Naloxone Kits Save 500 Lives

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


August 4, 2021 – Utah Naloxone announced Monday, law enforcement agencies reported saving 500 lives from overdoses since 2016. The group has partnered with agencies to equip them with naloxone kits which reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.

The Lehi City Police Department helped the non-profit organization reach the milestone saving seven lives since December 2020.

During the pandemic, there was an increase in opioid related deaths nationwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Utah saw a 8.2% jump in drug overdose related deaths from November 2019-2020.

Lt. Kenny Rose, with the Lehi Police Department, said he realized there was a big need for them to partner with Utah Naloxone.

Rose said officers would normally have to wait until medical personnel got there to help someone experiencing an overdose.



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