Peeling the Onion: Shedding Theism In Sobriety

By Amy B

The Hero’s Journey… ?

In traditional AA, there’s a classic story, a hero’s journey if you will, about how you progress in sobriety. You come into AA, iffy about the existence of God, but as wonder after wonder happens in your life due to sobriety and AA itself, the veil is lifted. You come to your senses and join the happy, trudging crowd in some form of belief in God. Those who don’t, well, they’ll come around, or else we’re saving them a seat for when they come back. Right?

My path was different. Before I got sober I’d been forcing myself back into the US Catholic Church, in hopes that getting good would help me get well. In addition to alcoholism, I suffered from other compulsive behaviors, and what I understood at the time to be depression, insomnia, and social anxiety. And going to church did nothing for any of it, although to give credit where it’s due, I met some fellow churchgoers who changed my life distinctly for the better. But I was so mired in indistinct theism that I was ready to go into a convent, which I see now as more a need to escape the fulltime office work environment that was never good for me.

A Very Narrow Sober Life

I came into AA, got sober, and joined a small and avidly theist sect of AA. While this group did not push structured step work as a way to stay sober, they insisted that communication with a sponsor would give you “all the answers you need.” So you called a sponsor the same way you … went to confession. For a lifelong Catholic this model seemed familiar and comforting. And I was very damaged by all the substances I’d taken over the years, prescriptions for a misdiagnosis included. Having someone tell me what to do appealed to me because I was terrified that without that guidance and support I would go back to booze and pills. And per the group (and most other groups in traditional AA), God backed all of it, the same way “In God We Trust” is (or used to be) stamped on US coins.

Along with the “AA has all the answers you need” ethos came a deep group prejudice against pursuing other answers and solutions for personal problems, especially psychiatric help OR simply talk therapy. While I do believe that many active alcoholics are misdiagnosed by doctors and receive much more medication than they probably need, I also believe that some of the disorders named in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by psych professionals are VERY real and potentially deadly if left untreated. Some members of that “sect” wisely (and quietly) advised their sponsees to seek outside help for issues like childhood sexual abuse. But most people didn’t talk openly about the exceptions to the rule.

Over several years, I stayed sober and plodded along in a safe gray world free of pesky individual choice, as directed by my sponsor. I went to work faithfully and did good work, but I stayed stuck in a low-paying job because “nothing else was coming along.” What this meant was that I was not to seek other opportunities: God would provide them if they were “meant to be.” Meanwhile, my social life was even more isolated than it had been before I got sober. What was that about? If I simply went to Vermont for the weekend, I’d get a nice wet blanket thrown over my plans by my sponsor: “You’re running away.” And every time I brought up doing something about my increasing bodyweight (due to compulsive food behaviors), I’d get a “maybe you can go to Weight Watchers in the spring.” Readers: spring never came.

Stepping Into A Different River

Often I questioned whether I should continue to talk to that sponsor, but I left it up to that magical mystical God to sunder the relationship if He (choice of pronoun entirely intentional) should choose. Meanwhile: I gained weight and continued in a world dominated by work, meetings, and TV watching.

The linchpin for my departure came, unsurprisingly, with a decision over bodily autonomy. My weight, driven by compulsive eating, had reached a level I hadn’t seen in years. I quietly decided to undertake a different way of eating AND to go to Overeaters Anonymous for support. I didn’t tell my sponsor. I dropped about 10 pounds in a healthy way over a couple of months. Later, when my sponsor triumphantly said (probably about herself!) “You’re worried about your weight, aren’t you?” I told her calmly, “Actually, no, I’m not.” I had a few more cycles of OA attendance and compulsive food behaviors to go before I would stay put in that fellowship, but the important thing was that I had started to break the psychological hold she and the sect had on me.

In October of that year, things came to a head. I’d been promoted at work and had promptly been hazed by several of my colleagues, including my then-boss. My sponsor had no answers for that situation other than “you told your manager, now let her take care of it.” One possible flaw in that logic: my manager was part of the problem. My mother was declining from dementia in another state and I had no in-person support like a dementia caregivers support group to help me with that: hey, why would I need that if I had a sponsor who had all the answers from God? Meanwhile, my sponsor was becoming increasingly rude and abrupt in our conversations. One night, after I got a busy signal yet again, I said to myself: “Take the hint.” And I did. I stopped talking to her and found another sponsor who wasn’t in the sect. And I started taking decisions for myself, the first of which was to find a better job.

