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Addiction Recovery Bulletin
Nov. 30, 2022 – It’s important to take care of your fundamental needs daily — especially during times of high stress. For me, this means taking my medication, exercising, going to therapy, and prioritizing alone time.
In the recovery community, there’s an acronym, HALT, which stands for “Hungry Angry Lonely Tired.” It’s often said that the best way to maintain your sobriety is to avoid those four feelings that often lead to irritability. And since you can’t always avoid those feelings, you need to establish healthy coping skills for when you’re feeling them, instead of relying on alcohol.
Eat foods that leave you feeling nourished, or at least keep a snack in your bag, so you don’t feel hangry. Establish a space where you can go to do something like breathing exercises if you feel upset while you’re at a holiday party; a change of scenery can be a nice reset. Text a friend if you feel lonely instead of texting your hometown hookup — if you plan ahead, you can even pack a vibrator. And, of course, get plenty of sleep; rest is important.
The post In 7 Years of Being Sober, I’ve Learned a ‘Sobriety Tool Kit’ Helps appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.