeability, can all use Gundry MD’s Bio Complete 3 as it is highly effective and does not cause any serious adverse effects on the health.

The company also ensures that it uses only one hundred percent natural ingredients in its products, which are also tested separately by a third party separately before being launched in the market. Therefore, there is no need to worry as it is highly unlikely to lead to any negative health outcomes.

How to Use and Buy Bio Complete 3?  

According to Gundry MD, the effects of taking Bio Complete 3 can be seen after a few weeks only by taking it no more than twice a day. One capsule of the supplement should be taken before a meal at two separate times of the day. The company suggests taking one before breakfast and the other before dinner.

In order to get Bio Complete 3, simply visit the website of Gundry MD as an order can be placed directly from there. Another good news is that even though it has become widely popular, the price of the supplement has been kept affordable.

One bottle of Bio Complete 3 costs only $69.95. In addition, there are also offers and package deals by Gundry MD from time to time, which lower the price even further. Shipment on all orders above $60 is free all over the US. In case a user is not satisfied with his or her results, the company also offers a ninety days money-back guarantee, which gives all the more reasons to buy and try the Bio Complete 3.



The post How to Use Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 to Prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome? appeared first on Spark Health MD.

The Science of Addiction and Recovery

By Rand T.

Our human response to food and sex both involve survival issues. If you don’t eat you will die. You won’t die if you don’t have sex (you might think you will but you won’t) but getting pleasure from sex ensures we will seek it out and then there will be babies which ensures species survival. Drugs like alcohol, opiates, cannabis and stimulants work in the same brain pathway as those natural survival mechanisms.

The primary reward neurotransmitter is dopamine; food and sex stimulate dopamine release – and drugs also stimulate a high level of this release.

This occurs in our mesolimbic dopamine system which is below the level of thought. Our brain is hard-wired to respond to reward and the mesolimbic system doesn’t know what is okay or not okay. It just “likes”.

Once we like something we seek it out and start to have an anticipatory dopamine response to the thought of doing it again. Then we do it again, and again receive the reward. This is the fun part.

The not so fun part is that as we recreate that chemical reward we start to reduce the availability of dopamine and also serotonin (sense of well-being transmitter). Dopamine, in addition to being a reward transmitter, is also a connection transmitter. As the availability of these two are reduced (from overuse/overstimulation) our brain functions are reduced, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. Consequently, we have a harder time problem solving, decision making, and managing stress. Remember this is occurring in the same pathway as a food reward. When we are hungry we eat, when we are feeling stress or frustration we look for something to fix that and our limbic system will remember the reward we felt from the drug (including  alcohol) and seek it out again.

The problem is that it works to change how we feel and we have just created a new brain pathway that becomes our primary response to stress. The neurobiological rule is the neurons that fire together wire together. Unfortunately, every time we do this we are weakening our natural stress response system (it’s like paying someone else to go to the gym for you) and more and more things feel stressful which creates more and more desire to use to escape from the stress.

At this point, the “addiction” (substance use disorder) is primarily emotional, as the use increases, we will start to develop physical dependency as well. With both of these as soon as the level of the drug starts to go down our stress response system activates and we start seeking more drugs.

In recovery, we essentially reverse the process and start to recreate and exercise our natural stress response system.

Rand T. is in long-term recovery, having been free from alcohol and other drugs since March 26, 1972. That freedom “from” has given him the freedom “to” do a lot of other things.

Recovery has also given him the energy to expand much of his work into helping others affected by substance abuse. He is a Canadian Certified Addiction Counselor and an Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist in drug and alcohol concerns (kids call him the Drug Teacher). He is very grateful that he has been able to do as much work as he has in the field of substance abuse.

Rand recommends three books in particular (their covers can be seen above):

You can also read another article by Rand, posted on AA Agnostica some two years ago, right here: Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada.


The post The Science of Addiction and Recovery first appeared on AA Agnostica.

Anthocyanin-based Gundry MD Power Blues Improves Digestion Within a Few Weeks

Gundry MD’s Power Blues is a nutritional supplement that has been becoming a common choice and topic of discussion, especially among health-conscious people. After its launch in May 2020, the supplement was sold out within a few hours. According to feedbacks on Power Blues, most of its users have seen visible effects, especially on their digestive health within only a few weeks or even days. In addition to improvement in digestion, the supplement also has various other benefits to offer for all people regardless of their concerns.

What Is Power Blues? 

Power Blues is a nutritional supplement that is unique primarily due to its powdered polyphenol texture. It is made up of one hundred percent safe and powerful ingredients such as plant extracts, berries as well as prebiotics and probiotics.

All of these ingredients are scientifically known to provide a range of benefits to the body. The used formula has been noted to be very similar to that of naturally occurring superfoods and can provide a daily dose of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals to a person.

