Is digital media use a risk factor for psychosis in young adults?

Newswise — On average, young adults in Canada spend several hours on their smartphones every day. Many jump from TikTok to Netflix to Instagram, putting their phone down only to pick up a video game controller. A growing body of research is looking into the potential dangers of digital media overuse, as well as potential benefits of moderate digital media use, from a mental health standpoint.

A recent McGill University study of 425 Quebecers between the ages of 18 and 25 has found that young adults who have more frequent psychotic experiences also tend to spend more time using digital media. Interestingly, the study, which surveyed the participants over a period of six months, also found that spending more time on digital media did not seem to cause any change in the frequency of psychotic experiences over time, said lead author and psychiatry resident at McGill, Vincent Paquin.

By “psychotic experiences,” the researchers refer to a range of unusual thoughts and perceptions, such as the belief of being in danger and the experience of hearing and seeing things that other people cannot see or hear. These experiences are relatively common, affecting about 5% of young adults.

“Our findings are reassuring because they do not show evidence that digital media can cause or exacerbate psychotic experiences in young people,” said Paquin. “It is important to keep in mind that each person is different. In some situations, digital media may be highly beneficial for a person’s well-being, and in other cases, these technologies may cause unintended harms.”

Accessing mental health services through digital media

The researchers hope their findings will help improve mental health services for young people. By better understanding the types of digital contents and activities that matter to young people, mental health services can be made more accessible and better aligned with individual needs, they say.

“It is important for young people, their families, and for clinicians and policymakers to have scientific evidence on the risks and benefits of digital media for mental health, Paquin said. “Considering that young adults with more psychotic experiences may prefer digital technologies, we can use digital platforms to increase their access to accurate mental health information and to appropriate services.”

Alcohol makes you more likely to approach attractive people but doesn't make others seem better looking: Study

Newswise — PISCATAWAY, NJ — It’s “liquid courage,” not necessarily “beer goggles”: New research indicates that consuming alcohol makes you more likely to approach people you already find attractive but does not make others appear more attractive, according to a report in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

The conventional wisdom of alcohol’s effects is that intoxication makes others seem better looking. But, according to the new study, this phenomenon has not been studied systematically. Earlier research typically had participants simply rate other’s attractiveness while sober and while intoxicated based on photos.

But this new study added a more realistic element: the possibility of meeting the people being rated.

To conduct the research, lead investigator Molly A. Bowdring, Ph.D., of the Stanford Prevention Research Center in Palo Alto, Calif. (affiliated with University of Pittsburgh at the time of this study), and her dissertation advisor, Michael Sayette, Ph.D., brought in 18 pairs of male friends in their 20s to the laboratory to rate the attractiveness of people they viewed in photos and videos.

Participants were told that they may be given the opportunity to interact with one of those people in a future experiment. After providing attractiveness ratings, they were asked to select those with whom they would most like to interact.

Pairs of men came into the lab on two occasions. On one occasion, both men received alcohol to drink (up to about a blood alcohol concentration of .08%, the legal limit for driving in the United States) and on the other occasion, they both received a nonalcoholic beverage. The researchers had friend pairs in the lab to mimic the social interactions that would typically take place in a real drinking situation.

The researchers did not find evidence of beer goggles: Whether or not participants were intoxicated had no effect on how good looking they found others. “The well-known beer goggles effect of alcohol does sometimes appear in the literature but not as consistently as one might expect,” observes Sayette.

However, drinking did affect how likely the men were to want to interact with people they found attractive. When drinking, they were 1.71 times more likely to select one of their top-four attractive candidates to potentially meet in a future study compared with when they were sober.

Alcohol may not be altering perception but rather enhancing confidence in interactions, giving the men liquid courage to want to meet those they found the most attractive, something they may be much less likely to do otherwise.

These results could have implications for therapists and patients, the authors note.

“People who drink alcohol may benefit by recognizing that valued social motivations and intentions change when drinking in ways that may be appealing in the short term but possibly harmful in the long term,” says Bowdring.

