A Bill to Decriminalize All Drugs

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


August 20, 2020 – “The world we are proposing will significantly reduce the harm experienced by the most marginalized in our society and actually improve public and community health,” said Queen Adesuyi, a policy manager at DPA’s Office of National Affairs. “It will also reveal the truth—that the problem has never been drugs. After one of the largest political uprisings in history this year, maintaining the status quo is not as politically feasible as it might have been in the past.” Titled the Drug Policy Reform Act, the model bill’s many provisions including abolishing criminal penalties for drug possession, decarceration, expungement of drug criminal records, anti-discrimination measures, and reinvesting money into communities and drug-user health. It would give the power to categorize and regulate controlled substances, currently held by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) instead.

“Across the country and within the halls of Congress, it is becoming more and more common to hear elected officials speaking directly to the fact that drug use should not be treated as a criminal issue…


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Jessica Simpson marks nearly 3 years sober

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

It takes all kinds –

August 21, 2020 – Jessica Simpson is about to celebrate a major milestone: She’s been sober for nearly three years. The singer and author called in to “The Jess Cagle Show” on SiriusXM on Thursday and opened up about her struggle with alcoholism, her memoir called “Open Book” and her road to sobriety.

“It’s almost been three years which is crazy. I mean, it’s awesome,” she told Jess Cagle and Julia Cunningham.

During the interview, the 40-year-old recalled her motivation for confronting her alcohol addiction and making a huge shift in her lifestyle.

“I was at that point in my life where my kids were growing older and they were watching every move that I made. I just really wanted clarity,” she said. “I wanted to understand myself because I didn’t even realize how much I was drinking and how much I was suppressing. I thought it was making me brave, I thought it was making me confident, and it was actually the complete opposite, it was silencing me.”

Simpson, whose husband also stopped drinking in solidarity, emphasized the critical role that therapy played in her road to sobriety and revealed that the process helped her reconnect with herself. The mother of three also gave an update on how she’s handling the stress of the coronavirus pandemic and keeping up with her sobriety.


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Q&A with Recovery 2.0’s Tommy Rosen

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Stick with the Winners! –

August 9, 2020 – Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last 3 decades immersed in recovery and wellness. He holds advanced certifications in both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga and has 28 years of continuous recovery from addiction.

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? When did you stop using?
A. Cocaine mostly and Heroin was there so I could thankfully sleep.

Q. Have you ever been arrested and if so, for what?
I was arrested when Ii was 14 years old for writing graffiti on a subway train in NYC. Later in 1994, I was arrested for conspiracy to commit a terrorist act on an airplane. It’s a long story, but basically I made a very poorly timed joke on an airplane. I was 3 years sober at the time.

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I believe addiction is a part of the human condition. Everyone faces it in one form or another. However, some of us face it in ways that require a massive spiritual and psychological overhaul to survive it. I write a lot about addiction being a Dis-Ease, or a condition characterized by distance from ease.

Full profile@AREB

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Demi Moore Had 24/7 Help to Keep Her Sober on the Set of St. Elmo’s Fire

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Winner! –

August 13, 2020 – Lowe describes their behavior in the St. Elmo‘s days as “f*#king wild.” And Moore admits that director Joel Schumacher hired a 24/7 paid companion to keep her sober on set, who stayed with her all day, every day — for the entire shoot.

Moore has spoken out about the pivotal role Schumacher played in her sobriety before, and describes again to Lowe what it meant to her to have this director really devote himself to her health, safety, and sobriety, at a time when the 22-year-old Moore felt utterly disposable to both the movie industry and herself.


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How Downtown Eastsided battled heroin addiction and won

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – A Happy Story –  

August 9, 2020 – After back-to-back months of record illicit drug overdose deaths in B.C., a man who successfully fought addiction on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is now hoping to show others that recovery is within reach. Kristen Robinson reports.


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Teen vapers up to 7 times more likely to get COVID-19

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – Must be awesome –

August 11, 2020 – So when an unfamiliar virus began sending scores of patients to the hospital with failing lungs, doctors wondered whether there would be consequences for the newly addicted generation.

On Tuesday, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine published a study which may confirm the fears of parents and doctors across the nation. Vaping is not just a small risk for coronavirus. Among teens and young adults who were tested, those who had used e-cigs were five to seven times more likely to be infected than non-users.

“We were surprised,” said Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, professor of pediatrics at Stanford University and the study’s senior author. “We expected to maybe see some relationship … but certainly not at the odds ratios and the significance that we’re seeing it here.”


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Recovering writer’s pandemic cautionary tale

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

WATCH – She’s been there, done that –

Aug. 14, 2020 – The Seattle journalist said she missed almost a decade of life when her problem with alcohol grew out of control in 2007. At the height of her addiction, Barnett drank more than two bottles of wine or a bottle of vodka a day. She was fired from a job, lost a relationship, lost friends and had a hard time supporting herself because she was spending so much money on alcohol, she writes in her new book, “Quitter: A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery.”

Now Barnett, who has been sober for five-and-a-half years, is watching with concern as many people turn to alcohol as a way to cope with the stress and anxiety of life during the pandemic.

Alcohol sales spiked this spring during the national lockdown. In one survey, 1 in 3 Americans said they were more likely to drink alcohol during working hours while stuck at home. People joked about relying on “quarantinis” to get through the day. “I hate the joke-y marketing, the ‘Everything is great, it’s 4 o’clock somewhere.’ It drives me crazy,” Barnett said.

“With people drinking so much right now, you’re going to see more people seeking treatment and more people falling into addiction.”

She shared what it was like to try to end her dependency and what it took to finally recover:


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Cady Groves’ cause of death revealed

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Alcohol: The deadliest drug of all –  

August 7, 2020 – Cady Groves was born in Kansas and was living in Nashville when she died. She began her career in 2009 and toured with acts like Good Charlotte, Third Eye Blind and LMFAO before transitioning to country music in recent years, according to Vel Records. 

The singer was the third of the family’s siblings to die at a young age. Kelly Groves died at 28 in 2013 after struggles with prescription drug addiction following a serious car accident, about seven years after older brother Casey Groves also died at 28 from prescription drug abuse, Cody Groves told The Oklahoman in 2014.

In his initial tweet announcing his sister’s death, Cody Groves wrote, “Rest In Peace little sis. Hope you’re reunited with @kellydgroves and Casey.”


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Jason Day was beaten by his boozing dad and got his first club from the dump

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

Not an exclusive club –

August 8, 2020 – Day said: “I grew up in a poor family, we went through some tough times, but so does the majority of the world. “My eldest sister basically raised us because mum and dad were gone at 4.30am and back at 7 at night.”

Heartbreak was to strike when Alvyn died of stomach cancer when Jason was 12. Jason started drinking and fighting.

It looked like he would go off the rails until Dening sent him to boarding school, triggering a chain of events that would lead to him becoming world No 1.

Jason met Colin Swatton at Kooralbyn International School – who until just last month was his full-time coach and mentor. The pair turned Day into a world-beater on the course with 17 professional wins, but more personal tragedy was to strike in 2017.

Day married Ellie in 2009 and soon after welcomed son Dash and daughter Lucy.


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