5 Tips for a Dry Valentine’s Date

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin


Feb. 10, 2023 – Deciding to drink less alcohol often comes with unexpected challenges. Major holidays are one of them. You might have found that celebrations you once enjoyed have become white-knuckle rides you must endure. Valentine’s Day is no exception. With glamorous commercials telling us that having a fancy dinner and fine wine is the only way to create a memorable night, it’s no wonder you’re apprehensive about surviving your first dry Valentine’s Day.

However, a dry Valentine’s date is possible; it just takes some planning. But to be fair, what kind of memorable romantic date doesn’t require that?Without further ado, I’d like to share five time-tested tips so you can have the amazing Valentine’s date you deserve.

1. Communicate ahead of time.

Part of your planning must include communicating your wish to celebrate Valentine’s Day dry with your partner. Here are a few ways you can express your needs without having to discuss your relationship with alcohol:… 


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