Adapting Ritalin(r) to tackle cocaine abuse

Newswise — Cocaine use continues to be a public health problem, yet despite concerted efforts, no drugs have been approved to resolve cocaine addiction. Research suggests that the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder drug methylphenidate (MPH; Ritalin®) could serve as a cocaine-replacement therapy, but clinical results have been mixed. Although several labs have produced MPH derivatives for testing, parts of the molecule remained chemically inaccessible. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have cleared that hurdle.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 5 million Americans reported actively using cocaine in 2020, and almost 25,000 Americans died of a cocaine-related overdose in 2021. Although small-molecule drugs have proven effective in treating other drug addictions — for example, methadone as a therapy for heroin abuse — no such medication exists for cocaine abuse. MPH has been considered a potential treatment because it behaves similarly to the illicit drug, increasing dopamine levels in the brain by blocking dopamine reuptake. Additionally, clinical studies have shown that MPH has a lower risk of abuse than cocaine. Although studies in animals have shown that MPH can reduce cocaine dependence, studies in humans have offered more mixed results. Thus, researchers are developing libraries of MPH derivatives, searching for molecules with improved clinical efficacy. Until recently, however, it was difficult to create derivatives of one chemical component of MPH: its piperidine ring. W. Dean Harman and colleagues wanted to address this shortcoming by taking an organometallic approach.

Using a tungsten-based reagent, the researchers synthesized a library of MPH analogues specifically modified at the piperidine ring with a variety of chemical groups. And whereas MPH is a mixture of four isomers — otherwise identical molecules with small structural differences — the new method allowed the researchers to synthesize and purify compounds that were predominantly comprised of a single isomer. This could be important in clinical studies, as different isomers of some drugs can have significant impacts on therapeutic efficacy or safety. Whether any of these MPH analogues prove effective against cocaine addiction remains to be determined, but the researchers noted that the new protocol could be widely applicable to pharmaceutical development, given the ubiquity of the piperidine ring in small-molecule drugs.

The authors acknowledge funding from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

The paper’s abstract will be available on Aug. 30 at 8 a.m. Eastern time here:

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Overlooked part of brain could play critical role in addiction recovery

Newswise — INDIANAPOLIS—Researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine have discovered a neglected brain region that could play a critical role in how likely a person with drug use disorders is to relapse, even after a long withdrawal period. Their findings were published recently in Biological Psychiatry.

“Past studies in the field of addiction research have focused on the medial prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that controls decision making, but no effective prevention or treatment for drug relapse is available,” said Yao-Ying Ma, MD, PhD, associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology and an investigator with the Stark Neurosciences Research Institute at IU School of Medicine. “We focused instead on the supplementary motor cortex, and found this area plays a bigger role in the risk of relapse. It could be a new target for therapeutics to prevent relapse.”

Researchers studied cocaine-seeking behaviors in animal models, measuring excitability levels in the motor cortex after 45 days of withdrawal. They found hyperexcitability in the motor cortex was increased at this point and used an intervention to calm the excitability taking place in that part of the brain.

“One of the biggest challenges for patients with addiction is preventing relapse,” Ma said. “We know they need medication, community involvement, psychological support and other resources to help, but for many people who go back to take a drug, it just feels like an automatic behavior. If we can understand whether addiction behavior is subconscious or conscious behavior, we can find better ways to treat and prevent addiction and relapse.”

The supplementary motor cortex is typically known for directing how the body moves, so Ma said the finding that it plays a big role in addiction is novel and exciting.

“This brain region has never really gotten too much attention in addiction research, so we’re excited about this finding and how it can change the way we treat addiction by using less invasive methods, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, as well as the trajectory of our work moving forward,” Ma said.

In the future, the team will study the effect of other addictive substances to see if the supplementary motor cortex is involved in other types of drug use disorders, such as opioid and alcohol use disorders.

