Conan Takes A Hit On Seth Rogen’s Joint (no, not that joint)

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 24, 2021 – After nearly 30 years and a lot of hilariously bizarre moments, Conan O’Brien said goodbye to late night on Thursday night.

“Conan,” O’Brien’s long-running TBS show, concluded on Thursday night, bringing an end to a late night TV era. And O’Brien’s late night career came to a close with the man who helped start it all, Homer Simpson.


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Opioids rip through U.S. workforce, deaths at record High

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 18, 2021 – Before the COVID-19 pandemic was the drug epidemic. Its relentless toll added a record 90,722 overdose deaths in the U.S. for the year through November 2020, a grim number obscured by coronavirus casualties that recently topped 600,000, according to federal data released Wednesday.

As the virus transfixed the nation, the drug crisis spread to largely untouched parts of the country — exacerbated by the recession and millions of job losses. Not only stores and restaurants shuttered: Counseling services moved online, inpatient clinics closed and mobile clinics pulled back. Without support, many Americans relapsed and some turned to drugs for the first time.

Before the pandemic, U.S. unemployment hit a half-century low of 3.5%; today, the country is still missing almost 8 million people on payrolls. President Joe Biden’s administration is seeking full employment, but that goal will be daunting as businesses confront a workforce more addicted than ever.

Ronald Armstrong, a 57-year-old recovered heroin user and peer counselor, is noticing new faces when dropping off clean needles around Washington. Along Good Hope Road and in downtown encampments are people who are younger, and many who’ve never bought drugs before.  Opioids are behind about three-fourths of the overdoses, according to Wednesday’s data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Washington was among the deadliest regions, seeing a 50% surge in deaths. Some of the impact is visible, such as the growing clusters of tents downtown where many overdoses occur, a sight so common that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell mentioned them several times this year.


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“Love Without Martinis” by Chantal Jauvin

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Review by Michaela Baxter

June 18, 2021 – In her new novel, “Love Without Martinis’’, author Chantal Jauvin shares the joys, obstacles and triumphs of couples finding their way back to each other while confronting and overcoming their struggles with addiction. Through anecdote and introspection, “Love Without Martinis” provides that valuable guidance with a collection of six stories of real couples who worked their way to a better place.  Author Chantal Jauvin writes, “Stories are a powerful medium for self-understanding. They help us find ourselves or remember who we are.” Jauvin and her husband struggled in their marriage largely due to her husband’s addiction to alcohol. Jauvin sought out a solution and eventually developed a framework for counseling and repairing couples in recovery called the ASCENT Approach. This approach entails abiding by healthy practices outlined in the book; despite the many differences in each couples’ stories–their gender, sexuality, and socio-economic background–it is these powerful commonalities on which ASCENT was founded, and Love Without Martinis was written to convey. 

“This new relationship is truly one of the “Promises of Recovery” and it does materialize if you invest yourself in reclaiming and rebuilding the healthy relationship” writes Doug Tieman, President and CEO of Caron Treatment Center, in the foreword. The stories in Love Without Martinis aim to map the progress of those couples who do invest themselves.

Jauvin writes, “Here are the practices of The ASCENT Approach for couples in recovery: Assess your readiness to change. Structure your time. Create your community. Engage in your life. Nurture your spirituality. Treasure your partnership.” The couples’ stories are materializations of how each of these guide-points play out.

“The battle of an addicted person’s partner to either strong-arm a person they love into sobriety, or ignore them until they become sober, often draws a wedge between the partners and the world within us and around us,” Jauvin notes. It is this disconnect and dysfunctional coping mechanisms–as well as old wounds and grievances–that these couples are confronting. =

As a couple’s narrative is propelled forward in the narrative, the changes to their thoughts and behaviors are emphasized to highlight the individual steps each participant must take to mend the relationship.

Endless praise for “Love Without Martinis” includes this commendation from William Heran, CEO and Co-Founder of Providence Treatment Center, “This book should be required reading in every treatment center!” In the tradition of storytelling, the reader follows the couples as they rebuild healthy and loving relationships.

 Recovering addict Lea Brovedani writes, “Love Without Martinis shows us what it’s like going through addiction and what it takes to succeed. The ASCENT approach which you’ll learn at the beginning of the book is not only good for couples in recovery but for anyone going through a particularly rough time. I’ll be sharing this with friends who are going through recovery to give them hope and a path forward.”

The author writes in the foreword: “My favorite definition of recovery remains one written by Earnie Larsen, a pioneer in the field of recovery from addictive behaviors: “The core of recovery is becoming a person increasingly capable of functioning in a healthy relationship.” Now, Jauvin has aided so many couples struggling with addiction in achieving this depiction of recovery. 

original article by Michaela Baxter


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How Practicing Mindfulness Can Strengthen Recovery

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 7, 2021 – In the simplest of terms, mindfulness refers to the concept of focusing solely on the present. To be helpful, this must be accomplished with great mental discipline. Rationally, we can tell ourselves that it’s helpful to concentrate only on the here and now, but it is extremely hard not to let our thoughts wander toward the mistakes of our past or anxieties for the future. Mindfulness was originally shared as a way of achieving complete spiritual enlightenment as a part of Buddhism. By letting go of everything beyond the present moment, the Buddha was able to ascend to a different state of mind. However, despite its long and ancient history, modern scientists have recognized the value of this practice for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of addiction. Various academic texts, including this article published in the Addiction Science & Clinical Practice journal and made available by the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, have confirmed its validity and potential, and as a result, mindfulness is commonly included as a component in multiple different forms of therapy. There is no denying that this practice can be a powerful aid in the process of rehabilitation.


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Illicit drug sales moved online during lockdowns

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 9, 2021 – European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said “the highly pure and potent substances” found in the surveyed countries were a cause of special concern.

