Be Wary of Romance When In Early Recovery

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Feb. 11, 2024 – There are both risks and benefits to being in a relationship while in recovery. If you are at a crossroads, and unsure what avenue to explore, there are practical tips and advice to consider. Initially, you’ll want to assess your personal readiness for dating in sobriety. This involves self-reflection … Looking inward helps you determine your emotional stability and self-awareness to begin a healthy relationship.

Moreover, you’ll want to evaluate your motives for dating. This will ensure they align with a genuine connection you are seeking and not simply filling a void.

Before entering the dating world, it’s a good idea to be confident in your sobriety, have a strong support network, and even a relapse prevention plan.


The post Be Wary of Romance When In Early Recovery appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.