The first author of the study, Donald Huang, was Ma’s PhD student. Huang recently received his PhD in Medical Neuroscience from IU School of Medicine and now works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago.

About Indiana University School of Medicine

IU School of Medicine is the largest medical school in the U.S. and is annually ranked among the top medical schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. The school offers high-quality medical education, access to leading medical research and rich campus life in nine Indiana cities, including rural and urban locations consistently recognized for livability.

Reduced grey matter in frontal lobes linked to teenage smoking and nicotine addiction – study

Newswise — Levels of grey matter in two parts of the brain may be linked to a desire to start smoking during adolescence and the strengthening of nicotine addiction, a new study has shown.

A team of scientists, led by the universities of Cambridge and Warwick in the UK and Fudan University in China, analysed brain imaging and behavioural data of over 800 young people at the ages of 14, 19 and 23.

They found that, on average, teenagers who started smoking by 14 years of age had markedly less grey matter in a section of the left frontal lobe linked to decision-making and rule-breaking. 

Grey matter is the brain tissue that processes information, and contains all of the organ’s neurons. While brain development continues into adulthood, grey matter growth peaks before adolescence.  

Low grey matter volume in the left side of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex may be an “inheritable biomarker” for nicotine addiction, say researchers – with implications for prevention and treatment. 

In addition, the scientists found that the opposite, right part of the same brain region also had less grey matter in smokers.

Importantly, loss of grey matter in the right prefrontal cortex appears to speed up only after someone has started smoking. This region is linked to the seeking of sensations.

The team argue that less grey matter in the left forebrain could lower cognitive function and lead to “disinhibition”: impulsive, rule-breaking behaviour arising from a limited ability to consider consequences. This may increase the chances of smoking at a young age.

Once a nicotine habit takes hold, grey matter in the right frontal lobe shrinks, which may weaken control over smoking by affecting “hedonic motivation”: the way pleasure is sought and managed. Excessive loss of grey matter in the right brain was also linked to binge drinking and marijuana use. 

Taken together, the findings point to a damaged “neurobehavioural mechanism” that can lead to nicotine use starting early and becoming locked into long-term addiction, say researchers. The study used data from the IMAGEN project and is published today in the journal Nature Communications.

“Smoking is perhaps the most common addictive behaviour in the world, and a leading cause of adult mortality,” said Prof Trevor Robbins, co-senior author from Cambridge’s Department of Psychology.

“The initiation of a smoking habit is most likely to occur during adolescence. Any way of detecting an increased chance of this, so we can target interventions, could help save millions of lives.”

Annual deaths from cigarettes are expected to reach eight million worldwide by the end of the decade. Currently, one in five adult deaths each year are attributed to smoking in the US alone.

“In our study, reduced grey matter in the left prefrontal cortex is associated with increased rule-breaking behaviour as well as early smoking experiences. It could be that this rule-breaking leads to the violation of anti-smoking norms,” said Robbins.

Co-author Prof Barbara Sahakian from Cambridge’s Department of Psychiatry said: “The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is a key region for dopamine, the brain’s pleasure chemical. As well as a role in rewarding experiences, dopamine has long been believed to affect self-control. 

“Less grey matter across this brain region may limit cognitive function, leading to lower self-control and a propensity for risky behaviour, such as smoking.”

The study used data gathered by the IMAGEN project from sites in four European countries: UK, Germany, France and Ireland. The researchers compared brain imaging data for those who had smoked by age 14 with those who had not, and repeated this for the same participants at ages 19 and 23.

Those with smoking experience by 14 years of age had significantly less grey matter in the left prefrontal cortex, on average. Additionally, those who started smoking by age 19 also had less grey matter in their left prefrontal cortex at 14, indicating a potential causal influence.

The scientists also looked at the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Grey matter loss occurs in everyone as they age. However, those who smoked from age 14 as well as those smoking from age 19 both ended up with excessive grey matter loss in the right frontal lobe.

