Calm Your Anxiety With Food

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Dec. 16, 2023 – Many people think, If it’s anxiety, I’ve got to take medication. And while I really believe in therapy, and certainly for a certain number of my patients, medications can be lifesaving, but these are not the only cures. The gut and brain are connected, which I go into in my first book. In my new book, I explain the high-level gut-brain connection again, and I also include this other connection: immunity.

Our immune system is the system that protects our body, and about 70 percent of it is contained in the gut. This means these immune cells are interacting with the food we eat. So, it is important to know that the immune system and the gut are connected. I felt that this interaction had not really been spoken about and, therefore, was a missing piece for many people. 

I want people to understand the basics of the science. They can skip over that in this book and go straight to parts two and three about the foods and interventions. But when you have a basic understanding of how all this works in the body, and you think, This impacts the immune system, this impacts my anxiety, and you then want to make [dietary and lifestyle] changes, that is really key. 


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