A Question That Needed An Answer

In the ensuing years, I took all the Big Grownup decisions that were overdue because I never got a green light from my sect sponsor: I changed jobs (twice!), I bought and sold residences (and made money on the last one!), I went to OA or left as I saw fit. And I increased my attendance at the atheist and agnostic AA groups I’d found even before I left off talking to the sect sponsor: there was something about it that seemed to fit.

And I wondered, deeply, why my social life had remained so stagnant and isolated. Why did I have so much trouble with being bullied at work, and why did I develop destructive obsessions with people? Going to work every weekday for eight hours and grappling with these issues on a daily basis triggered suicidal ideation, and nothing helped: AA attendance, talking to a sponsor, psychotherapy. But I had become ingrained in the “all your problems stem from being an alcoholic” mentality that went hand in hand with the theism. So for years, even after I left off talking to the sect sponsor, I didn’t pursue an assessment for what I suspected the root cause of the social difficulties to be: autism.

I finally sought assessment for autism in April 2019. Surprise, surprise: the clinician agreed with my assessment and gave me strong evidence for her conclusion. (This is a typical outcome for people who quietly suspect they’re on the spectrum.) And other autists have confirmed what she said even if I wasn’t asking for confirmation. Social isolation, bullying, and obsessions with people are often a large part of the lives of cis women autists.

Had I waited for an interventionist deity to end my relationship with the sect sponsor, I might still be talking to her… and I would still be huddling in a corner of a meeting room, getting smaller and smaller. Instead, I ended the relationship myself, and I’m far stronger for the experience.

What’s Happening Today

Today, I’m retired from those jobs that set the stage for so much of my pain. and as a result I am no longer suicidal on a frequent basis. (I can assure you that the sect sponsor would have been horrified at that decision, but I have a good eye for my own finances.)

I identify as an autist and an agnostic who leans atheist, and I am sober in AA and abstinent in OA. I sponsor several people in OA and I lead a couple of secular OA / eating disorder recovery meetings. I have been travelling in Latin America since summer 2019 and I may make a Latin American country my retirement home. I’m taking up music practice again, which has always been fraught because of my many physical and emotional limitations from autism, but I feel better overall when I do it than when I don’t. I have sought answers for myself from within AA and from the world at large: today I know I’m the captain of my ship. And I’m especially grateful to the secular recovery movement and to my dear friend and sponsor, D, for giving me a new community and support.

Amy B is a cis woman in her fifties. Professionally she does best as a writer, editor, and translator, and she has deep and abiding interests in music (voice and banjo), performing arts, literature, and nature.

She is currently living in Latin America and her Spanish gets better every day. She has one biological son who she is proud to say is pursuing the career in the performing arts she always dreamed of herself… but she’s trying not to act like Mama Rose from “Gypsy”!

She got sober on the North Shore of Massachusetts and always feels most at home in an AA meeting when she hears someone with a Boston-area accent describe the disease.


The post Peeling the Onion: Shedding Theism In Sobriety first appeared on AA Agnostica.

Coronavirus Immunity Stronger in people who are reinfected, study finds

Researchers at Rockefeller University, New York have found that coronavirus immunity in people who recover from the virus is very strong. They found that the immune system of the person in addition to remembering the virus also produces improved quality antibodies, enabling the body to provide a potent and swift defense incase the virus attacks again. The study has not been peer-reviewed or published in a journal yet.

A senior author of the study Michel Nussenzweig said that the expectation is that people who recover from the virus should be able to produce a quick antibody response and also resist infection. It is still unclear however that how long the coronavirus immunity might last but Nussenzweig believes that the immune system’s memory may potentially protect against the virus for years. The findings from the study may be the reason why verified cases of coronavirus reinfections are very rare.

Also Read: The US reported more than 100,000 New Cases of the Coronavirus in a day

When the coronavirus attacks a person the immune system of the body starts an attack on multiple fronts. At one front the protection is provided by T cells, which locate and destroy the cells which are infected and thus prevent the spread of the virus in the body. The second form of protection is provided by B cells, the function of whom is to release antibodies in the blood. The released antibodies then attack the virus and stop it from attacking cells in the body.

When a person recovers from the virus the immune system of the body stands down, however, it remembers the infection by storing those memory B cells and memory T cells. If and when the virus attacks again those two are called immediately into action. Many studies in the recent past have shown that the first wave of antibodies produced by the body against coronavirus vanish quickly within a few months, which raised concerns that the coronavirus immunity may quickly vanish.