For the right prefrontal cortex, 19-year-old smokers who did not start during adolescence had similar grey matter levels at age 14 to those who never smoked at all. This suggests a rapid reduction in the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex only begins with the onset of smoking.

Data at age 23 showed that grey matter volume in the right prefrontal cortex shrank at a faster pace in those who continued to smoke, suggesting an influence of smoking itself on prefrontal function.

Researchers also analysed data from two questionnaires completed by participants to investigate the personality traits of novelty seeking and sensation seeking.

“Both questionnaires examine the pursuit of thrilling experiences, but they measure distinct behaviours,” said Robbins. “The sensation seeking scale focuses on pleasurable experiences, while the novelty seeking questionnaire includes items on impulsiveness and rule-breaking.”

Less grey matter in the left prefrontal cortex was associated with novelty seeking, particularly disorderly and rule-breaking behaviour, while reduced grey matter volume in the right prefrontal cortex was linked to sensation seeking only.

Lead author Prof Tianye Jia from Fudan University added: “Less grey matter in the left frontal lobes is linked to behaviours that increase the likelihood of smoking in adolescence.

“Smokers then experience excessive loss of grey matter in the right frontal lobes, which is linked to behaviours that reinforce substance use. This may provide a causal account of how smoking is initiated in young people, and how it turns into dependence.”

Gene therapy may offer new treatment strategy for alcohol use disorder

BYLINE: Darrell Ward

Newswise — COLUMBUS, Ohio – Gene therapy might offer a one-time, sustained treatment for patients with serious alcohol addiction, also called alcohol use disorder, according to a new study led by a researcher at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine.

The animal study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, also involved researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University, the Oregon National Primate Research Center and the University of California San Francisco.

The study used an accepted primate model to show that sustained release of glial-derived neurotrophic factor (hGDNF) in a region of the brain called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) may prevent a return to excessive alcohol use after a period of abstinence. Furthermore, it may do so without disrupting other motivated behaviors.

“This gene-therapy approach targets changes in dopamine function in the brain’s mesolimbic reward pathway that are caused by chronic alcohol use,” says co-principal investigator and co-corresponding author Krystof Bankiewicz, MD, PhD, professor of Neurological Surgery and director of the Brain Health and Performance Center at Ohio State. “Our findings suggest that this treatment can prevent relapse without requiring long-term treatment adherence by patients.”

People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) commonly experience repeated cycles of abstinence followed by relapse, even when using one of the few FDA-approved drug therapies, Bankiewicz notes.

Excessive alcohol use alters certain nerve tracts in the brain that involve the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. These neurons make up the mesolimbic reward pathway, which plays a major role in alcohol and drug addiction.

These alterations become more pronounced as AUD develops. They include reduced levels of dopamine release, reduced sensitivity of dopamine receptors and increased dopamine uptake. These changes lead to below-normal levels of dopamine in the pathway. 

Scientists think this “hypodopaminergic” state can compel excessive alcohol users to resume drinking after periods of abstinence.

“At this time, there are no therapies that target circuits in the brain that are altered by sustained, heavy alcohol use,” says co-principal investigator and co-corresponding author Kathleen Grant, PhD, chief and professor of Behavioral Neuroscience at the Oregon National Primate Research Center.

How the study was done

This study used an accepted rhesus macaque model of AUD to examine the practicality and effectiveness of delivering a viral vector into the brain to induce continuous expression of GDNF, diminish alcohol use and prevent post-abstinence resumption of drinking.

Eight male rhesus macaques were involved; the vector was an adenoassociated virus vector that carried a gene for human glial-derived neurotrophic factor (AAV2-hGDNF).

All eight animals were first habituated to the consumption of 4% alcohol. Then four animals were infused with the hGDNF vector directly into the VTA, located in the floor of the midbrain. Neurons in the VTA connect with the mesolimbic reward pathway. The remaining four animals served as controls. They were infused with sterile saline using the same surgical procedure.

