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Addiction Recovery Bulletin
Dec. 13, 2023 – The holiday season can add extra stress to our lives, and for those struggling with addiction this time of year can easily lead to a relapse.
Numerous addiction triggers can spark temptation, from the celebrations to the stress around this time of year. News5 spoke with Nate Denning who celebrates three years of sobriety … He’s an Admissions Representative at AspenRidge Recovery in Colorado Springs. It’s his way of giving back to the place that helped him find sobriety in September of 2020.
Nate says around the holidays the struggle to stay sober can become very isolating. “I knew pretty quickly that I reacted to substances differently than many of my peers, but didn’t really have the tools or necessarily the discipline or motivation to get off of them. I sort of allowed it to become consuming or sort of take over my life really.”
Having open, honest conversations with loved ones can lighten the stress and anxiety that surround sobriety.
The post Recognize Your Memory Buttons appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.