Can Plant-Based Diet Help Us Overcome Addiction?

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Jan. 22, 2023 – Sud was introduced to the impact different diets have on mental health in 2010, when he attended a seven-day immersive retreat hosted by Rip Esselstyn, a New York Times best-selling author who extols the transformative power of a whole food, plant-based diet.

Although he didn’t take it seriously then, when he checked into rehab for his opiate and stimulant dependence two years later, Sud built his recovery around the ideas he learned from this event and found that it had a profound impact on the efficacy of his rehabilitation.

“I entered rehab the sickest and most depressed I had ever been in my life. Within a year, I had become the healthiest and most connected version of myself I had ever been,” Sud said about his experience with plant-based diets.

During a health and nutrition conference in 2018, where he was a speaker, Sud met Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, leading authorities on cognitive longevity and the prevention and reversal of dementia, who shared his passion for studying the effect a nutrient-dense diet had on substance-use recovery outcomes. Soon, the three of them, along with researcher Dr. Tara Kemp, put together a team to create and run The INFINITE Study.


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