Hence, taking the natural supplement can boost not only digestion but also natural immunity, heart, and brain health. Usually, the user will see the results of taking the supplement in as little as fourteen days.

In addition to its various benefits, another thing that makes Power Blues distinctive is its texture. Since it comes in a powdered form, a person can use it and incorporate it into his or her daily routine in a variety of ways.

For example, it can be added to a shake, a smoothie, or any other drink. On lazy days, a scoop of the powder mixed with only 80z of water can also be enough to reap all of its advantages.

What Makes Power Blues Effective? 

Power Blues is being used and recommended by more and more people mainly because it fast results. According to Gundry MD, the formula of the supplement contains some of the most powerful ingredients. The selection of these specific ingredients and their blend is also what gives fast results within a short span of time.

The formula contains natural fruit and plant extracts which are loaded with anthocyanins, which are a type of blue polyphenols. According to research on blue polyphenols, they are some of the most potent naturally occurring antioxidants.

Studies on anthocyanins have also linked the antioxidant to a number of improvements in organ functions and overall health. For instance, they are known to boost immune systems and help keep infections away.

They also occur in a number of fruits including blueberries, which is also why they are also a part of the formula of Power Blues. Similarly, the supplement also contains other plant extracts that contain antioxidants including blue spirulina, dragon fruit juice powder, organic beetroot, and acerola cherry extract.

Along with plant extracts, there are also two other ingredients that are fundamental in making the supplement effective. Both of these work side by side in boosting the health of a user, specifically the digestive system.

Probiotics are bacteria that are also present naturally in the gut and intestines. They are responsible for the breakdown and absorption of food. Any changes in the gut bacteria, therefore, leads to poor digestion or even an inability to absorb all nutrients from the food properly.

People who experience digestive issues frequently are always recommended to consume probiotics. Prebiotics, the other ingredient in Power Blues, are food for the probiotics bacteria. A combination of these can help soothe any digestive issues in a small period of time.

Lastly, a blend of ingredients that can kickstart the metabolism and help with overall cardiometabolic health is also added to Power Blues. These include rosemary extract, ginger, and green tea extract.

By adding Gundry MD’s Power Blues, a person will also get a daily dose of several essential nutrients including thiamin, vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin C, riboflavin, biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and folate.

Who Can Use Power Blues? 

According to Gundry MD, the formula of Power Blues is one hundred percent natural and is tested specifically for safety prior to being sold by a third party at a separate facility. This means that the supplement is also safe for usage for the majority of people.

Therefore, any person who is looking to boost his or health overall health or is suffering particularly from issues related to digestion can use Power Blues. Gundry MD suggests trying the supplement for at least a few weeks to see the visible results.

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However, the company also warns against using Power Blues as a treatment for a disease or medical condition. Power Blues is only a nutritional supplement and should not be used as an alternative or in place of other medicines prescribed for curing any health conditions.

People who have existent medical conditions should discuss with their doctors before adding Power Blues in their diet. Secondly, pregnant and breastfeeding women or people taking other medicines should also not use any supplements without consultation.

Directions for Usage

The directions for the use of Power Blues are simple and easy to follow. For maximum benefits, the supplement should be consumed at once a day by adding a scoop of it to 8oz water. The powder can be combined with any beverage of choice including milkshakes, iced tea, and juices.

The flavor of the powder when mixed with water itself is also refreshing and neutral due to the presence of blueberry extract. In summers, it can be used as a drink itself by adding the powder to cold water.

Are There Any Negative Effects of Power Blues? 

As mentioned before, the formula of Gundry MD’s Power Blues is made up of natural ingredients that have been tested for safety as well. Hence, the supplement is highly unlikely to cause any negative effects on the body and health of a user.

In addition to ensuring safety, Gundry MD also offers a 100% money back policy with no additional questions asked. A person can get a refund within ninety days if he or she is not satisfied with the effects of the supplement.

However, the company does encourage people to use at least eight to twelve weeks to see results. This is because the time of results can vary from one person to another. While some people may see results in as little as four weeks, others may need a longer time.

Where to Buy Gundry MD’s Power Blues? 

It is fairly easy for any person to look up and buy Power Blues as it can be obtained directly from Gundry MD’s website online. Although it may seem like the supplement will be expensive due to its rising popularity but the price is affordable. So, every person interested in using the supplement can buy it at the price of only $69.95.

In addition, Gundry MD offers discounts and deals from time to time. There are also certain packages that allow a person to buy three or even six jars at half the actual price. The shipping charges on orders over $60 are free all over the US.

Since Power Blue’s sales are really high, the company often runs out of stock, which is why any interested person should order it as soon as possible.

The post Anthocyanin-based Gundry MD Power Blues Improves Digestion Within a Few Weeks appeared first on Spark Health MD.