Key findings included:

  • The infusion of AAV2-hGDNF significantly blunted the intake of alcohol across multiple 4-week abstinence and 4-week alcohol-reintroduction cycles;
  • Blood ethanol levels were undetectable in GDNF-treated subjects and remained undetectable for most weeks through the study’s end;
  • Control subjects showed consistently elevated monthly and weekly alcohol intake and blood ethanol levels across cycles, as a group and individually. 

“Overall, our findings indicate that GDNF gene therapy could diminish reintroduction-associated alcohol intake in our primate model,” Bankiewicz says. “We believe this approach shows merit for further study as a promising therapy for AUD and possibly other substance-abuse disorders.”

Alcohol Use Disorder

  • An estimated 28.6 million American adults ages 18 and older (11.3% in this age group) and 894,000 adolescents ages 12 to 17 (3.4% of this age group) had AUD in 2021, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • An estimated 12% of all alcohol consumers meet the criteria for AUD as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders 5th edition.
  • 140,000 deaths per year in the United States are attributed to alcohol use disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AA024757, AA013510, AA014091, AA010760, AA019431, OD011092, AA026117).

Other researchers involved in this study were Victor S. Van Laar, Jerusha Naidoo, Piotr Hadaczek, Lluis Samaranch, The Ohio State University; Matthew M. Ford, Lauren E. Vanderhooft, Jodi L. McBride, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University; Brianna George, Katherine M. Holleran, Emily G. Peck, Monica H. Dawes, Sara R. Jones, Wake Forest School of Medicine; Kousaku Ohno, John Bringas, John R. Forsayeth, University of California San Francisco.

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Greater Enjoyment, Not Greater Tolerance, May Motivate Heavy Drinking among High-Risk Drinkers

Newswise — People who drink heavily experience heightened pleasurable effects throughout a drinking episode, which may be what motivates them to continue drinking, and not, as is commonly believed, that they require more alcohol in order to experience these effects. So suggests a first-of-its-kind study of real-world, real-time drinking experiences and motivations of different types of drinkers just published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Researchers found that high-risk drinkers felt greater positive effects of alcohol compared to light drinkers, suggesting they are more sensitive to alcohol stimulation and reward. Sedation did not differ across groups. These findings held even when accounting for differences in alcohol consumption across the groups.

Light drinkers reported feeling the effects of their drinking more than other groups in the first fifteen minutes of a drinking episode. Heavy drinkers felt the drinks more one to three hours after they began drinking, and drinkers with moderate to severe alcohol use disorder reported greater feeling at 90 minutes to three hours after they began drinking. Respectively, the groups averaged three, seven, and nine drinks per drinking episode. Both high-risk drinking groups drank throughout the three-hour period, with half of heavy drinkers and two-thirds of drinkers with moderate to severe alcohol use disorder drinking beyond three hours.

Researchers used a smartphone-based assessment tool to collect real-time feedback from participants about their alcohol use and their drinking experiences and motivations throughout a drinking episode, as well as before and after it. One hundred drinkers categorized as either light drinkers, heavy drinkers, or drinkers with moderate to severe alcohol use disorder were included in the study. As they started drinking, and at seven different intervals in the first three hours after they began drinking, participants completed smartphone-based questionnaires about how many drinks they had consumed, whether they were feeling stimulated or sedated, how much they ‘felt’ the effects of the drink, whether they liked the effects, and whether they wanted more.

The study’s high response rate, about 90%, supports the utility of the smartphone-based assessment tool called HR-EMA with light drinkers and high-risk drinkers. HR-EMA, or High-Resolution Ecological Momentary Assessment, is designed to capture data in real-time in the participant’s natural environment. The study estimated Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), factoring in participants’ weight, gender, self-reported number of drinks, and average metabolism rate; emerging biosensor technologies may be able to provide more accurate BAC data for future studies. Additionally, the authors recommend that future studies involve a wider range of individuals, including people with psychiatric conditions.