Illegal drug usage in general, she warned, carries environmental, health and security risks for the EU. 

The issue “corrupts the fabric of our society, fueling violence and risking the health and security of our citizens,” Johansson said in a statement. 

The EMCDDA described the European drug market as “dynamic and adaptive,” as well as “resilient to COVID-19 restrictions,” with patterns of drug use “increasingly complex.”

The report raises specific concerns around the misuse of benzodiazepines, which are prescribed for treating anxiety but have been linked to poisonings and deaths from unauthorized use.

Amphetamine and methamphetamine production is on the rise, the report said. Cannabis availability did not decline during the pandemic, according to 2020 preliminary data, it said. 

Although cannabis use remained stable at high levels, authorities across Europe seized a record 235 tons of cocaine in 2019, up from 195 tons the year before.


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Governor donates salary for addictions treatment

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 16, 2021 – “We face a drug epidemic in our state, and while there’s no silver bullet to end it, we can combat it by promoting treatment and recovery for Montanans struggling with addiction,” Gianforte said in a statement. “One Health Bighorn’s substance use disorder treatment services transform lives and rebuild families and communities. Given their successful efforts, I’m proud to support their critical mission.”

The governor has made combating substance abuse one of his early priorities while in office while pushing for the Healing and Ending Addiction through Recover and Treatment, or HEART, fund. The program uses a portion of revenues from recreational marijuana, tobacco settlement and Medicaid match to fund $25 million in community substance abuse program.

One Health CEO Dr. David Mark said the contribution will support the center’s peer support program as well as medication assisted treatment related to opioid and methamphetamine use.


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El Paso physician indicted for 5 overdose deaths

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 16, 2021 – The board panel found that on May 26, August was indicted on 15 counts related to the distribution of controlled substances causing death or serious bodily injury, and healthcare fraud resulting in death. A temporary suspension hearing with notice will be held as soon as practicable with 10 days’ notice to August unless the hearing is specifically waived by Dr. August.

The temporary suspension remains in place until the Board takes further action.


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Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Spiked More than 200% During Pandemic

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 16, 2021 – Fentanyl is a synthetic chemical compound that’s much cheaper and easier to make than heroine – but 20 times as potent. Imagine one-fifth of the amount of powder in a packet of artificial sweetener – that’s how little fentanyl it takes to kill someone.

NBC 7 Investigates analyzed county data and uncovered fentanyl deaths rocketed by more than 200% in 2020. We are now on pace to surpass 1,000 deaths this year – to put that in perspective, 151 San Diegans died from fentanyl in 2019.

“Those numbers are just not sustainable,” Wasser said. “Something has to hit home enough to where people have to notice.”

For Manning, the threat of a prison sentence motivated him to get clean.

“I had no idea how sick I was,” Manning said. “It had nothing to do with the substances. It was the way that I was interacting with the world. My mental health, anxieties and depressions, shame and guilt.”

Sober for nearly three years now, Manning wants those struggling with addiction to know it’s never too late.

“I found meaning in everything,” says Manning. “I found purpose in life. I found direction. And, and I’m not giving it up. It’s not going to happen.”

You can’t underestimate San Diego’s role in the problem on a national level. The state of California only accounts for 10% of the border with Mexico but claims the majority of fentanyl seizures at the border.

Border seizures increased by 142% from 2019 to 2020. Just like the number of fentanyl deaths, seizures during the first five months of this year have already surpassed all of 2019.

If you are struggling with addiction or know someone who is, the hotline below is from SAMHSA – a taxpayer-funded, national, 24/7 treatment locator and helpline organization.


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Gus Glasser’s Strength in Daily Sobriety Battle

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 18, 2021 – College freshman year at the University of Georgia, the physical appearance of the classical piano major deteriorated (weight gain, ungroomed, Garfield eyes), but Gus made straight As. By sophomore year, Gus couldn’t manage his drug use and stated, “I totally bailed on college. I would skip class, miss projects, sleep until 1 p.m., smoke, take ADHD meds to balance, make music, eat, smoke, watch TV, hang with friends, smoke, watch YouTube, hang in my dealer’s dorm room, and pass out. I was a mess and wasting my creativity, intellect and ambition.”

When Gus chose to remain at school over winter break, Dad Gary reached out to his own co-workers at the UGA’s University Health Center for an addiction specialist.

Gus was suffering and agreed to weekly sessions. He slowly surrendered to the idea of residential treatment in South Africa.

Gary said, “We expressed our gratitude for his bravery and found a program in South Africa that was his best chance at surviving this chronic disease.”


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Hazelden/Betty Ford Graduate School Announces Scholarship

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


June 18, 2021 – At the same time, there are gaping racial disparities in access to the addiction care community that itself suffers from a dearth of diversity nationwide.

“Substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders do not discriminate across race, age, creed, gender or nationality, and it is vital to provide care that represents and reflects all of the people who need and may seek help,” said Ahmed Eid, director of Hazelden Betty Ford’s treatment center in Naples, Fla.; co-chair of its national Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee; and alumnus of the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School. “Preparing more students of color to be counselors will help treatment providers offer more culturally competent care to more people, and enable more patients to receive treatment and care from counselors who look like them—a factor that influences outcomes.”

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Trustee Bill Parker and his wife Anne established the Hope Scholarship Fund and invite others to help build and grow the fund.

“We are deeply grateful to the Parkers for establishing the Hope Scholarship that will encourage more people to consider the addiction counseling field,” said Valerie Slaymaker, PhD, chief academic officer and provost of the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School of Addiction Studies. “It takes a special person to answer the call to counsel, and it is a big commitment to enter any graduate program. This scholarship removes some of the financial barriers so these future addiction and mental health counselors can focus on their studies and goals.”


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