For teens at elevated risk of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD), close relationships with parents can help mitigate their genetic and environmental vulnerability, a new study suggests. The offspring of people with AUD are four times more likely than others to develop the disorder. Increasing evidence suggests that this heritable risk may be either amplified or mitigated by the quality of parenting.
Category: From Newswise – Addiction
Scientists explain why card games are so addictive
A jerk is a physical quantity that represents a sudden change of acceleration. It is widely used as a parameter in engineering, manufacturing, sports science, and other industries.
Rutgers Addiction Research Expert, Director of the Rutgers Addiction Research Center, Available to Comment on Dry January, Health Benefits and Steps for Success
Good and bad feelings for brain stem serotonin
New insights into the opposing actions of serotonin-producing nerve fibres in mice could lead to drugs for treating addictions and major depression.
Wastewater samples show the dramatic effects of tough love on codeine addicts as consumption plunges
Wastewater sampling has shown the significant impact of removing the strong painkiller codeine from pharmacy counters to a prescription-only medication since 2018 in Australia. The move has led to a 37 per cent drop in codeine use, cutting dependency and potentially saving lives.
Purchasing loot boxes in video games associated with problem gambling risk, says study
Gamers who buy ‘loot boxes’ are up to two times more likely to gamble, shows new research published today in the peer-reviewed journal Addiction Research & Theory.
Purchasing loot boxes in video games associated with problem gambling risk, says study
Gamers who buy ‘loot boxes’ are up to two times more likely to gamble, shows new research published today in the peer-reviewed journal Addiction Research & Theory.
Rutgers Medical Toxicologist and Addiction Expert Available to Discuss Fentanyl Vaccine's Impacts
Deprivation in childhood linked to impulsive behaviour in adulthood – research
Children who have experienced deprivation are more likely to make more impulsive choices than those who don’t and can lead to addictions in later life – research has shown.
“Pequenos cerebros ” creados en laboratorio ayudan a Mayo Clinic a investigar terapias contra la adiccion a los opioides
Los cientificos de Mayo Clinic han creado modelos en miniatura de cerebros 3D creados en laboratorio a partir de celulas humanas para estudiar la adiccion a los opioides y la respuesta al tratamiento para los opioides. Como resultado, el equipo ha descubierto cambios en neuronas cerebrales especificas de personas diagnosticadas con trastorno por consumo de opioides. El nuevo estudio, publicado en Molecular Psychiatry, ayuda a clarificar un posible objetivo terapeutico y se suma al conocimiento de la via de la adiccion a los opioides.