Assessing real-time positive subjective effects of alcohol using high-resolution ecological momentary assessment (HR-EMA) in risky versus light drinkers. D. Fridburg, Z. Lee, A. Fischer, J. Cursio, A. King. (pp. x- xx)


Brain Imaging May Predict Motivation for Behavior Change in Alcohol Use Disorder

Newswise — Brain imaging of neuron activity in certain areas of the brain may predict whether an individual is likely to successfully respond to interventions to reduce their drinking. In a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, individuals whose baseline imaging showed decreased activity in areas of the brain associated with reward processing and impulsivity and increased activity in regions responsible for complex cognitive processes and emotional regulation were more likely to reduce their drinking following an intervention.

The study examined differences in pre-intervention resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) between people with alcohol use disorder who reduced their alcohol consumption and those who did not. Resting-state functional connectivity is an indirect measure of neuron activity between areas of the brain while the brain is not engaged in specific cognitive, emotional, or other tasks.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed significant differences in baseline resting state functional connectivity in regions of the brain associated with reward processing, stimulus prioritization, and complex problem-solving in those who responded well to interventions compared to those who did not. People with alcohol use disorder who reduced their drinking after the intervention also showed decreased activity in the regions associated with impulsivity and alcohol valuation and increased activity in the regions responsible for higher-order cognitive processes and emotional regulation.

The patterns suggest that individuals who responded well to the intervention may have greater internal motivation or less severe disruption to the brain from their alcohol use disorder which may allow them to better engage in the intervention to reduce alcohol use and increase positive behaviors.

The Canadian study conducted functional MRIs on 46 adults with alcohol use disorder aged 21 to 55 immediately followed by a brief, approximately one-hour-long intervention aimed at reducing their alcohol use, with the option of 3 additional visits if participants chose. Three months later, researchers assessed changes in participants’ alcohol use.

Both male and female participants who responded to the intervention reduced the amount they drank per week, from 34 drinks per week at baseline to 15 at three months for male participants and 20 drinks per week to six for female participants. For those who did not respond to the intervention, the weekly number of drinks remained relatively flat for men and increased for women from 19 drinks per week at baseline to 24 drinks per week after 3 months.

The authors note that while the resting state functional connectivity patterns identified in the study may contribute to positive health behavior, the analysis is exploratory and further investigation is needed.

Resting-state functional connectivity as a predictor of brief intervention response in adults with alcohol use disorder: A preliminary study. S.K. Syan, C. McIntyre-Wood, E. Vandehei, M. Vidal, T. Hargreaves, E. Levitt, M. Scarfe, E. Marsden, E. MacKillop, H. Sarles-Whittesley, M. Amlung, L. Sweet, J. MacKillop. (p. x-xx)


Changes in Gut Microbiome Alters Rewarding Effects of Cocaine and Cravings

BYLINE: Myra Wright

Newswise — WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – Aug. 3, 2023 – According to the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.8 million people (ages 12 and up) reported using cocaine within the previous 12 months, and 24,486 people died from an overdose involving cocaine. Because there are no FDA-approved medications for cocaine use disorder, there is an urgent need to develop therapeutic interventions.

In a new preclinical study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine, scientists provide the first evidence that changes in the gut microbiome have significant effects on cocaine use and cravings after withdrawal.

The study appears online in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

“In patients with a history of cocaine use disorder, there is a significant risk of relapse, and there are no effective medication treatments to reduce this risk. So, our study examines how the gut microbiome can impact drug seeking over time,” said Drew Kiraly, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of physiology, pharmacology and psychiatry at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist.

The gut microbiome refers to the population of trillions of bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. The connection between the microbiome and good health is well established, but more research is needed on how changes in the microbiome impact cravings for cocaine.

For the study, the research team administered antibiotics in a rodent model to measure the behavioral effects of a reduced microbiome. They found that animals with a depleted microbiome took more cocaine and worked harder to seek drugs after abstinence. This suggests that the rewarding effects of cocaine were affected by the gut microbiome. In addition to the behavioral changes, the research team also found that microbiome depletion significantly changed important neurobiological markers in reward-related brain structures.

