These 2 Words Stop Addiction

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Dec. 1, 2023 – And the words are: mindful acceptance/commitment. Okay, maybe that’s three words, or two with a slash. Either way, mindful acceptance/commitment is a proven and potent tool for changing habits. Even if you have a history of finding it difficult to incorporate new changes into your lifestyle—whether related to diet, exercise or increasing your social network—you’ll be glad to discover this path to making behavioral change stick!!! Old Mechanical-Replacement Model of Change

Did you ever leave the doctor’s office with a prescription for a pill that was supposed to fix your problem. If so, then you experienced the mechanical-replacement model of change. It’s based on the idea that the body can be treated like a mechanical object, such as car or computer, in which any defective part can be quickly diagnosed and repaired. The expectation around this approach is that change is rapid and often highly successful.


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