The researchers from Rockefeller University studied 87 patients of the virus and confirmed that the antibodies vanish and reduce to around 20% of their peak level within six months. However, they believe that it won’t matter too much. This is because when the researchers from the US were examining the memory of the immune system, they found that the memory B cells had become more potent six months after the infection. The body could unleash these improved antibodies within days after the re-infection instead of taking weeks to develop as seen in primary infection.

The researchers further showed that very small particles from the virus or protein fragments from virus particles stayed in the intestine of the patient and also apparently helped in maintaining the memory of the immune system. These small particles from the virus are thought to be harmless.

Nussenzweig said that it can be concluded from the study that people who have contracted the virus have continuing memory responses of the B cell after six months of being infected along with antibodies capable of neutralizing the virus. Meaning the antibodies can wipe out the virus before it can take hold. He further added that it is not known how long the protection will last but it could last for years.

Professor of immunology at Imperial College London Charles Bangham said that the study suggests that there is a good chance that when a person gets exposed to the virus for the 2nd time, his coronavirus immunity will be brisker. He said that it is not proved yet if the strong immune response will be protective against the virus but it could have some benefits.

Professor of Immunology at the University College London Arne Akbar said that the findings made by this study are very good news for every person who has already been exposed to the coronavirus. According to him the immune system of a person is like an army that stands down during peacetime but remains ready for any future attacks. He further added that the army should be regenerated quickly and that’s what the researchers have found in the study.

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Horrible “Facts” About Diet Soda

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

It’s not really food, is it? – 

Nov. 3, 2020 – If you drink diet soda—or any artificially sweetened beverage, for that matter—chances are you do so because you’re under the impression it’s a healthier option than its regular counterpart. After all, diet drinks typically don’t have any actual sugar, the substance known to cause obesity and a number of other health problems, including heart disease. But, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, artificially sweetened drinks like diet soda are just as likely to lead to heart disease as the sugar-filled regular versions.

For the study, researchers in France looked at data from over 100,000 participants in an ongoing online study that had individuals record their diet, activity level, and health status every six months. From this pool of participants, the research team divided the people into three groups based on their use of diet or sugary beverages: non-users, low-consumers, and high-consumers. Sugary beverages included soft drinks, fruit drinks, and syrups that contained at least five percent sugar, and 100 percent fruit juice. Diet drinks were those that contained artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, or natural sweeteners, such as stevia.


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The US reported more than 100,000 New Cases of the Coronavirus in a day

For the first time since the pandemic began the United States has recorded around 102,831 new cases of the coronavirus in a day on Wednesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. This increase in the number of cases doesn’t come as a surprise for the health experts who projected the winter surge that will continue to get worse before getting better.

The US top disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci warned some days ago that the country should be prepared for a whole lot of hurt. He predicted that during the winter the new daily cases of the coronavirus will reach 100,000 or more. This Wednesday Dr. Fauci’s predictions were met as the country crossed the grim milestone of 100,000 cases in a day and 1,116 deaths.

Also Read: Are Pregnant women with Coronavirus more at risk of dying?

Previously, the highest number of cases of coronavirus was reported on the 30th of October in the country and was nearly 99,321. Now the whole country is seeing a spike in the number of infections even the states which were once protected from the worst of the pandemic.

From Ohio to Dakota, a spike in the cases of coronavirus is being seen with an unprecedented increase in the hospitalizations as well in recent days, according to data from the COVID Tracking Project. West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Tennessee have also broken their records of the number of hospitalizations. The surge in the cases comes days after President Donald Trump in the last days of his campaign insisted without any evidence that the country has turned a corner on the pandemic. Moreover, he also accused the media of exaggerating the pandemic so that his reelection chances are damaged.

More than 9.4 million people in the US have already been infected by the virus and more than 233,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins. And with each passing day, many states across the US are continuing to report alarming trends. Not less than 36 states in the country are reporting more cases of the coronavirus as compared to last week.

Health officials in Oregon reported around 597 new cases of the virus on Wednesday and it is the sixth time this week that the new cases in the state have reached more than 500. The single-day record of the state was 600 cases and was reached on the 30th of October. Moreover, Wisconsin also broke its daily record of new cases on Wednesday by reporting more than 5,930 new cases. Illinois and Ohio also recorded their 2nd highest number of cases in a day.

Public health officials are urging the citizens to follow the safety precautions of the virus that have been so far the only way which has proven effective in controlling the spread of the virus and include wearing face masks, follow social distancing, and washing hands frequently. However, the health officials are worried that things could get worse in the coming weeks as the Thanksgiving holiday is now approaching and is just weeks away. They fear that the people of America will risk the safety of them and their loved ones by opting to gather with friends and family, which may make the situation worse than it already is.