The scientists also discovered that the effects of microbiome depletion could be reversed with the addition of molecules produced by beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome that are important for brain health known as the short-chain fatty acids.

Kiraly said these findings provide an important foundation for future studies on specific microbial composition and how metabolite levels work on drug-seeking and other motivated behaviors.

“We might one day be able to target specific parts of the microbiome to help reduce drug relapse,” Kiraly said.

This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grants DA051551, DA044308, DA050906, DA053105 and NS124187. 

What will it take to make mental health coverage & care better?

Newswise — Your brain is definitely a part of your body.

So why do tens of millions of Americans find it so hard to get help for brain-based problems, from depression and anxiety to addiction and eating disorders? 

Currently, the nation doesn’t have enough mental health care specialists to meet the rising need for this care, a fact that President Joe Biden highlighted in a recent speech at the White House.

But even if you find someone to guide your treatment, or that of your child, and get an appointment, you may find that your health insurance won’t cover the cost of your visits or the treatments that your specialist recommends.

Or you might start by calling clinics on your insurance company’s approved in-network list, and run into long waiting times or discover they aren’t in-network after all.

Or you may decide to book an appointment with a mental health provider who doesn’t take your insurance, or doesn’t take insurance at all.

That can mean spending hundreds or thousands of dollars out of pocket, perhaps with a chance of getting some of that money back if they press their insurance company for reimbursement. 

Meanwhile, getting help for a longterm physical issue like asthma, heart disease or diabetes doesn’t usually come with nearly as many barriers.

This inequality – what experts call a lack of parity – has led many children, teens and adults to go without specialized care or ongoing therapy for mental health conditions

That can impact every part of your life, from work and school to relationships and finances. It can also mean people won’t seek help until they have a mental health crisis, even a suicide attempt or overdose.

And that can send them to places like the Michigan Medicine psychiatric emergency department directed by Victor Hong, M.D.

This rising demand for such emergency care, and inpatient care, feeds long waits nationwide, and fueled 5 million inquiries to the 988 phone and text mental health and addiciton crisis help line last year.

“For many years, clinicians, hospital systems and most importantly, patients, have suffered the consequences of continued lack of mental health parity, despite there technically being a law enforcing this issue,” he said.

Parity laws and new proposals

That mental health parity law he’s referring to is now 15 years old, though some of its strongest provisions only took effect a few years ago. That 2008 law tried to go further than the 1996 law that preceded it, though it doesn’t apply to Medicare or Medicaid, which cover tens of millions of Americans.

All the while, mental health needs have risen steadily, accelerated recently by the stress of the pandemic and 2020 economic downturn.

That’s why the Biden administration has unveiled a new set of proposed federal rules to require insurance companies to follow the letter and spirit of those earlier laws. The public now has a chance to comment on them before they take effect.

“Numerous studies have demonstrated that even modest levels of out-of-pocket cost are associated with lower use of clinically necessary, high-value mental health services and treatments,” said A. Mark Fendrick, M.D., who directs the Center for Value Based Insurance Design and is a professor of internal medicine at the Medical School.

“This can lead to downstream consequences including worsening of illness and increased need for acute care and hospitalization. Parity in insurance coverage can address the need to balance appropriate access to essential mental health services with growing fiscal pressures faced by public and private payers.”

Any new provisions, he adds, need to have enough enforcement “teeth” in them to change the landscape.

More providers needed

But the new rules won’t affect two other key parts of this problem: A national shortage of mental health care providers, and uneven distribution of the psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, clinical social workers and other licensed therapists our nation does have.

Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.,, director of the University of Michigan Eisenberg Family Depression Center and the Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Professor of Depression and Neurosciences at the U-M Medical School, said “I think the specific proposed changes are worthwhile, most notably reducing prior authorizations and gathering data. But I do think the impact of these changes will be limited without concurrent changes to expand the capacity of our mental health care system and changes to reduce the number of people who develop mental health challenges in the first place.”

