Rob Lowe Gets Candid About His 30-Years Of Sobriety

This post was originally published on this site

Addiction Recovery Bulletin

‘CLASS’ OF 1991 – 

Feb. 9, 2021 – “It was no different than craft services,” he explains. “Where are the Red Vines, and where is the great Peruvian blow…? Cocaine was the thing that successful people did. There was always that wonderful moment when, as an active drug abuser, you’d go on the set and figure out which department was selling the coke.”

He also opened up about kicking his habit, adding, “Nothing can make you get sober except you wanting to do it. The threat of losing a marriage, losing a job, incarceration – you name the threat, it will not be enough to do it. It’s got to be in you.”

“And the only way to stay in recovery is to be honest with yourself on a minute-by-minute basis. No secrets, no double life. And you have to get real.”


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