An intervention saved his life. 23 years later they meet again.

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


 Feb. 17, 2025 – Jean-Philippe Desjardins-Dufour began drinking at the age of 13. He stole his parents’ alcohol and drank alone in the evening. Then he fell into chemical drugs. The day of his 16e birthday, he was arrested with cocaine. His parents gave him the choice: a detox cure at the Jean Lapointe Center for adolescents  or the in-patient center. He chose the first, convinced that it would be easier. The stay was “Tough, Really Tough”. He became aware of his problem during this Christmas Eve.

“I am dependent all my life,” said the president of a business in the world of entertainment. If I start again, I’m not going to start from scratch. I’m going to start again where I was 23 years ago. »»

This is the principle of “tank in the garage”. “Do you remember?” spontaneously request Jacqueline Charbonneau. I often gave this example. When you roll a car, it is mileage. At one point, you stop drinking, you take the car, you put it in the garage. But when you come out, she is the same mileage as she was when you stopped. A reality difficult to accept for a teenager, she said.

You tell a 15 or 16 year old: “You will be abstinent until the end of your days.” They look at you saying: “What planet are you there? If I live up to 90 years, it’s long in Tabarouette for me. You ask me in tabarnouche. ”


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