States like Michigan have tried to spur more people to enter mental health-related professions or practice in shortage areas by promising student loan forgiveness, while other federal proposals have been put forth or put into place.

Experts say higher pay and better benefits for mental health professionals of all kinds will be critical to encouraging more people to pursue these professions, as well as a clearer career ladder for advancement.

Another key area of promise: training people who have handled a mental health illness of their own, or in their child, to work as ‘peer providers.’

But training any type of behavioral health provider takes time, as described last fall in a report from a national medical school group.

Shrinking distance through telehealth

One silver lining in the situation: the fact that a lot of mental health care and addiction treatment can be provided over a video link or even a phone connection.

In fact, pandemic-era rules from insurers and the federal government have made telehealth mental health appointments easier to take part in for many more people. Not having to drive long distances, or take as much time off from school, work or family obligations removes barriers.

But will that virtual care option continue after 2023 or 2024 when current special rules expire?

That’s on the mind of Chad Ellimoottil, M.D., M.Sc. He’s the medical director of virtual care for Michigan Medicine, and lead author of a report on telehealth in Michigan commissioned by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund and the Flinn Foundation:

“Our recent report on telehealth use in Michigan showed that half of all Michigan counties have less than 10 mental health specialists, and 1 in 5 Michigan counties have one or no such providers,” he said.

“In the 38 counties with the most dire shortages, 57% of all visits with such providers take place via telehealth for patients with traditional Medicare, and 47% of all mental health visits were with providers in other counties. These data show that telehealth meant greater access to mental health care for people living in areas that lack providers of such care.”

Supporting primary care

Another key factor in addressing mental health needs is improving the care that people can get from their regular primary care health providers – doctors and nurses in family medicine, general pediatrics, general internal medicine and women’s health clinics.

“The vast majority of mental health care in the U.S. is provided by general practitioners, who often lack training in psychosocial interventions that are an important part of living well with mental health conditions,” explained Briana Mezuk, Ph.D., director of the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health at the U-M School of Public Health.

“While we have evidence-based strategies that use a patient-centered approach to address both mental and physical health in the primary care setting through a coordinated team of nurses, physicians and other professionals, these strategies need to be made more widely available.”

Outreach programs from psychiatry departments like Michigan Medicine’s offer these primary care providers a “lifeline” for specialized support in caring for patients with specialized needs, as well as training.

Joanna Quigley, M.D. helps run Michigan’s program, called MC3. She’s the associate medical director for child and adolescent outpatient psychiatry and addiction treatment at Michigan Medicine.

“Moving toward true parity for mental and behavioral health care continues to be elusive for many, and we need and welcome interventions that remove barriers during a time of unprecedented demand for mental health care,” she said.

Another U-M-led study showed success in supporting rural primary care providers in caring for complex issues in adults.

More research needed

While the race to increase clinical access and remove barriers accelerates, researchers at universities and think tanks continue to study the issue and quantify how big the problem is and what impact policy changes are having.

Kyle Grazier, DrPH, is one of them.

As the Richard Carl Jelinek Professor of Health Services Management and Policy and a professor of psychiatry, she conducts research on payment models and their incentives to create and sustain access to high quality mental health services that are delivered through integrating primary care with community systems.

Grazier sees progress and reason for optimism in this latest federal proposal, and others in recent years.

But she also knows the improvements meant to repair the current system of mental health care and insurance will take time.

“For the consumer, the out-of-pocket cost for therapy or medication management can be prohibitive, and much more expensive than equivalently complex or time-consuming medical procedures, even if a provider is in an insurer’s network. The stark imbalance between needing care and receiving care has led to a call to respond to the behavioral health crisis.”

But even as research continues, experts like Nasuh Malas, M.D., the director of child and adolescent psychiatry at Michigan Medicine, welcomes the new federal proposal as a key step toward a larger goal.

He said, “I believe this is a good step to seeing mental health and substance use care and treatment as an important component of overall health, and as critical as physical health to the well-being of our patients.”