Alcoholism at Work Costs More Than You Think

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 6, 2023 – The issue of alcoholism and alcohol at work pops up in all models of work, including hybrid and remote. 

“In the early days of the pandemic and the transition to work from home drinking during the workday may have been an increased challenge, and it does seem to be a concern for some employers,” says Stonehouse. “Since the [remote] or hybrid employees are remote, it’s harder to tell than those [who] are in office full time. The emphasis and benchmark has to be productivity metrics to gauge effectiveness and to help detect decreased engagement.”

Addressing these issues in the workplace can seem daunting. Falsely accusing an employee can lead to major trouble, so it’s important to balance the delicacy of the situation with prioritizing the health and safety of all employees. 

According to Stonehouse, common warning signs of alcohol abuse from employees include: 


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