At George Floyd’s Treatment Center, Clients See Racism in Addiction Assumptions

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 11, 2021 – Attention to the fentanyl and methamphetamine found in Floyd’s system following his death goes beyond the courtroom: Duke University is investigating the posting of Floyd’s toxicology report on a Black History Month display with a handwritten note that read, in part, “Mix of drugs presents in difficulty breathing! Overdose? Good Man?” In Denver, someone spray painted “Fentanyl Floyd” over a mural depicting his image. Social media abounds with vitriolic comments about Floyd’s addiction and relapse.

“You don’t ever hear a cancer patient being talked about negatively,” said Mohammad. “Substance abuse disorder is a disease of the brain. but when it comes to African Americans, it’s like we’re not treated like we have a disease.”

Minnesota is a national destination for people seeking addiction treatment, but its recovery community is mostly white. In 1976, Peter Hayden opened Turning Point after seeing the need for rehab programs welcoming to Black men, and he and his staff have heard many clients recount their struggles with racism, police harassment, poverty and incarceration.

Floyd came to Turning Point from Houston but relapsed off and on after leaving the program, according to his girlfriend Courteney Ross, and in 2019 he told police officers after a traffic stop that he had a painkiller addiction. Hayden was dismayed to see how critics have used Floyd’s past to disparage him in his police encounter.

“We’re always seen as a perpetrator rather than a victim,” Hayden said of African Americans.


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Twin’s fitness journey to sobriety inspires business

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


APRIL 5, 2021 – “I was a good kid. Good grades, I was focused, I was easy going, I was happy,” he recalled to News 3.

But it wouldn’t last. Addiction returned to Ashburn’s life in his 20s when he began abusing alcohol. The years that followed included multiple DUIs, arrests and even some jail time.

“I had gotten to the point where, you know, I had lost everything,” he said. It was a second stint in rehab in 2017 that would cause Ashburn to change course, when he says a doctor told him to exercise 30 minutes a day to help regulate his mood.

“That was all I needed to hear,” he said. “When you’re able to get healthy, it will make you happy.”


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New experiment hints that a particle breaks the known laws of physics

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 7, 2021 – In a landmark experiment, scientists have found fresh evidence that a subatomic particle is disobeying one of science’s most watertight theories, the Standard Model of particle physics. The gap between the model’s predictions and the particle’s newly measured behavior hints that the universe may contain unseen particles and forces beyond our current grasp.

In a seminar on Wednesday, researchers with Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, announced the first results of the Muon g-2 experiment, which since 2018 has measured a particle called the muon, a heavier sibling of the electron that was discovered in the 1930s.

Like electrons, muons have a negative electric charge and a quantum property called spin, which causes the particles to act like tiny, wobbling tops when placed in a magnetic field. The stronger the magnetic field, the faster a muon wobbles.

The Standard Model, developed in the 1970s, is humankind’s best mathematical explanation for how all the particles in the universe behave and predicts the frequency of a muon’s wobbling with extreme precision. But in 2001, the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, found that muons seem to wobble slightly faster than the Standard Model predicts.


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Jimmy Kimmel blasted for joking about Hunter’s drug addiction

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 9, 2021 – ‘And that is hard to believe unless you read the book and then I’m surprised you have shoes on.’ 

Biden, who writes in graphic detail about his crack addiction, replied: ‘Yeah, I made it today. Pants were the problem.’

The flippant remark was all the more ironic because one of the photos found on the abandoned laptop shows Hunter standing in his underwear. 

One Twitter user commented: ‘Bravo. This is late night comedy alright. The fact Hunter Biden is on @JimmyKimmelLive joking and laughing about his laptop shows us how much of a joke everything and everyone is out there in make believe land.’ 

Another user wrote: ‘Does Kimmel ask about the Burisma payments? 50k/mo?’

This tweet refers to Hunter’s salary while working for Ukrainian gas firm Burisma, up to $50,000 per month, despite no experience in the energy sector. 


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April is Alcohol Abuse Awareness Month

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 9, 2021 – “Alcohol and drug use problems can have devastating impacts on individuals, their families and our communities,” says Khan. 

Efforts in Utah to address the state’s opioid epidemic have been successful, but Khan says continued vigilance on that front is needed. 

Khan says these are the key signs that someone you know may be struggling with addiction … “Long-term, recovery from addiction is quite attainable. It involves a multi-dimensional approach that includes developing skills to cope with life on life’s terms, as well as developing a social and emotional network of support,” says Khan. 

Don’t forget, there is help out there. In fact, Regence has teamed up with Boulder Care for addiction treatment available 24/7 through virtual visits. 

Additional local and national resources include:


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Charlie Sheen: “Tigers Blood”, “Winning”, Two and a Half Men & Road To Recovery

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


March 23, 2021 – Charlie shares what it was like growing up the son of a famous actor, Martin Sheen as well as the sibling of Emilio Estévez. When did his loved ones first intervene to help Charlie understand that he had a problem? Stories of partying or working with Rob Lowe, George Clooney, John Cryer, Nicolas Cage, Micheal Dougless, Laura Dern and others. 

We talk about the steps towards sobriety, his relationship with his father now as well as stories from the set of some of his films and Two and A Half Men. How did he feel about being replaced by Ashton Kutcher and what are his career aspirations? This is Charlie Sheen in his own words on Knockin’ Doorz Down.


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Q&A with Amanda Marino, Co-Founder of Next Level Recovery

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 9, 2021 – Amanda Marino is a Certified Intervention Professional (CIP), Certified Recovery and Life Coach, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Alternative Medicine. She is one of the co-founders of Next Level Recovery Associates alongside her partner, Blake Cohen. Utilizing their expertise, experience and passion, Amanda and her team strive to fill gaps that are currently present in the pre and post treatment process. 

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? and when did you stop using?
A. I became clean, sober and stable on February 12, 2007. I switched my addictions over the years from age 14-22. Alcohol, cocaine and pain pills brought me to my knees.

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I’m sure addiction is a disease. Those who choose to use recreationally are able to pick it up and leave it. Those of us who have Substance Use Disorder, lose out choice when we pick up a drink or a drug.

Q. Do you log on to ZOOM 12-step meetings? How often? Do you share?
A. I do! They have saved me this year. I’ve been able to be really consistent with my meetings. I attend at least three a week on zoom. In Florida, we have open meetings again, so I’m mixing zoom and in-person.


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Pandemic drinking is dangerous for women

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 8, 2021 – Alcohol consumption has increased during the pandemic and it could be putting many women at an increased risk of breast cancer. A growing group of women are pushing back against the wine-to-unwind culture.


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True Works of Genius: Global Sober Books

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 13, 2021 – Peter T. has authored eight books, and very few folks know his full name. Such is a life and a lifestyle shaped by Alcoholics Anonymous. 

In early 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic slammed the brakes on most travel, Peter put the finishing touches on the seemingly oxymoronically named Liquid Sober. It was the seventh and final installment in a series of themed coffee table-style books showcasing how truly global an organization Alcoholics Anonymous has become – and how internationally binding its principles are for those living in recovery. 

Upon obtaining Liquid Sober, the first thing I did was … weigh it. The ambitious effort is nearly 900 pages long, two inches wide and 12” x 16”. I simply had to know its heft. The scale read “14 pounds,” and I promptly misquoted a classic liquid-centric film, Jaws. “We’re gonna need a bigger pot of coffee.” 

The bottom line: Originally, each Global Sober Series book retailed for about $100. However, now reduced to $40 per title, the books make an attractive and affordable gift for an alcoholic near and dear to you. To peruse or purchase the Global Sober Series collection, visit


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