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Addiction Recovery Bulletin
Jan. 6, 2023 – The movie portrays a real picture of someone who has fallen to that low place and, as such, does have scenes of drinking, being drunk and a strip club (with no nudity). “We can’t sugarcoat this. It’s got to be real,” Michael said, agreeing with the direction Ken took the movie. With the recently released redemption movie, “Jesse’s Gift,” there were a lot of firsts. For writer and director Ken Merritt, it is his first full-length film. For Ken’s son, Gabe Merritt, it was the first time to have a supporting role in a movie. But for Ken’s brother, Michael Merritt, it was more than one first.
“Jesse’s Gift” is the story of a musician who lost his family and his career due to alcoholism. It’s a story of forgiveness and how a father’s love can break through barriers even as strong as a lifelong addiction.
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