Q&A with Peter Werth, CEO of Recovery T’s n’ Things

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Addiction Recovery Bulletin


April 29, 2021 – Peter Werth was born in South La  and raised in a poor area of El Monte. My dad was a WW2 POW and when he came to America he carried back a lot of turmoil with him.  Soon after arriving in the states he joined the US army and became a sharp shooter in Korea where he proudly served his 4 year term. Honorably discharged with colors, the LAPD  recruited him to be a highly ranked DEA cop. Mix that with alcohol and a wife who was also a closet alcoholic and I was raised in a very “colorful” and violent home.

My drinking career started when I was a very young which began my slide into being a full-blown alcoholic with all its incumbent struggles and consequences.  I had run-ins with the local police, truancies and everything else that comes with being a teenage alcoholic. 

I was exposed to AA at age 14 when a judge sent me to six meetings for buying beer at a 7/11 with a fake ID. Little did I know that was the first of many more face to face scoldings and nudges from the judge !!!

Q. If you are in recovery, what was your Drug of Choice? and when did you stop using?
A. Alcohol/Cocaine 4/28/17

Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice or a wicked twist of fate?
A. Illness 

Q. Do you log on to ZOOM 12-step meetings? How often? Do you share?
A. Several times a week. Yes, I share 


The post Q&A with Peter Werth, CEO of Recovery T’s n’ Things appeared first on Addiction/Recovery eBulletin.