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Is a Coronavirus Test Always Accurate?

Testing negative on a coronavirus test doesn’t mean that a person doesn’t have the virus as it can take some time even days for the virus to appear on the test. Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician, said that it is common knowledge that the incubation period for the virus is 14 days and before the incubation period is over you may test negative and show no symptoms but in reality, you may actually be developing the disease inside your body and may be able to transfer it to other people.

A person can be contagious even if he has tested negative for the virus in the coronavirus test. According to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who is the chief of Massachusetts General Hospital’s division of infectious diseases, people after testing negative feel like they are out of the woods but in fact, they are not. She further added that for people who are tested positive with the virus, symptoms may take 5 days or two weeks to appear after that and the general perception is that people are most infectious for the two days before and after the symptoms show up.

Also Read: Cases of Covid19 in Children in the US are increasing rapidly

According to estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 40% of the people who are infected with the coronavirus show no symptoms and around 50% of the transmissions happen before the symptoms of the virus begin. Walensky called it one of the biggest Achilles heels and also one of the biggest challenges because other coronaviruses don’t transmit without symptoms. She said that the reason the SARS outbreak was controlled quickly and it didn’t turn into a pandemic was because it did not spread by people who were asymptomatic.

If a person is infected with the virus, he probably may not be tested positive for the virus the next day in the coronavirus test, according to a study published in the medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine. The study projected that during the first four days of being exposed to the virus, when a person is asymptomatic, the probability is 100% of that person getting a wrong negative test result. On the day the person begins to show symptoms the false negativity rate drops to 38% and three days after the beginning of symptoms the false negativity rate dropped to 20%, according to the study.

A senior author of the study and an associate professor of epidemiology Justin Lessler said that that the coronavirus takes some time to replicate and reach detectable levels in the body. He further added that a person can get infected by very few particles but these particles cannot be detected until the particles replicate themselves to become detectable. Lessler believes that getting a coronavirus test before the third day of getting infected is not of much use.

So, what should a person do, if he wants to meet with his loved ones? According to Walensky, the best way to do this is after quarantining for 14 days at least, and if it’s a proper quarantine then there will be no need for testing as it’s the cleanest way for it. She said that quarantine means staying at home and that ‘quarantine’ and ‘grocery store’ are two words that don’t belong together.

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Scott Darlow Chats His New Single & Sobriety

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – Living the good life – 

Oct. 28, 2020 – This morning on the show, Triple M’s Pablo chatted to singer and muscian, Scott Darlow, about his new single, sobriety and, how much he loves Christmas trees!

His new single, Bind The Hands Of Time, was released this month and is his second single of the year, and his co-writer on this song was Diesel!

They spoke about the story behind the song and Scott’s decision to give up alcohol.

The chat took a funny turn when they spoke about Christmas trees – the REAL ones! He saw one at the local footy oval and he was blown away! The story behind his love for real Chrissy trees is pretty great. 

Missed the chat? Here’s what Scott Darlow had to say about his new single, sobriety AND Christmas trees: 


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When Justice Department lawyer exposed the agency’s secret role in drug cases, intelligence community retaliated.

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

New Yorker by Ronan Farrow –

Oct. 30, 2020 – “When I get really pissed,” McConnell told me, “I get monotone, I don’t blink.” He related to Padden what he had found in the Helios database. Padden, sixty and heavyset, with a neatly cropped white beard, served in the Marines for twelve years before becoming a civilian prosecutor. He met McConnell when they were both stationed in Quantico, Virginia, and recruited him for the task force. Padden shared McConnell’s respect for rules. “We are talking about the withholding and misrepresentation of information to prosecutors by agents who are supposedly part of the prosecutorial team. We’ve got discovery problems, ethical problems there,” Padden told me. “You gotta have at least a prosecutorial supervisor in the know.”

In the following months, other officials independently raised concerns about the concealed intelligence. In late February, 2018, Dick Getchell, a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of Florida, e-mailed McConnell, asking to talk about “cases where targeting information does not appear to be LE-sourced” (the abbreviation stands for “law enforcement”). The same day, Getchell e-mailed the F.B.I. about a case resulting from a deceptive database entry. “Please advise as to the nature and substance of the information which FBI Miami provided which resulted in this seizure,” he wrote. Rhonda Squizzero, an F.B.I. special agent, replied that the targeting information had been gathered in an F.B.I. operation called Black Pearl, made up of investigations called World’s End, Calypso, and Wicked Wench—all references to the “Pirates of the Caribbean” film series. She wrote that those investigations had generated “case debriefs and electronic evidence” that pointed to a Mexican crime organization called La Victoria. McConnell and several other sources said that the investigations were a cover and could not be the source of the information. In a subsequent e-mail, Getchell expressed skepticism about La Victoria as well, writing that it was a group that “our office has never heard of.” In fact, there is no evidence that any such organization exists. The F.B.I. spokesperson said that the Bureau takes “a host of precautions to protect both the intelligence we receive and the sources and methods used to gather it. This can include using code names.”

“Everyone in the building knew this was crap,” one law-enforcement official told me. “What they were doing was bullshitting.”

McConnell and Padden also raised their concerns with C.I.A. and F.B.I. officials, who defended the concealment. In February, 2018, they met for three hours with the agency’s senior operative on the task force. (The New Yorker is not publishing the C.I.A. operative’s name, for safety reasons.) The operative argued against disclosing the C.I.A.’s role, either in the database or to prosecutors, saying that the arrangement benefitted both the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. The F.B.I., the C.I.A. operative said, was “a good partner.”

That spring and summer, the C.I.A. operative grew increasingly hostile to McConnell. During a meeting in March, according to McConnell, the operative warned, “If people keep talking about our program, someone is going to need to go to prison.” A month later, a meeting devolved into a shouting match. “If that cocksucker Cambre wants to fuck me in the ass, the least he can do is use some lubricant,” several people familiar with the conversation recalled the operative saying, referring to the D.E.A. agent who had initially raised the matter. “He’s going all ballistic,” McConnell told me, of the operative. “He was just lit.”


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My Drug Addiction Almost Cost Me My Kids!

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Families Matter – 

Oct. 29, 2020 – Many of her more painful memories involved her addiction to opioids and other painkillers.

At one point in the book, Leah recalls a rock bottom moment in which she did heroin with her father, who is sadly still an addict.

Of course, reality TV tends to lag several months behind the real world, so Leah is just now discussing the process of writing the book on recent episodes of TM2. “I talk about things I never thought I would talk about,” Leah said on Tuesday’s installment.

“There are so many reasons behind me wanting to write this book. I feel like I have experienced so much in my lifetime that I haven’t been honest about, and I am finally ready to be open about it, and take whatever comes and not care, as it will make a difference to someone else,” she continued.

“I have never said this before but I was addicted to pain medication.”


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Illuminating look at lives in poverty & alcoholism

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Oct. 31, 2020 – When Hugh “Shuggie” Bain is five years old, his drunk mother Agnes calmly sets fire to the curtains in their room and clings to him as they burn, until his father rushes in to put it out.

Scottish-American author Douglas Stuart’s debut is a relentlessly grim portrait of working-class life in 1980s Glasgow, Scotland, a city gutted by then-British premier Margaret Thatcher’s Austerity policies.

Stuart, 44, who works in fashion design in New York, grew up on a Glasgow public housing estate and, like Shuggie, was the youngest son of an alcoholic single mother. She died when he was 16. Of all the novels on the Booker shortlist, his is the most draining read. It is a faithful and unflinching record of the grind of poverty and the suck…


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Why the pandemic is inspiring many to give up alcohol

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

No one will notice but you –  

Oct. 25, 2020 – Maritza Chesonis-Worthington, a functional nutritionist & hormone expert, told Salon it used to be hard for her to imagine giving up alcohol — until the pandemic happened. As a “health conscious” person, her decision to abstain from alcohol happened for a myriad of reasons. First, she wanted to support her immune system and stay healthy. Second, there was less social pressure to drink. 

“Perhaps it’s not the substance itself that drives dependency, but rather the connection and sense of tradition that it brings amongst family and friends,” Chesonis-Worthington said. Now she has been finding “novel ways to connect with others.” 

But not everyone is cutting alcohol cold turkey. According to a report in the journal JAMA Network Open, Americans are drinking 14 percent more often during the coronavirus pandemic, though this data that comes from the beginning of the pandemic. The study compared responses from a survey of 1,540 participants of their self-reported drinking habits in spring to the year prior. For women, the increase was up to 17 percent compared to last year. The study’s participants were between the ages of 30 and 80; the data collected was from the RAND Corporation American Life Panel. Michael Pollard, a sociologist and co-author of that behavior, previously told Salon that it was unclear whether these “alcohol use behaviors [will] persist,” or whether they will “go back to the way they were before COVID-19.”

Indeed, some say their drinking habits accelerated at the beginning of the pandemic before declining, as mythology writer Mike Greenberg told Salon.


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